Scandals, intrigues, investigations and other spicy moments of the Oscar premium


What a premium yes without scandal! About Jennifer Lawrence, which all the time falls, is already tired, so remembered all the most interesting things related to the prestigious Award of the American Film Academy.

The first "Oscar" dark-skinned actress

In 1940, Hatti McDaniel received a prize for the best female role of the second plan - for the work in the film "Gone by the Wind". Did not cost without a scandal: the actress sat in a separate part of the hall, when she climbed the stage for a reward, whistling was heard from the hall, but Hatty, who did not pay attention to anyone and not holding away the tears, thanked the whole soul, as usual, mom, dad , Lord God and the Academy.

Sad leading

In 2011, the ceremony was entrusted to host Ann Hathaway and James Franco. As a result, critics then wrote that the ceremony turned out to be "as an overlooking droplet": everyone was waiting for the present show, and they got a scenario without a drop of charm, a good humor and sincere desire to at least cheer the public. Lost, boredom and cardboard presenters - Fu!

"Jaws" guard order

In 2013, receiving the reward for the best visual effects in the life of the "Life Pi" tape, their creator of Bill Westrenhoffer asks the hall to pay attention to the strike of 400 engineers who participated in the film. Workers protested against lowering their own salaries. The director of the ceremony showed true solidarity and civil position - they were joying Westrenhoffer's speech with music from the film "Jaws". Original, you will not say anything.

Well, kiss me, kiss!

In 2003, having received a premium for the role in an outstanding "pianist", Adrien Brody was so happy that he immediately decided to share happiness with her neighbors. They turned out to be "Oscar" for the year before this black beauty Halle Berry (by the way, at that time recognized by the sexiest woman in the world). Going out for the scene for the award, the actor did not think for a long time grabbed the girl and rewarded it not the most modest kisses. Adrien, what was it?

LSD all head

The creators of the cult series "South Park" Trey Parker and Matt Stone attracted special attention to Oscar -2000. They came in copies of Dresses Jennifer Lopez and Gwyneth Paltrow, in which actresses attended the ceremony in 1999. No one equally appreciated the joke, but everything became clear when it turned out that Trey and Matt were under LSD. Here are the same people having fun!

Oscar out policies

A real scandal turned out to be awarded the award to the best director of the documentary film ("Bowling for Colombina") Michael Muru. Instead of thank everyone who is supposed to, Moore broke out a flame speech, in which the US invasion sharply criticized in Iraq and the George Bush's policy as a whole. Festive mood, as we understand, this sudden speech has not added anyone.

Rugan on stage

In 2011, the actor and musician Russell Brend (former husband of Katy Perry, by the way) with his stupid and worthless jokes didn't get the laureate of Oscar, Helen Mirren, that she gave the will her wide soul, remembered Russian roots and cut off from the soul right Scenes. He called him his full idiot and, in general, did not hesitate in expressions.

Indian instead of a star

In 1973, Marlon Brando refused the award for the role in the film "The Great Father" (1972). Thus, the actor decided to protest against the discrimination of the Indians in the United States. Instead of himself to the ceremony, he sent the daughter of the Indian leader Sasin a small feather, which from the stage handed over to the organizers of Oscar, Brando's statement. As it turned out later, it was a beginner actress Maria Cruz, but at that time she believed everything.

Gir, you are not right

At the ceremony in 1993, the trouble came from where they did not wait: Suddenly Richard Gir spoke. According to the script, he had to hand over the award to the best designer artist, reading the pre-harvested text, but the actor instead suddenly began to speak out with the condemnation of the PRC policy in Tibet. It is worth noting that after this dubious episode, the Gira's winners were no longer invited.

Leo and Oscar

This is not even a scandal, but the main Hollywood bike. DiCaprio was nominated for a prize several times, but did not receive the cherished statuette. This year, the whole world is sick for him, and someone even sent a letter to the Oscar Committee with threats to organize mass riots, if Leo remains again without awards (this is not me! - approx. Avt.). Last year, a photo of the statuette was leaked in the Internet with a rash "Leonardo di Caprio", but as they hurried to tell the organizers, the workpieces are made on all nominees, and unnecessary subsequently go on scrap metal.


There is a sign that if the actress gets a premium, then it is waiting for a divorce. Naked facts! In 2001, Julia Roberts broke up with actor Benjamin Bratt, in 2002 Holly Berry divorced with the musician Erica Benet, in 2003 the relationship of Charlize Theron with actor Stewart Townsende, Hilary Swanke divorced with actor Low in 2005, in 2006 Reese Witherspoon divorced Actor Ryan Philipp, Kate Winslet divorced himself with the director Sam Mendez in 2009, and Sandra Boyakes divorced with TV presenter Jesse James in 2010. We warned!

Oscar Award Ceremony -2016 will take place on February 28

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