12 things that are understandable to girls only little growth


About low girls love to say gentle - "miniature". This is one of the few pluses of our growth. Sometimes it seems that the only thing, and the minuses will be scored for a long list!

Face not to face

All in summer interferes in the rush hour smell. But you just sniff the armpits, and we stand in them face. Here is a very neat-nose into this bend - we traveled a crowd there. Erund All these complaints, all the smell goes to us! And on the rising escalator, we usually find yourself face to the pope. Believe me, looking at someone else's ass, you feel very stupid.


If all seats are busy, and all the racks too, just take up the handrail upstairs, how do the rest do, we cannot, so you have to balance. Of course, at low girls and the center of gravity below, it helps. That's just we just like everyone, we love to walk on heels, and they leave us without this natural advantage.


Yes, the wind. If the girl is low - not a tooth, then she weighs terrible little. Terribly, terribly little. It is worth the wind to climb more stronger, and everything, hike to the store turns into a heroic procession through Samum, Buran and through that there are still lost travelers in different harsh places.

Minus Sexy Revolution

Only short girls know how many posts suggest at least the approximate match of the length of the legs or the torso among partners - even a pioneer-missionary! And the list of the remaining positions is very short.


With clothing, we usually coincide or rising, or a figure. Because far from every low girl - Tweigh Costbar, and only children sell on our growth. And then, you know, not every twiggy want to dress in what the mass market offers children. In general, shopping turns into a sleeve hunting with such sleeves 7/8 or 3/4, so that we looked like usual, so that the waist passed is not on the pope, and in order to be in our taste. By the way, the best classic jeans are Capri from Denim.


With shoes even worse! Most briefs have a small leg. The advice "Just buy in the Children's Department" leads to the fact that we are sadly meditating in front of the brine boots and sandals with cartoon flower. Now, thanks to the Internet, it became easier, but before the purchase of shoes turned into a pilgrimage in the store of non-standard sizes, located necessarily at the most distant end of the city. Or in another city at all.

Upper shelves and hangers

People seek the goal of hiding from us things and go to inaccessible places! We can't find them there because they are hidden from our gaze the edge of the shelves, but, finding, running behind a stool. If only there is a suitable stool - not every day is lucky. Especially painfully in grocery stores. Every time we go for high buyers and sellers with requests is not too nice.

Alcohol and cigarettes

It is very difficult to buy them without a passport, even if you still hardly drowned it all day and now I came to the store Ottolny, with wrinkles, bags under the eyes, hoarse voice and, by the way, tits. The sellers have a very peculiar idea of ​​how children may look like.

Group photography

If she is belonging, then from a half-seller girl there will be one head one head. And if right in front of the photo, the shortcut managed to put a stain on the T-shirt, there is no chance to get up in the second row and smile from there, no matter how much it happens. Or you will have to blame the spot, or stay in the history of a hipster beam sticking out of someone's shoulder.

Feet do not get to the floor


When you sit on a chair at a party and they just hang it, it's terribly unpleasant, uncomfortable and stupid. I really want to chat, so as not to be ill, but chatting more stupid. And big washing machines with vertical download? In order to get something from there, you have to lie down on the edge of the machine with stomach and so balancing, venturing woven down your head. About the possibility of throwing a drink from his car - with the exception of models that are very likely to love low girls and do not like to start their friends - generally silent. Ay, pedals, where are you there?

Kisses and arms

Seriously, this is also a problem, whether we want to kiss the first friends or loved ones ... Because if we jumped on the tiptoe and mounted, and the person did not guessed in response to burn - it turns out a very awkward situation. By the way, it is also very difficult to dance in an embrace.

We are stitched with legs

Because they do not notice: (Well, okay. But we are growing with the imperial penguins. And this not every can boast!

TEXHES> Lilith Mazikina

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