9 horror films that frighten you to hell


For this selection, we took films, most of which did not become megachitis for various reasons, but watch which is really scary. If you like horror strokes and want to diversify your videota - you are here.

"Touch", 1992. Director - Albert S. Mkrtchyan

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No preamble and prehistory - everything starts with the first personnel. Mother kills his son, reveals the veins, a witness in the case, too, with life accounts. Investigator Krutitsky (he is the main character) does not believe in supernatural, but in vain. What he meets during the investigation makes him change his mind on the world, for life and death. And here it seems like garbage - there are no special effects and ketchups to you, but, nevertheless, after watching you do not have one sleepless night.

"Abandoned House", 2006. Director - Nacho Heart

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The beginning of the classic - the heroine comes to an abandoned house left for her by inheritance (although on the way it will disagree "good" people in every way), he meets his twin-ghost, horrity runs to the family pond, and then "everything is spoken" ... Despite the fact that from the point of view of the plot and effects is the most ordinary and places even tedious horror, with its main task he copes perfectly. Scares yes. Why - it is not clear. But scares.

"Curse", 2002. Director - Takashi Shimitsa

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The Japanese know a lot of horror. And the fact that the "curse" is considered to be a competitor of the Calling film - the best recommendation for viewing. This is a film that there is nothing terrible than the death curse of the murdered. If the ghost chose you with his victim - it will not work out. If you did not look at some unhappy coincidence of circumstances - eliminate this gap immediately.

Family Vurdalakov, 1990. Director - Igor Shavlak, Gennady Klimov

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This is a film about the real (that is, there are never charming and sexual) vampires living in the Russian outback. According to the plot, the Moscow journalist falls into a deaf village and understands that an inexplicable one is going around. He would leave away and forget once and forever what he encountered, but, alas, an unexpected love interfers ... Again, there are almost no special effects, but the film does not become less terrible.

Labyrinth Favna, 2006. Director - Guillermo Del Toro

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The magnificent film of the magnificent director about Spain is the Second World War. The gloomy reality is tightly intertwined with a terrible parallel world surrounding the main character - the girl opholeia. "Labyrinth Fauna" is infinitely beautiful and quite a terrible story about a child who brings himself to sacrifice in this world to gain immortality in the world in the world. If you love scary fairy tales, then this film is the real Must See.

"Unborn", 2009. Director - David Goyer

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Inexplicable suicide, nightmarish visions, strange events, children in which evil spirits are instilled - all this is a classic genre that is in "Unborn". But from ordinary horror meters, the film is highlighted with sharpness and even ruthlessness to the viewer. As if scripts and operators and the director himself check the viewer to the "horror resistance". Do not squeeze while watching, most likely will not work.

"Shelter" - 2000. Director - H. A. Bayon

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No maniacs, monsters and blood. Do not need. Instead - almost two hours of terrible Suspans and emotions of a variety of spectrum. And also - a very interesting plot. The film begins with the fact that the young family comes to an abandoned mansion to restore the children's shelter there. And everything would be fine, but the little Simon finds himself strange invisible friends. We promise that the whole movie you will be very afraid, and in the final - cry.

"Defector", 1979. Director - Peter Medk

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John Russell, who lost his wife and daughter during the tragic circumstances and comes to the old estate and meets with a small and rather angry ghost. John decides to explore the history of the house and recognizes the terrible ... In general, this is another truly terrible film about the dead children, a long time ago, who has become a classic genre.

"Mom", 2013. Director - Guillermo Del Toro

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In the abandoned shack somewhere in the forest, two girls are orphans. Far relatives decide to adopt kids, but not everything is so simple. It turns out that the "orphans" has a mother that comes to them from darkness ... So this film sedelly begins, which will ensure you two hours of high-quality horror. "Dad, there is an aunt window, and she flies" - well, isn't Brr?

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