Time Specifications: Pure Soviet Devices


We declare a five-minute nostalgia. Who will remember all 11 objects - that Mastodont!

Cashier with tickets on the bus


Triumph of faith in human honesty. You throw a coin, twist the handle, squeeze the ticket from this thing. No one checks how much you threw and how many tickets took. All on trust. How cute.

String bag


Wicker bag-shopper, expressed by the language of Fashion Bloggers. In fact, the clear thing is almost eternal, light, fit in any pocket, you can boast of shopping (dried tomatoes, spaghetti from Kamut, fresh avocado), and it is not necessary to wash it, because the dirt is still not visible.

Manual mixer


There is nothing to break here. Spice the handle, whip eggs or pancake dough, think about your own. Excellent training for creetens joints. After such a half-hour hand-job is not afraid.

Plates from magazines


There is something very cool to cut the blue record from the magazine. And after all, by the way, it was not bad taste of the "horizons" editors!



Hardening tin cans for rice, sugar and buckwheat - the contents never corresponded to the inscription on the box itself.


POST-13222-043546000 1339186389

Laying such a backpack - real arts owning only highly bearded trappers. And how do you not feed it, but still there is a rebellious car of the stew, which halfway will go straight into the lower back.

Milk bidon


You might think we all lived in a village with cows. Where, where did the freshest milk on the spill haul? Return immediately!

Foil lids

Funny comics-broken-system-in-parallel-universe-from-Ineta-484535

Now such a package would look like premium. Because it's nice to press on this foil from the foil! Or scrape a nail on it something.



True gas production makes from any of the garbage! Miracle and only. And he was attached to heavy gas cans, reminding miniature atomic bombs.

TV "Rubin"


This polished fool gave a blue picture, but was not devoid of such a seventiary charm. And by the degree of deputy, she easily overtook the current recent iPhones.



Even imagine that our grandmothers hated her her grandmother. Especially if you consider that it was necessary to wash them in a snack soap.

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