Seven ways to men are bred. everyday


It is believed that deliberate helplessness, dying awkwardness, inexplicable insults and (about horror) sudden tears - exclusions exclusively from the Arsenal ladies.

So the weak floor runs strong, forcing it to make exploits and illogical actions, like washing the windows and buying a red pendet. It is also believed that men themselves are not capable of cunning, but are honest and straightforward as the Volga-Don canal. Meanwhile (besides Lieutenant Rzhevsky), there is at least seven amplua, allowing men from women of rope.

Nya cat

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"Oh. And where to make the iron become hot "? "He misses you so dying that he wants to overcome all socks and buy five more dozens for the future. No no. He does not ask anything directly. On the contrary, it is ready to get up to the ironing board himself, give birth to four-day twins and stop the horse on the race, but for some reason it is so sorry ... So it's a pity that you smooth, give birth and stop myself. After all, he is such a cutie, and more precisely your maternal instinct, to which the "Nyash cat" appeals is stronger.

Charming Shalopai.

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It has a fun view, a breathtaking smile and hands ... growing from alternative sources. He with enthusiasm welds you soup Harcho, will prepare pilaf "according to water" and repaid the toilet. But then you will have to give a house and reason to normal from a month. Therefore, at some point (and it comes pretty quickly) you are ready for anything, if only he just lay on the couch with a beer or played his tanks. What he is happily and uses, periodically demonstrating readiness for action. Thank you! Enough last time!


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He is always right. The arguments are indisputable, and the argument is such a tough that any of your words are broken about it in dust. "In turn on the logic and think myself - why spend time and strength for any nonsense? "He asks such a tone that you immediately understand - really no need. It doesn't matter if you ask him to build a house or screw the light bulb - in any case, you will receive a half-hour lecture on why the request is absolutely meaningless, and how you drunk, without realizing it myself.

And you believe! At least the first few years. And then you just save your precious time and resource, solving all the questions yourself.

Savior Galaxy

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The Savior of the Galaxy is constantly engaged in a very important thing - he thinks about the bestseller, reflects on the global financial crisis or is looking for a philosopher's stone. "How do you not understand? I'm busy. I think, "he is indignant and paints the palm to the high forehead of the thinker.

ABOUT! Such a "great man", of course, not to household nonsense, like repair in the kitchen. Therefore, everything around, including you, diligently provide the Savior to the Savior atmosphere, are worn on their hands and secure for the coming great achievements. It is necessary for him!

Chauvinistic "Alpha"

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"You're a woman. You have for it from the stone century, hands and brains are sharpened. Our business is hunting. Your hearth. Therefore, we dug with your cottages, schools and grandchildren. That's when you need to make a male business - a nail, there, to put together or to a toilet, then I, of course, connect. "

Familiar? Still would! It is curious that a malfunctional nail, the need for which occurs once a year, is lying in the box with hardware, the toilet is not flushed, and on an originally men's duty - the production of resource, for some reason everyone just scored. But the "Chauvinist" is good - lies on his sofa, smoking on obedient households, and waits when Mammoth runs by.


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In fact, this manipulation uses not only the aestniki, but it is closest. They deftly demonstrate the physiological inability to read anything other than algorithmizable requests. "I do not understand! I otherwise the brain works, you know. Formulate the task of clearly. "

It would seem where here is the catch? It is enough to make a request and here it is the result. That's just an attempt to negotiate with IT-genius akin to the Deal with the Devil - there is always an excuse. "I asked to wash the dishes ...", "you say, looking at two clean plates and a mountain of dirty saucepan. "I washed the dishes. And this is all ... "- he nods in the direction of a faded plate," not dishes, and a tool for cooking. Next time be more accurate in the wording "

Tragic unhappiness

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"I'm so upset, I'm so tired, I had an unhappy fate, a complex marriage, mother-tyrant and wooden toys," the look of his full of such pain, that I would like to warm my poor on my chest once and forever. After all, he was so lucky in life! And so, while he is skillfully depicts the victim, flopping into the ceiling, you run in three works, cook borscht and raise numerous offspring. And when the strangers hint at the fact that you are cruelly manipulated, outraged with your beloved human toughness.

Photo source: Everett Collection

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