Work for a teenager: so as not to be deceived



Parents of high school students on the eve of the summer vacation begin to think about what their child will be engaged in the summer. Write to the grandmother to give a 14-year-old treasure not only brutally, but also dangerous - you never know that it will make him head from Luta boredom? And leave in the city, to get it in online toys - also not exit. Go somewhere with my parents - well, is it at best a month, and the rest of two? It would be nice to send to work ... And where?

Neurosurgeon and database architect, of course, well-paid professions, but the likelihood that a nine-grader can get a lot of work for the summer - it is very low.

The garbage cleaner and the spam distributor at the subway - the work where to make a lot easier. But this work is not enough, it is not particularly well paid, it is also boring. The janitor can at least admire the hands of his hands (to the first eye, abandoned passers-by), and to break the advertisement to people - a very ungrateful occupation, as well as participating in telephone surveys and telephone sales. Are you sure that your child is so needed by the experience "for today I have been inferred to eighteen people"?

There is also always the risk that the teenager will be offered to work hard without official employment and will eventually be heated for money. On the Internet, the history of varying degrees are walking on the Internet: from illegal deductions made by accounting during the calculation, to a simple refusal to settle with children who have been tracking a few days a couple of tits of cabbage beds.


And to arrange a teenager officially, if the work is paid not by hourly or partly - few people agree, because according to the law, the teenager can not work full time (13-14-year-olds can work in a row only 6 hours, and 15-16-year-olds - no more 7 o'clock). And who will stand a non-adolescent shift? Naturally, employers do not really need such headaches.

Finally, there is another problem. There is a fairly large pool of works that do not require high qualifications that are associated with movements. We all saw these young postroom-cyclists in American films. Great, you go on the green Sabubia, breathing air, put the newspapers in the drawers from the fences. But running with a heavy bag for dark entrances (half of which is opened only from the key) in some conditional Pervomaiskaya Zhilmassiv - a completely different sport, and not all sorts of parents will allow them to participate in her boy (we are not talking about girls) . The work of the courier in this sense is no better - well, if some business delivery comes; And to deliver pies in apartments is not always safe.

What can parents do, especially with the fact that almost three months left before the summer?


1. Create at the children, do they have far-reaching professional plans. We know the girl who once for the summer drew a bag of cards for the city ministries of culture (for money, of course), and we know the girl who worked the month with a laboratory assistant in the research institute (which gave her, except for the month of fan and very modest salary, unlimited access to Abstracts of undergraduates - other laboratory technicians).

We know the boy who worked before the 11th grade all summer by Sanitar at ambulance, changed his mind to the doctor, passed completely other exams in a completely different university and became a news journalist. He really went well the stories in the genre "What I saw." And one girl has worked for two years in a row in a row, and for more than ten years he has been extremely carefully close to contraception, but at the competition "and well-ka, girls" changed the living child in all new in 32 seconds, not surprising him and Not scared.

2. Drain what opportunities are on your work or at work with your friends, but not directly under your (or friends) control. First, the teenager is clearly not heated there, where his adult looms nearby. Secondly, if his authorities are an extraneous person, you can talk separately with this person, and give to understand what you are from this work for a child - so that he learned something to be accustomed to responsibility or to realize that the money is in vain Not given.

3. If the child looked after the place to work, where you do not have access (or anyone from your family there is no time to deal with this question - and it happens), give the idea to go to work not alone, but to collect a company of friends. From the whole heap of parents, someone can go with the guys to discuss working conditions, someone will look inspected in the middle of the month - and such a level of control will noticeably reduce the likelihood that the guys are deceived. In addition, the guys are more security. And even if the teenager will not earn a lot of money on collective refurbishment of the urban area - he or she will be in a good company. In English-speaking countries, the organization of adolescent volunteering (followed by feeding and cheerful rest) traditionally do - surprise - servants of churches, and parents calmly release children there, where they themselves once met.


4. Perhaps the child came up with such a job where the initial investment of capital. If this is not "paying your contacts to the database", but, for example, buying a shearing machine - then the conditions of the parent credit (and this can only be a loan!) It is quite possible to discuss. And if you want the child to cut the grass to your typewriter in the country, to discuss the conditions of this separately, because the cottage is yours, and the machine is it.

Our familiar boy gave the father money for the machine for mid-June. And in mid-August, together with the parents invested on a trip to the south. Made one third. So that.

And further. If you discuss the plans right now, in March, then you can have the necessary documents to make a teenager (for example, a sanitary book, without which they will not be taken by a waiter, nor Sanitar, nornychka). In June, it is usually meaningless to bother on this topic.

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