As the signs of the zodiac would be taught in Hogwarts magic: horoscope from


Each of us is secretly waiting for the owl with a letter from that very school itself. Even if not admits to yourself. No, well, suddenly stuck somewhere ... But you can not not recognize that at our age he is invited only to teach.

But what of us teachers of magic are a separate question.


Aries would fundamentally walked on the defense of dark arts. First, because fighting the monsters is a great legal way to fight. And more than fighting, Aries loves only to fuck. Therefore, at leisure, the zodiac sheep will surely try to tamper the incuba. In the process of taming, handcuffs from Magglovsky sex shop will be involved.

Secondly, the position of teacher Zoti, as you know, cursed. And the Aries "can not", "difficult" and "dangerous" is still that the lion is a promise of fame and applause.


The stubborn tank will get the lessons of transfiguration. Only he has enough patience. Ten thousand times repeat the formation of a surprisingly stupid in the kind of movement with a stick, while students don't succeed in turning the bolt self-tapping screw, which they strive to put on learning, not in a cockroach with splashing horns, not in the Stem Asparagus with legs and grasshoppers And in a normal human hairpin, albeit an extremely original design - in the form of a bolt-self-proof.


The air and unexpected are alone in the trajectory of movement and thoughts - they are all, so the twins of Merlin himself ordered to drive with pupils riding on Metla in Kviddich's lessons. And the reptile, capable of taking and polarly changed the resulting match of the match, generally must decorate the twin coat of arms.

One problem, on a long-time habit of splitting the twins, every match will be hurting for both faculty teams immediately and, naturally, to be sad and rejoice at the same time.


Thoughtful and melancholic cancer will find himself in pragmatic poetry numbers - numerology. Which in his performance will be slightly similar to no less magical science of accounting - here you see money, but no longer.

Not impressive? Such a focus is able to do any Magglovsky official bigger? Keep more difficult, follow the feather strokes: Debit ... There is a loan to meet ... goes ... goes ... and converges with him! Who at this place has not experienced orgasm, it is simply not created for numerology.

a lion

The lion will teach the spell. Because the lion is generally walking chairs. It is impossible to resist. At the end of each lesson, faculties will have to thank the lecturer with applause.

However, despite the approval of evil languages, the number of points accrued by the faculty does not depend on the number of decibels in ovations. The lion loves not only flattery, but also to demonstrate how he does not give in.


The virgin is easy to detect the school in the greenhouse, both during the training of grass and all the rest. Neat beds, smooth white plates, poisonous plants to the right, predatory - left ... In general, everything is pleased with the gaze of a true virgin.

But the first-year students are slightly prey to frost on the skin, when they see how the maiden is worn over freshly dyed with mandrague, but gloves on those hands white. Ideally.


The tendency of weights in everything doubt leads them to the glible tops of philosophy. Where philosophy, there and the philosophical stone is far away, but they are looking for it, of course, in two places - under the ass trimmer puppies and during alchemical experiments.

Scales will prefer to leave the scales to the teacher of care of magical creatures, and it will be firmly covered in the cabinet of alchemy in a distillation cube. True, instead of a stone, juniper jan will constantly get, which will return scales back to philosophy. In the company with the elderly renovation and strict librarians.


When Scorpio brews one of the seventy seven favorite tea charges, it must be released the magic potion - it must be because it involuntarily drips into the team.

In fact, Scorpio, of course, dreams of the position of the Zoti teacher, because it also loves fighting and incubations, but Zoti can train Aries, and Scorpio, and potions are only scorpion, so that the director of the school and, due to the scorpion itself, not.


Sagittarius loves the adventures and hugs, so it simply could not pass by the subject, which in the people called Montravstrovka, and in the curriculum is registered as care for magic creatures.

The striking readiness of the animals, in whose diet is quite a fresh human flesh, hugging with Sagittarius explained by his extreme cavocation, delicious cookies in his pocket and the ability to deftly and quickly give in the nose.


The school tradition requires the story of magic, complete intrigue, drawing and unexpected turns, teacher read in the lessons so that students lose consciousness from the boring. This task is not on the shoulder not everyone. So after a long casting, only Capricorn will break through the teaching department.

By the way, the toad and owls according to his subject all the students managed to pass perfectly - yet something is there in the method of learning in a dream.


Aquarius will lead the place of teacher predictions from under the nose of fish, because the fish, of course, by nature - the purest mediums, but upon closer examination in predictions much more important than the ability to pour more water. As can be artistic and crushed. The task, to solve the Aquarius, simply created.

So it sits now and on legal grounds siding coffee in your turret. With cakes. With the Cupcakes, fortune telling on the coffee grounds or rather comes out, it was under this motto who deftly entered them into the budget of his course.


After the desired predictions were made from the nose from the nose, the fish decided to plunge into no less mysterious than the cards, but much more changeable by the nature of the runes. Examine how their fish should not have time and the item leads mainly on their whistle, which requires from students.

Oddly enough, everyone converges. Although textbooks now rewrite.

Inspected Magic School Lilit Mazikina

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