7 very useful scary films for children


As long as observational parents, horror films adolescents are not only harmful, but also useful. The fact that in parental speech is perceived as common words, it acquires a particular expressive when viewing a horror and is absorbed by a growing organism at times.

And this is not only with security issues. Family values, moral installations and complex social issues with teenagers are also perceived much better from entertainment cinema than from drama and parental lectures. We selected seven especially useful horror systems, on the example of which you can understand what entertainment cinema to our children ... In addition to a pleasantly spent hours, of course.

Caution: Seven spoilers!


(dir. Nikolay Lebedev)

The story of the Russian thriller of 1999 is spinning around the thirteen-year-old girl, which managed to attract the romantic attention of the acting maniac. Not sexual, if that, and killers. The girl is reveling with his "female power," pulling the maniac to bloody orders, but soon discovers that the real power of the one who is with a knife. This film is an excellent vaccination from romanticization of violence and male aggressors. Every girl is worth seeing.

Good son

(dir. Joseph Ruben)

If Choo saw Macaale Calkin only in endless comedies about the boy left one house, it's time to hit him into the very heel of the old good thriller about a boy who seems to everyone around exceptionally good. Meanwhile, he is trying to kill his sister, not very shy by his own cousin. Who will believe the cousin if he thinks to tell you that a glorious boy Henry is a psychopath? The film helps not be angry with those in life faces such young sadists Henry who trust adults. And make sure that this is not the victims of "Henry" something is wrong, and he himself - the goat is young.

Cyber ​​Terror

(Dir. Ben Chain)

Adults are hardly understood by the whole horror of the plot, but teenage girls sit the whole film in stupor. As you know, the picture was discontinued based on the real cases of CyberTrachi, when girls were brought to suicide an infinite stream of insults or blackmail. In such a situation, it is Casey, a schoolgirl for fourteen years old. At first she discovers that she was, herself did not know the entire meanness of his actions, the participant of the other girl who had committed to him. Then faces blackmail from an unknown, the purpose of which is to monitor its despair and gradually bringing to suicide. But in the end, she finds a way out, telling the maniac that he is just letters on the Internet, and can not forbid her just cut off the computer. The film gives the right perception of network trolls, which in fourteen seem to be terrible pursuers, and it will not badly illuminate the questions of the etching at all.


(Dir. Frank Darabont)

Fog descends to the city, and creatures are found in the fog. The group of citizens, being isolated in the supermarket, trying to survive, but it seems that there is no enemy a worse than another person for a person. Even try to get through the full Monsters MGLU at some point it turns out to be safer than to remain among themselves like. If you look carefully, the film is a visual allowance showing why there are more than all those who know the burden well. And why it is worth keeping hope to the last.

Child of darkness

(dir. Zhauma Colel Serra)

Family couple, parents of a deaf-and-dumb girl and a boy of junior adolescence, adopt a small immigrant. And she turns out to be the devil and besides, not to say that in fact small. No mysticism, only the history of psychopathy, manipulation, gaslighting and powerful psychological violence. One of the main lessons: There are situations about which parents need to be told. Even if you are intimidated.


(dir. John Paulson)

After the death of the mother, the ten-year-old Emily refuses to make friends, pleaseing the imaginary, Charlie. And this strange invisible friend is very frightened by Emily's father. In the end, the whole case is in the madness of the father himself and the desire of Emily, on the one hand, to keep the connection with him, on the other, to exist from such a close and so dangerous person of other people. Despite the fact that the chief villain - the crazy, the children of many mentally healthy parents will be familiar with the situation of Emily, when a relative is as if two different people: one cute, the other is an aggressor, and you never know when one, the second, will change the first. Unfortunately, those watches when a MIL person does not mean that he will not be dangerous again, no matter how much hope to hope for it. In an adult family life, all the same.

The Lovely Bones

(Dir. Peter Jackson)


Fourteen-year-old Suzy, returning from the school on the corn field, meets with a neighbor who invites her to shelter made by him for children. Suzy does not want to be impolite and agrees to go. There is a neighbor and kills her. Most of the Susi's film is experiencing memories of murder, and watches how events develop after her death, as the parents are unhappy, as the younger sister grows ... And how the same neighbor starts to look at the younger sister. The film perfectly explains that they are attacked by girls not only mysterious strangers and that safety is more important than politeness.

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