"I'm not pregnant!" - Jennifer Aniston on how society got to follow the female body


    Recently, Jennifer Aniston is under the closer attention of journalists because of its alleged pregnancy. The actress and producer are tired of the speculation and gossip and wrote a column for Huffington Post, which we publish translated.

    I will start with the fact that I hate gossip and never dissolve them. I do not like to spend energy on the system built on a lie, I want to speak more globally, supporting the topic that has already been said about and will still be said. Since I do not have accounts on social networks, I decided to write this column.

    Record yourself: I'm not pregnant. I felt this throat. Sying on the throat speculation on this topic and body-sheming, which we see daily called "journalism", "first strip", "Star News".

    Every day I and my husband pursue dozens of aggressive photographers - they are on duty near our home and are ready for everything to take some pictures, even if it threatens us or random pedestrians, which turned out to be nearby. However, we are not talking about public security - I want to pay attention to a more significant aspect of the work of the tabloids.

    If I am a symbol for many people, it is quite obvious that my personality is only a prism, through which our society sees mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, girlfriends and colleagues.

    Local protection and close attention to which women are exposed are absurd and very interfere with living.

    The way I am depicted in the media is just the reflection of the perception of women as a whole, based on vicious references of beauty. Sometimes the culture of attitudes towards women need to take a look from the side to see her undead essence - collective adoption and subconscious consent. And we are responsible for this. Girls from childhood absorb false ideals: Girls are ugly, if they are not sleeken, they do not cost our attention, if they do not look like supermodels on the covers of a gloss, which we all with joy we buy. Girls become women and live in the power of these stereotypes.

    We use "Star News" to secure the dehumanizing perception of women, based only on the appearance, which the tabloids are transformed into an infinite speculation. Is she pregnant? Does she eat too much? Did she get all the grave? Maybe her marriage is threatened, because in the photo you can see "imperfections"?

    I used to convince myself that tabloids are such comics that should not be taken seriously, just a soap opera for those who want to relax and distract. But no more I can afford to think so, because I personally encountered a reality reflecting how we devalue women with decades.

    For example, last month showed me how the value of a woman in our eyes depends on its status of his wife and mother. A huge number of publications is devoted to that, I am pregnant or not (in a hundredth time, of course, but who will consider), which clearly demonstrates how we devalue the woman, we consider it an infallible, unhappy and unsuccessful if she is not married and she has no Children. During this period, mass executions happened, forest fires were completed, high-profile processes were completed in the Supreme Court, preparation began for future elections - that is, there were a lot of topics that "journalists" could devote their time and strength.

    And that's what I want to say: we are full with a partner and without a child without it. We ourselves are able to decide what is beautiful when it comes to our body. This is our solution and only our.

    I'm tired of being part of all this madness. Of course, one day I can become my mother and, since I started this conversation, then believe me, first of all you will learn about it from me. But I do not chase my motherhood, I do not feel inferior as you might think by reading the news a couple in Glianz. I am outraged that I impose a different feeling of yourself.

    My body is changing, and / or I ate burger for lunch or I was photographed under a strange angle and rushed. There are only two options: pregnant or fat. I am not talking about a painful feeling of awkwardness, which I feel when dozens of congratulations come with a fictional pregnancy from friends, friends, relatives and colleagues (and so 10 times on the day).

    Many years of communication with the tabloid tells me that in the near future it is unlikely to change something. The situation can reverse our conscious attitude towards harmful materials in the press, which, under the guise of innocuous stories, impose false ideas about who we are. We ourselves must decide whether to buy or not what we offer, and, quite possible, soon the magazines will be forced to become more humane, simply because people will stop paying for any nonsense.

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