# Prokino. "Jungle Book": Mowgli inflicts a new blow


    # Prokino.
    An experienced viewer went to the movies, fell into childhood and could not work more normally, but he wants to run through the jungle in red shorts. So do not go to the movie on the "Jungle Book", and better read our retelling. And then also in childhood they ship out, who will pull you out from there?

    The first thing that the viewer notes is: Mowgli in red shorts. He runs in them through the jungle, looking at the catch-up of his teenagers. We know the plot well and do not worry for Mowgli, we are worried about the pants.

    First, the Soviet child inside us does not agree so that they are red. Secondly, where, where, where is this smooth, clean, well-widged Indian boy took in the jungle so easily red cowards?! "From the American cartoon," the experienced spectator is responsible for himself and temporarily calms down.

    # Prokino.
    Bagira, which, naturally, a man (yes, such that we would, perhaps, Dali, but he, alas, Panther), is accepted to teach the Mowgli of life and throw along the wolf, since he took to be with wolves. Bagira has obvious racial dislike for people, so he does not really want to notice the obvious: Mowgli - a man and to behave normally for him.

    Yes, we came across and so in the Internet. "Why did Katzman named the Jew, he is a good man, and no Jew."

    We are immediately introduced to the Council of Farn. On the cliff of the Council, there is an old wise alala, wolves run around, everything is as expected. Wolves choir pronounce the jungle law. The Soviet child is shouting inside and pumped, because instead of "we are with you one blood, you and I" hear the speaker with the glorification of collectivism.

    Immediately the drought comes, the fermenter rock appears from the river, and everyone is home to the aquail. Poor is defective, according to wolf standards, Mowgli is discussing everything with a whisper. And condemn - for human tricks. Yes, they are there in the jungle all racists, suddenly aware of the Soviet child inside the experienced viewer. The viewer gives up.

    # Prokino.
    Suddenly everyone is worried. Aquel worried too, demands Mowgli to hide behind him, and Sherhana is shown to us. Sherhan is such a typical Bollywood villain-raja, which is just mimi. Of course, he wants Mowgli to choke and threatens for this to kill half of the flocks. Well, as threatening - gently hints in the style of Chicago mafios.

    The Soviet child inside is inseminantly trying to find on the screen Shakala Tobaki, who seemed to be a villain in all Bollywood laws, but Shkal Tobaki Disney casting did not pass, and the Soviet child is temporary and lonely.

    The drought ends, the pack is worried, and finally, all - especially the Baghir - make a decision to take away the human cute to people, so that Sherch does not kill him, not half of the flock. Baghir him, actually, and leads.

    We are given a little more old Disney cartoon, purely for nostalgia: Mowgli thinks to whom to go to him to be left to stay in the jungle. But here, of course, again suddenly. Yes, Sherhan.

    "I delete them, nothing ... that is: run, Mowgli, run!" Says Bagira, and Mowgli runs a mixture with buffaloes. "Hmm," says the Soviet child inside, looking at the angry Sherhan. "Doesn't he have a tiger with these buffaloes to flood?" But on the screen only Mowgli, while he does not come off from the evil Raji.

    # Prokino.
    Then Sherhan goes to the rock of the Council, kills aquel and is accepted to seduce the wolf of young people. That is, he seduces her not in the sense, of course, but he has the most intonation, he has a pedofofil. And so, he explains, it will be, while Mowgli does not appear and not let him kill himself. For.

    Mowgli, meanwhile, falls into completely different jungle and begins to wander on them in full confidence that he will now find a baggie. Although the Bagiir clearly made it clear what he thinks to see Mowgli only from afar and in the human village. In other jungle to Mowgli begins to pester Kaa. He is a woman. And very bad, besides.

    The Soviet child is crying inside. An experienced viewer explains him that every normal Indian boy in life has only one good woman - Mom. And the rest, of course, everything is insidious. The amazed Soviet child asks whether it is right about the Indian boy.

    # Prokino.
    Kaa as a suicide gift helps Mowgli recall the death of his father (a crashing gift, right two), and we at the same time we understand that the briefs on Mowgli from three years old. Just before they were sharovar. Very resistant make children's balls in India, what else can you say.

    The Soviet child inside remembers that he had the same for physical education, only blue. Into the seventh grade, I did not have demolished. Experienced viewer from such memories in shock. He was already used to being bourgeois and somewhat even a hipster, and here it is.

    But here there is a sharp change of exposure, and Mowgli begins to be friends with the ball. Like any friendship, this is mutually beneficial. For example, Mowgli extracts for the ball honey, and the ball also takes from Mowgli Honey. And everyone has fun.

    Although no, at some point the ball is ready to protect Mowgli, when once again suddenly everyone is worried. But instead of Sherhan, a bugger appears and begins to shame both. Both feel better than B Sheran.

    Ball is recognized by Mowgli, that their relationship has been exhausted. Mowgli, as he believes every American boy, from resentment climbs into his house on a tree. An experienced viewer along with the Soviet child inside is dissatisfied, because this is an American film, and the boy is Indian. Disney immediately shows that it is necessary for the plot: Mowgli kidnap Banderlogs.

    # Prokino.
    The abduction scene is beautiful. The Soviet child inside is terribly pleased. Ball and Baghir run, Mowgli flies, in the jungle mountain, on the mountain temple, in the temple of Banderloga and bring Mowgli. All finally enters the channel of the canon. "Now," recalls the Soviet child inside, "will call Kaa, and Banderlogs will be offered Mowgli to become their king!"

    However, the cunning kaa remains in the jungle, and the king of the banderlogs is already there. His name is Louis, and an experienced spectator waves to him as an old friend. That's right, this monkey came to the cinema from the old Disney cartoon. Only changed a little since then. Mostly in size.

    The Soviet child inside reports an experienced viewer that if he burst so much pop root, the same thing happens to him. Experienced viewer Rzhet.

    A good Indian boy, as he believes every sweet child, destroys the old and obviously artistically and historically valuable temple, learns about the death of Aqua and understands that he came to be a man. No, not in the sense, as at the very end of the Soviet cartoon, but to go, take a red flower from people and take revenge for the death of the receiving, and at the same time and the native father. What Mowgli does, poured, as it should be a cute child, even if he has already become a man, half the jungle.

    # Prokino.
    "Come on," bounces the Soviet child inside, "That's how I talk to Palo cats, here you come!" But Mowgli gives me a pedoophilic intonation of Sherkhan, declares himself a racial wolf and throws a torch into the river.

    Sheran triumph. Bagheir fucking. And, apparently, a wolf anthem of collectivism produces from great surprise. He is like a racial panther, such, strictly speaking, is inability. Wolf team throws on Sherkhan, Bagheir again shouts: "Run, Mowgli, Run!", Mowgli runs and resorts to a fire.

    The Soviet child because of the experienced spectator and covered in his mouth pop-root becomes like a hamster. The plot clearly leaves the usual, but the child inside it finally likes it.

    Mowgli jumps, Sherchan runs, Fire and Hell, Sherhan Nastigies Mowgli and places a typical Bollywood scene: "Yeah, you are a coward and honor fathers you are not the road!" - "No, I'm not a coward, go here, about Raj!" "Idiot," thinks an experienced spectator, but Mowgli did not even decide to die beautifully. He kills Sherhana beautifully.

    Mowgli is alive, wolves, for the most part, too, jungle are burning, everyone is happy.

    Elephants come and pour the jungle by the river.


    P.S. Be sure to see the titles. Fully. To the very end. An experienced viewer and the Soviet child inside are recommended by a duet.

    Cinema watched: Lilit Mazikina

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