11 things understandable to those who went to school in the nineties


We are all very different: someone grew up hipster and phyton, someone rolewick and a panker, and someone is simple and modest bourgeois. And yet something unites us.

Almost all of us went to the same schools in the nineties, and these things are familiar to us.



The form was canceled, but you almost all go like incubators, in a universal set of sneakers + jeans + sweater.

# 2.

And half of the girls - hairstyle "Kare on the legs", and half of moms and grandmothers - "Garson". And no one says that they are all perverts and unfulfilled some.

# 3.

Good school lunch - a raisin bun, bad - bread with a cutlet from bread. The boiled chicken leg is so, but mayonnaise is missing. Banana for lunch - Cool and holiday!


At least one teacher for the day will be warmly convinced that you all dream of becoming gangsters and prostitutes.


Although in fact almost all girls want to become fashion designers, film actresses or coaches on aerobics, and boys are bodybuilders and riders.

# 6.

Notebook without stickers is considered only a blank notebook!

# 7.

Girls play on the change in the team Sailor Moon, the boys in the Terminator and Rocky. And then all together - in Xena and Hercules.


And in the gaming game - "overvolt". You can win cool someone else's liner, if you swallow well!


Saturday morning exists in order to watch cartoons.


Everyone knows how to prepare for the birthday. It is necessary to buy powder juice in bags.


The phrase "stand here here on the cardboard", which spoken twenty times one Saturday, means preparation for the new academic year.

Illustration: shutterstock

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