The house is where a cup and cats. How to feel everywhere in your place


There are people who often travel. Or are forced to change the apartments. Or do not have housing, removable or yours at all, and they will be changed through familiar. People who are not so rarely happening to sleep at home or to be on business trips.

We decided to ask people what could make the place in which they were, home. Or a piece of home. Or at least give them a feeling.



If there is my personal cup and a place to be alone. And, of course, if I have the keys to this house.


Abandoned on the back seat of someone else's car jacket! R-times - one wide gesture, and I am on my territory.


It's when the drawing accessories, cosmetics and charging for the phone there is a "place". I on vacation first all this lay out, I find the water tank (watercolor), and here is the norms. Therefore, I'm never at home on a visit, there you do not spread gluing, boxes and banks on the shelves.


The absence of someone who can tell me to transfer from place to place.


Possibility (and right!) Wash dishes.


Trees outside the window and noise of aircraft engines in the distance.


Two criteria: I have the right to go to the fridge without demand and there are my sneakers in the house.


Personal cup and place for a backpack.


Cleaning. If it was removed in the room - all, I live here.


I am for comfort at the first workplace of the bed on the table tablecloth. It was such a fabric in a red and white cage, I bought it in Ikea. I was comfortable as at home, and my colleagues remembered me as a strange girl with a tablecloth, but then we made friends, everything is ok.



A computer desk with my personal Bardaka, to which (to the table, to the computer, to the mess), no one dares to touch.


Home clothing. I swear in my home clothes - and I am at home.


On hospital experience - clean surface, cup, book, phone and notebook with pencil. It would be nice to straighten the candy package.


The cat is better right away, but also any other fat and gentle will go.


Laptop and so that my mug with tea is sure. And I feel good.


Toothbrush in a glass of bathroom.


I decline things there throughout the territory. Any. I have students in the main audience then they collect phone, wallet, keys, books, handles ... For all their tables, my stuff. And if I left a book or notebook - everything, I live here. Type marked the territory. There are three tables in the audience that theoretically occupy teachers, we often drive two-three. If I came - my things will be on all these tables. Ya here king.


Kitchen, where I can cook coffee to my liking in Jesva.


If I can get a dog or a cat and take and put on the night of friends. I have almost never had such.


The opportunity to retire, whatever creating this opportunity.


It is important for me to immediately designate zones, like: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, books, documents, and it is very important to decompose your things immediately everywhere with a thin layer. It looks like a mess, but I immediately know that where it lies and know that all the place is mine.


Many years of experience in the hostel showed nothing. How much do not put things out, do not worry, still someone else's unpleasant place. Therefore, I am always temporary accommodation using utilitarian, not even trying to create an illusion of home furnishings.


Let the postcard hang on the wall.


My, bought by me an ashtray near the bed.


Removed hours and book.


Tea and the ability to pick legs on the sofa. And the opportunity to walk without bra.


I remove rings and watches. When I go home. And then I caught myself on this actions at a visit. So I'm at him like at home.


The opportunity at any time to lie down. And especially the opportunity is lying.


You will laugh - but clean and comfortable bathroom.


Grind candle. I drive them with you, yes. Any even the venge is transformed.



Skmutki on the floor or bed, the cash is necessarily unforgettable. And the opportunity to walk barefoot / socks.


My blanket.


My laptop, my notebook, my bottle of beer - if I'm briefly. If I'm a little longer - my cup, usually unwashes, with a chopped edge.


If I can go to bed, undressing to the pants, then I, as it were, at home, if not, it means there is no.


My family ... My home is where my relatives.


A door. That door I can close - and no one, besides me .. No door - I'm not at home.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: shutterstock

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