Films vs. Instagram: What are the difference between people of different generations


Divisions for years - they are, of course, conditional. "Iks" smoothly flow into "Irekorov", which are mixed with "zetas". Advanced grandmothers are sometimes overwhelmed by the husks of grandchildren, suddenly begin to collect vinyl ... and yet there are some features and signs that you know in "our" - and sometimes you can not quickly explain how to quickly explain on your fingers.

Born in the 50s

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Childhood in the courtyards, densely overgrown with sheets and dulls. How many cartridges and other trophies are detected and dusted! .. The boys play the fantomas, the girls sighs in Ihhthyandra. Candy "And well-ka, take!" - Skip to Paradise, Mandarin - Miracle only once a year. Universal infusion ink from feathers. In high school grades, the wind of freedom came the pale typewritten copies of "Ivan Denisovich" and spread the voice of a bobgin Vysotsky into the courtyards.

Adhere clearly diluted what was poured from the "time" program and what is said in the kitchen. We take hands, friends! And let's go to the mountains. This is for men - a backpack and ice ax. For women - "Red Moscow". And for all - a servant serving (who caught - that Madonna, other decanters and wine glasses in the form of fish), the wall with the BSE, a porcelain dog and a shell of Yalta. But when he blows the wind of freedom of the rings and breaks the cards of the gatherings behind the tea in the Research Institute, how difficult it will be retracted in the manager, that is, the ships ... and forever synonymous with a cloak and friendliness will be left to cover the table so that both the keet, and the filler fish, and "Mimosa" , and your cucumbers, and a "anthill" cake - what you are, Lidochka, you laid! Boria, take the guitar. How cool that we all gathered here today!

Born in the 60s

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Radiotochka wakes up a "pioneer dawn". Before the first lesson - Polytric Formation, you need to quickly read something from the first page of the "Pioneer truth" that the attempts of imperialists reduce the production of class struggle do not have. But what success has politically illiterate cowboys and reducing Zorro!

In high school, Moldovan Portweight is more interesting than the substation than the story of the Vali Citics, which was so worried even recently. On the shelves next to the black collection of the works of Dostoevsky are built up "Maculatory" Jack London and Dumas, and a copy of Lolita is hidden in the drawer. When, on TV, the timid revelations of the "Perestroika spotlight" are moving into the terrible exposure of the "look", a part of yesterday's Komsomol residents collects their sharash-office, part goes for fruit and berries and dreams of "SMUKH he ze", building an amplifier from the Ural radiol ... children Already quite large, but still far from all about his youth you will give up to tell them!

Born in the 70s

Childhood in search of carbide, construction and garages. Super treasure - heavy glass mysterious balls. Houses - the great mystery of the diamers. And if the program is a series "Well, wait!", This is a holiday that needs to be broken with a red pencil and wait for a week. (What a hero and king was the owner of a toy, in which a cartoon wolf caught falling with the characteristic pussy of the eggs, and the hare looked out of the window!) Alice Selezneva - Ideal for girls and the object of boys desires.

Entraques were afraid of scary cartoons about Hiroshima, nuclear war, and in general, everything that could come to the head of dangerous American president. However, there is nothing more expensive than American chewing and stickers with Mickey Mouse sent by a correspondence from Kid. No, there is, of course: Firm Crosses and Cassette Mafons. We are waiting for a school disco with a fading heart when the rapid disco goes to Medley "Im Still Avalani Yu-U-y!" - And to hell Pioneer distance!

On the wall, the chaphotoms were married with carved from the "peer" Bruce Lee. In the dashing, ninetie alone squeezed in the fists of the bastard and caught the pagers, others straightened the bastards on the wrists and stop the hobbit players. They still do not believe that they are already adult uncle and aunty - and whining from their serious descendants of Camel's cigarette and ten albums of civil defense.

Born in the 80s

"In Moscow, banana deficit, the queue is worth it, I want a banana!" And also win the largest collection of inserts from Donald, and better from "turbo". Pioneer ties are first gradually painted with handles and smoothly die into pockets, and then they are forgotten into the pockets at all - much more relevant to the icons "Society of Society", "Metallica" and "Do not learn me to live."

School shape with a slight movement turns into Jeans "Malvina" and a sweater "Boys". Katya Lychev and Samantha Smith pushed "Ace of Beys" and "that anliament", Rubik's snake actively displaces "Tetris" and Tamagotchi. And the cartoons of the studio "Armenfilm" - Vidici: "Police Academy" is captured to the holes, but still cooler "Greek fig tree." Although the TV does not give up its position: when there is a new series "Santa Barbara", the streets die out: you will not worry or cry!

However, as not particularly understood the classic stagnant "scoop", they are now often nostalgic on vaguely remembering plates with "Bremen musicians" and white sealing for 10 kopecks. And they can not really say who was before: Khrushchev or Brezhnev.

Born in the 90s

When you were born under the spells of Kashpirovsky, Kar-Men's hits and shots under the window, water to wash your ass, gave twice a day, and the electricity could wrap you the diaper - according to the schedule, grow resistant, but prone to Buddhism. The buoy winds flew over their heads when they were agukali in the cradle, so they were somehow not interesting to rebel and not relevant. There is already a difference from Lenin from Yeltsin ... and, in general, not to them, when new interesting things appear every day, who constantly want to catch and master - from "Lego" to Iphon.

Grown Millenialam no longer needed to upripe from the world around the world to the tram or six hundred "Mers". They could just get a job by the managers, then just quit work, because she does not meet inland aspirations - and start cooking a lavender soap, to do yoga and photograph an oldskal film.

Unlike the nervous in the soil, the problems of "fathers and children" of generation X, they are completely normal living with their parents, they turn to them for advice and franc them in social networks. They can simultaneously read twitter, draw acer, to fill out from wool owls, construct raf coffee and chew in comments at the theme. They wear eco-bags and eat Vega-Burgers. And from all this is a great bows!

Born in 2000s

They are not what the Internet has absorbed with Mamin Milk - they are literally straight in him were born. He is learned by fingers on touchscreen earlier than to keep a spoon, instagramble - earlier than drawing a little man, google - earlier than to talk. And they first do it, it seems, begin: smoothie, kapecake, marshmallow, startup, coworking.

Fluffy mustache, caps with cat ears and colored sneakers, it seems that they are already imperceptible to germinate themselves, imperceptibly replacing the dairy teeth. They do not know who Goyko Mitich and Yuri Nikolayev, and what to ride in the collective farm to potatoes. But wicker cars and T-shirts with the Olympic Mishka are a fashionable peak of their time. History - she walks on the spiral, everything comes back.

And what do you have personal markers of calculations for the peers and the "old people" and "malava" surrounding you?

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