Test: What kind of sport is most suitable for you?


You would have come to your hands long ago, but all the hands do not reach, because everything is so tasty and choose the appropriate type of training is impossible. Everything, you will not come to dissolve more - our test will help you decide.

Test: What kind of sport is most suitable for you? 37450_1

Test: What kind of sport is most suitable for you? 37450_2

Question 1 of 10. All run ...

It's time to put someone

And I'm running

And he shines them

and will you beat?

And I will stand, I Nonconformist

Question 2 of 10. Do you need rock in this hole?

Certainly, and then we die someone a guitar

I do not listen to such a pop

Only if you can turn the boot

And hard!

And let's be better with a japanese flute and whale songs

Question 3 out of 10. What would be like this?

Superhero T-shirt

Headphones. Under the titz rhythm is easier to keep

To figure and with heels

Mike-Alkashka. The world must see my triceps

Anything, if only it was eco-flax and organic cotton

Question 4 out of 10. What would such to eat?


Bucket Energy

Noodles and Olive from Martini

Good steak

Something germinated and inanimate

Question 5 out of 10. What is the power?

What's the matter?

In unity

In our weakness

In protein cocktails

In positive thinking

Question 6 out of 10. You start the morning ...

with a plan to seize the world

with difficulties

From contemplation in a mirror of such unearthly beauty

From a contrasting shower and quenching will

With Palegushki.

Question 7 out of 10. But it was cool to play ...

Bride from "Kill Bill". And even without katana

Lol from "Run, Lola, Run." At the same time and hair would paint for free

In Indian Cinema

Soldier Jane

on xylophone

Question 8 out of 10. And you are doing sports at all?

Practicing jogging

Collecting sneakers, is it considered?

Once a week, before falling, on the dance floor

I wear packages with products from the store. If this is not a sport, then I do not know

He surrendered to me. I'm just sitting here, pronounce

Question 9 out of 10. What to beat the muzzle, better ...

Judge? There is nothing better than beating muzzle


beat glass

beat records

smile to the world so he smiled to you

Question 10 out of 10. You have nahamila saleswoman. You

Come in response, call the manager, burning the strap, beware of the ashes

Your legs there will no longer

It's impossible. Titled Persons are not Hamyat

Yes, I do not pay attention to this

Buy her a bike. It's without a bike she is evil, and with a bicycle will be good

The next question is complete to start re-

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