Top 15 nightmares, tormenting people in Russia. What do they mean?


The one is the one who sleeps tightly at night, who does not even wake up even a gun shot and meowing from hunger by a cat. The one who does not see dreams and wakes up in the morning of fresh, renewed and not that it was forced to view five thousand absurd rollers with her beloved in the lead role.

However, for ten and fifteen good dreams there are one nightmare, after which you jump up with a heart jumping out of your chest, all in the sweat and with the desire to develop this horror once and for all.

And then it depends on a person - whether he will write a nightmare on fatigue and nerves, or starts to look for hidden meaning and warning about future catastrophes. Well, by itself, we all consider ourselves unique and confident that only we are shooting the dancing around the Kremlin and funny zombies on the airships. About the badgers we do not know, most likely it is really "night arthouse", but the main and most frequent nightmares in all people are the same.

15th place. Avtokoshmar.

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Dream, mostly for men. The plot is primitive, fabula is terrible. You are behind the wheel, the car goes at high speed, the coverage of the disgusting, on the side of the gulf, ahead of the obstacle, you are trying to slow down and suddenly you understand that the pedal of the tales. In another embodiment, the pedal fails down without any effect.

In the third version, everything is in order with the car, but for some reason coordinate disappears, and you can't get along the brake. The body does not listen, the legs are worn, this is about to happen an accident, and in the cabin - close and favorite cat. Aaaaa! In this case, professional dream interpreters are advised to immediately check the car for troubleshooting. Psychologists do not mind. Presumably, your subconscious recorded "unusual" car behavior and thus gives you a signal.

14th place. Zombies, Metamorphs, Other Monsters

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The legs of this plot grow, apparently, from modern cinema. But even if it is not a cinema, but genetic memory, we prefer to dump everything on Hollywood and evening views of Horrors in Monsterokosham, you usually besieged the bloodthirsty monsters with whom you are trying to either beat with chainsaws and nail files, or to negotiate in good way.

Often in such dreams you are sitting inside the closed room, trying not to breathe. Monsters at this time scre up into the walls, leaning aloying digs to the windows and bloodthirstyly hoarse, trying to lean in any ways inside and get to your sweet meat. Dream intercoms interpret the appearance of monsters in different ways. Someone promises ambulance unpleasant troubles, someone, on the contrary, unexpected amazing changes in life. But, most likely, you just need to relax, sleep and do not look at night with all garbage.

13th place. Nightmare with a child

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Usually dream moms. As an exposure, there is a large shopping center, or station, or park, or forest. A child (usually small) pulls his hand and is lost in the crowd. Together with the loss of the child you covers sticky cold horror. You are starting to rush, call the baby, and it is no longer, around indifferent faces and, in general, it is obvious that the Krovonochka will never be found.

By the way, the responsible parents will dream of all their lives. Krovindel can be decently decent forty, and mom still wakes up at night with the scream "Little Way"! In fact, it makes it possible to know the usual parental neurosis, which does not mean an even account anything, except that you are experiencing a natural concern for a child. Relax. Everything is fine.

12th place. Sleep about fascists

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Fascists speak German (at least, you are confident that it is German), we are dressed in the form of times of the Great Patriotic and very, very scary. They can lead you to the execution, torture or just be nearby and talk to short-baked phrases. In any case, you cover the chilling soul and the horror paralyzing will.

Here he is a deep children's fear, driven into the subconscious by our unique cultural context - films, books and stories about the war. Such a dream means overall anxiety caused by events in real life. Most likely, this is a reaction to political news. You can pretend as much as "your hut with the edge", but the subconsciousness does not spend.

11th place. Disease or even the death of someone from loved ones

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Really bad and unpleasant sleep, in which you see or just know that someone from your loved ones is sick and is about to die (already died). We can only wish you not to see such horror ever, but also encouraging what, according to dreams, this dream will dream of a strong health and long life of the defendant.

10th place. Workman's workman

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Late to work? Forgot about an important meeting? Did the project filled? Let's go on a business trip and confused the city? And you for this, of course, must report, deprive the award and dismiss? Yes. This is a very familiar FulTimeor nightmare! The main thing is that there - in a dream - the mistake really did you, what makes the story completely hopeless.

There is an Light version of the working nightmare, where colleagues or chef are to blame for what happened, but when you try to explain, you just do not hear. In general, everything is as in life, therefore especially heartbreaking. It is believed that this dream is dreaming when the burden of your work obligations is already unbearable for you. Try to get up with "service debts", turn on healthy pofigism and everything will work out.

9th place. Snakes, Insects, Other Fauna

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Very popular "female" dream about a sudden attack of unpleasant representatives of earthly fauna. The dream is often accompanied by frozen tactile effects: the cockroaches are quickly running around the body, snakes are wrapped and stroke, poisonous vestrikes burn the skin and leave a sticky trail. It is unpretentious nasty, but it is possible to interpret it both in minus - small troubles and troubles and in plus - a small profit. By the way, change the bed linen. Perhaps you are allergic to some of the components of your wonderful ductile in the flower.

8th place. Dental nightmare

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Surprisingly, this dream dreams absolutely to all people, and even those who have never had a dentist. In a dream, an unexpectedly, pretty painlessly and themselves are beginning to fall out their teeth. A bunch or one by one. Next - the teeth are spoiled into the palm, you touch the naked gums, you look at yourself in the mirror and with every second horror and hopelessness increase. According to dreams, such a nightmare dreams of loss. According to common sense, it would be nice to drink a mother-in-law, and even better - go on vacation.

7th place. Nu-nightmare

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We thought to see ourselves naked in the crowd - mostly a female nightmare. Nothing like this. Equally, men suffer from him. You are bare or semi-demise, you are among the decent-dressed people. Everyone is looking at you, condemn, and some even laugh into the voice. Here is the Gada!

If in such a dream you have at least some kind of lingerie, then it will certainly ugly, dirty or torn. It is not enough to cover up and everything you can do is pretend that you don't care. Dream interpreters promise that you have to get into the shame, people of sensible people suggest that at night the blanket randomly slithering. Selection of version for you.

6th place. Sleep-catastrophe

Top 15 nightmares, tormenting people in Russia. What do they mean? 37447_10

Earthquake, nuclear explosion, war, tsunami. Alas, this is a worldmaker of the modern citizen, which even dreams of children. Usually, we see the very beginning of the catastrophe, when still there is an opportunity to escape and save loved ones. Sleep-catastrophe is in the atmosphere of hopelessness and horror, but very colorful and detailed. If it were not for the range of negative emotions that he "gives us", it would even be interesting to revise it.

By the way, usually in the final everything is somehow saved. The main character certainly remains alive and well. Markobesa (and we are not), seeing this dream, immediately begin to check the reserves of buckwheat and stew. People rational remember that they recently looked at the film-catastrophe. And also that it would not hurt to clean the Fritret from the panicoers and the Jesznikov of the Apocalypse.

5th place. The fall

Top 15 nightmares, tormenting people in Russia. What do they mean? 37447_11

On the fifth place of our Top Son - Fall. Short and creepy, like, actually, falling. Aaaaaa! Paaaaaday! From a skyscraper, in the abyss, in the mine, in the toilet. By themselves or with the aircraft on which we fly. The details of the value do not have much more important than the terrible sense of void and expectations of the inevitable death.

Immediately comforted: no one from the Sleepy Padunov has never managed to fly to the Earth. Dream Interpretations offer contradictory interpretations, but everything somehow converges in one thing - something in your life is seriously changing, so you stopped feeling the "soil under your feet" and confidence in tomorrow. When everything becomes better (and it will certainly be done), the fall will stop.

4th place. Ladders leading to nowhere

Top 15 nightmares, tormenting people in Russia. What do they mean? 37447_12

80% of the world's population regularly see this nightmare in one form or another. It is necessary to urgently climb somewhere (for example, in the attic to grab and take out a child's burning house) or descend (get out of the burning house, in the end), and the stairs with you are cruelly "joke." They do not go there, bend under a strange angle, of which all sides suddenly disappear, and it is necessary to climb around the edge, keeping the balusters.

This terrible stair labyrinth causes a sense of impotence and fatigue. Why is sleep with stairs so popular? Most likely, he means that not so long ago you were taken some important, but, alas, a mistakey solution. To recognize the mistake in the real life of the psyche is not yet ready, therefore it is trying to reach the mind through sleep.

3rd place. Telephone

Top 15 nightmares, tormenting people in Russia. What do they mean? 37447_13

Scientific and technical progress reached the very depths of the human subconscious. As it turned out, a popular nightmare is connected with a mobile phone. A person involved urgently call, call help, find close and at that moment it turns out that there is no money on the account that the network is buggy, and for some reason you cannot click on the buttons as follows. Helplessness and despair are the main emotions that brings with them a telephone nightmare.

To interpret this dream, depending on the specific plot. If in a dream you can not get through to a specific person, then, most likely, something in your relationship went wrong. Perhaps you have lost confidence in this person or you have reasons to worry about it. If, in a dream, you try to call any help on the phone, and you do not go out - it makes sense more closely to look at the surrounding. Is your friends and friends are sufficient? In any case, sleep with a mobile phone means that you have problems associated with society.

2nd place. The pursuit

Top 15 nightmares, tormenting people in Russia. What do they mean? 37447_14

Silver honestly gets a nightmare about the pursuit. Familiar? Intermittent breathing behind the back, football legs, a vague whisper, bryacy of weapons, an obvious threat to life. There are no strength and courage to turn around, the legs become cotton, you can't move at the right speed and you realize that you will catch up and everything! Finite! By the way, this is one of those rare nightmares where the murder of a defendant can happen in the final. "Enemies! You have enemies and envious, "dreams are prompting. And psychologists, by the way, agree with them. Most likely someone in your environment does not inspire you confidence.

1st place. Exam

Top 15 nightmares, tormenting people in Russia. What do they mean? 37447_15

The undoubted leader of the Top of nightmares is a dream about the exam (standing, control). You are still at school or university, you need to take an exam or write a controlle, and you do not know anything on this subject. Nothing! It is said that this dream is dreaming in those periods of life when a person takes too many obligations or solves any faithful task for him. The conclusion here is obvious: someone would be better to stop building an almighty hero from himself.

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