Undeservedly forgotten children's books about technology



Really exist people who are interested to read about the equipment. Moreover, if these people do not talk about years with six, that it is not interesting, and not to buy in the house of unusty "encyclopedic techniques", people of any gender tend to admire human cunning and guesses, and witty solutions.

Many suitable books went out in regional publishing houses, or simply not reissued long ago. Or came out with a small circulation, and we do not know about them. That's what is worth finding a home library.

1. Rafail Bakhtamov

Lord of Oxy World


The book is interesting in that it describes the transformation of theoretical knowledge in technology. I learned something - invented how to use it; With the help of new opportunities, they encountered a new question, allowed it - and also used. School knowledge, even such acute applied sciences as chemistry and physics, is very suffering from a lack of application, and here we see how abstract theoretical tsyfirki turn into amenities, opportunities and useful things.

2. Svyatoslav Sakharnov

Ram and Rum


It seems to be a completely unscientific story about how two new robots have learned to live like people, but in the course of the text there is a good idea of ​​what human thinking differs from the behavior of the car (people, for example, will not build a house upside down simply because of that lacked the drawing is not the same side). In addition, inserts between the adventures of the frame and Rouma there is a big book of cars (which they themselves read) with the history of the development of modes of transport.

3. Yuri Zhukov

Iron Paces


Part of the editorial board leafed with bewilderment, part burst into nostalgia. Diodes! Resistors! Amateur via inside the workshop! Old Kinescope! It is clear that part of the parts are tightly outdated, and the kinescope is generally archaeological value, but the mechanisms of the same resistors and lamps are not going anywhere. In addition, I immediately remembered a friend who wore a small red resistor with an inspiring of the collar, with a mysterious view showed him friends and whisper said "Red Resistance!"

4. Tom tit

Scientific fun


A very funny vintage version of the "entertaining physics" Perelman, which we do not insert into the list, because it is no longer forgotten. In "scientific fun" there is a mass of options, how to assemble a working physical phenomenon from a piece of wax (plasticine), Kozvalki, nail and twigs. Personally, we really like Foucault's pendulum from a plate, thread, ball and three forks.

5. Karl Gilzin

This amazing pillow


Fascinating and places is simply an rye narrative of inflatable objects - pillows, tires, rescue circles, balloons and ... stop-stop, it is not worth retelling.

6. Rimma Kosurnikova

Take the atom value from the house


Two preschoolers - four and six years old get a robot as a robot, with which they are discussing, in which way to fly in Venus, and how why all the decent robot is a quadrangular. With this book, the child will not collect the internal combustion engine itself (and you need it?), But get used to the fact that even the most stupid questions may have far-reaching deployed answers. For example, where does the journey begins? From the planning of the route, actually.

7. Nikolay Kudryashov

The bridge you need


How are bridges arranged? How did they build before? What has changed, and what remains from ancient times? Why no bridges can not? In addition to interesting engineering stories, the book boasts also beautiful illustrations.

8. Valentin Golovin

One hundred clauses of two friends, bidders-inventors


Two boys - Pugovkin and Romashkin - were nicknames BES and Dal. Because walking directories, not children. But they did not teach others, and invented how to make something interesting themselves. Racing, a plane with a motor ... and a lot, a lot more.

9. Yanka Mavr.



Once a few schoolchildren zadolbalz, that everything breaks, broken things spoil people life, and to carry out to carry far away, or the name of the reinforcement is not serviced ... and we decided to turn household qualifications and sharp eyes into small shoals. Gambling. But, when after a few months everyone played out of the opportunity, it turned out that the habit of noticing the malfunctions was not doing anywhere ...

10 . Alexander Svirin

Knowledge Book (Cycle)


Technique Here - only part of the information discussed. The tricky grandfather of the girl Lena applies the reception of reaching - so he, and Lena, and a couple of her friends turn into aliens, intelligenting that our land is and what is on it, including human objects and devices. The cycle was not over, and sorry. But five books are not bad too!

On the Internet, on request "Children's books about technology" is also such work as a "self-made steam turbine". So, on behalf of all burns surgeons, the edition of Pics.Ru asks you - do not buy this book to children. You are welcome. Let it remain forgotten.

The editors thanks Konstantin Ananich, a graduate of Fizfak NSU and the famous Bibliophile, for recommendations!

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