10 items of the male wardrobe, from which we are nauseous


At the time of Gargantua and Pantagryel, such a thing - Gulfik, told such a thing. Well, such a bag for genitals. In the gallant XVIII century - the poodle woven wigs in a powder wig. Hussawa-hussars were tightened to their economy of leggings so narrow that they were spoiled in wet form.

Decently continue the tradition of these perversions, some modern trends. Here is our hit parade, complement and develop!

10. Rough is not the topic

Curriches are such a charismatic uncooked and charming unwashed rocker-shmocher, all from top to bottom in scrap metal, motorcycle, girls and beer. And the roots in the metro, in the company with warm boots, knitted fate and the game "Wolf and Eggs" in the phone - this is a kindergarten, pants on the straps. Boy, where are your dad and mom? What did you learn at school?

9. Comporting shorts in bloom

By the way about pants on the straps. As soon as the heat drives into the air a variety of bugs and other Lady creatures, boys are beginning to crawl around the city in wide colorful cowards. The nearest beach is hundreds and hundreds of kilometers, and they climb and climb the sunshine ... Izordy, unclean-porous, ha-arraying Pahlava-a!

8. Business jacket, not on site as a fool

That is, flirtary peeking out of short sports jackets. Plankton went to the mountains called, some kind of biological nonsense. Still fun looks a big backpack on a strict suit. Well, that is, mormon can still be fine. But only because they are high, young, smiling, how do Ju do and Conan Doyle offended.

7. Vest-unloading

In Civile, of course, a man, in completely incomplete conditions. And all pockets are clogged with some kind of pulling high-fat festive damnation. Ceing vasserman, prostangery. The level of sex is approximately at the same level.

6. Skinny men

Well, this is some kind of, apparently, the reverse round of evolution, returning to Denis Davydov and his leggings, walked in someone there. Eighteen-year-old slender elf in these vermichelins still look touching. I remember your first love vitenka from the younger group in its front-paced tights. The bearded gnomes with harsh eyes and round popes in the tightness - it's just a curtain.

5. Finger screak

The fan is generally a diagnosis (well, yes, from the word "patient" same), it is necessary to treat it, if already started. (At this place, each of the young shelter pics waves hands: that you are dear, it's not my text at all, no, no!). Individual in a special scarf is a signal: bypass me.

4. Suit with a tump

Even sounds not very good. And really looks! But they are sewn, go and shy as a spring sun. For graduation and wedding - necessarily, and the neighbors will say. Well, in the coffin still logical in it, because well, very chosen. So throw solemnly, together with a car, tape recorder and a ticket to Yalta.

3. Ostropy shoes

Edward - He was the hands-scissors, and Edik - he had a leg-ski. To these las would still have a leather sewer, a filling and brunette. And the soundtrack certainly appropriate. "Any cigarettes with a Mento-Olom, drunk avgar kacha-aet!" In a drunken ugar, apparently, this chicardo exercise was purchased.

2. Stanches of the style "And suddenly scare, and I am ready"

No, there are no slightly lowered jeans a la "Patzan from Harlem." And really with a tank-drive, where, if desired, you can load ... a lot of things. Well, for example, here are the diapers in the store to steal, to put in this bubble and carry past the cash register. All, decent options ended. I don't want to think this idea.

1. Mike in the mesh

Clothes on the fabulous principle "come to me so that not dressed and not naked." This horror flew to us on the wings of the night hundred and fifteen years ago, and we hoped so much that parrot and dump. But no, there are still banging. For some reason, the immortal "Kin-Dza-Dza" is immediately remembered: "Where is this goat with holes?"

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