# QUESTION: What is the shelf life of a bra and when you need to throw a pillow


We, adults, should understand that the shelf life of household items and their real state and possible health hazard - a little different categories. It should be booked to girlfriends that your favorite brand you wear from student years and at least henna.

Only those who have nothing to lose can save health. And for the rest of the life of household belongings, experts were examined and counted.

Toothbrush - every 3-4 months

The hygienic "well-being" of teeth and gums depends on the state of the toothbrush, so they need to be changed regularly. It is also necessary to ensure that the remains of food remain in the bristles. The same rule should be observed when using electrical brushes.

If you have moved some kind of disease, especially viral, then the brush must be changed regardless of the term of use.

Bra - after six months

There is a moment of confession, almost every one somewhere in a long box is lying the old "very favorite" bra or even a couple that can not be thrown away. Maybe they perform their sacred, trophy, or some other function, but you should not wear such a bra. Experts in the field of hygiene and underwear argue that these items need to be attributed to the garbage exactly six months.

We immediately presented themselves as you are on the elongated hands you are busting Agent Provocateur, which I bought seizing two months on buckwheat and cheap kefir. Well, okay, health is more expensive.

The figure in 6 months experts brought on the basis of the data that in the daily rotation you have three litters, with such a scenario with them will need to say goodbye after six months.

The mattress changes every 7-8 years.

Yes Yes. Sleeping on mattresses of even the most accurate ancestors is not worth it, especially if it is no ancestors, and some renowned owners of a removable apartment.

Properly chosen mattress will allow you to quit normally, it is less rolled in a dream and will help in the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Pillows need to change every 2-3 years

If in the filler you felt the uneven distribution of the "filling", lumps, etc., it means to dispose of it.

Feather pillows are in cleaning and overlap.

Makeup brushes and sponges need to wash every day

No "tomorrow", which comes at best times a month. It is possible to regularly lower the entire salary to the cosmetologist and expensive care products, but the result will be zero, if you make makeup with dirty "yesterday's" brushes. Imagine that with unwashed brushes all this "farm" of accumulated bacteria you will return to the face every morning and again.

With special care you need to wash your brushes and sponges for liquid cosmetics, lipstick and tonal creams, in this medium the growth rate of the amount of bacteria is especially high.


For the whole cosmetics there is a limit of safe use, and we wrote about it in detail. So, the eyeliner and mascara - six months, open the lipstick you can use up to one year.

Razor or disposable razor machines need to be thrown out after 3-6 days of use

Save and greeding on it. Blades - a very dangerous thing, cuts from the blurred old blade very badly heal and hundreds of times increase the danger of infection.

Towels do not have exact shelf life

Of course, they must be regularly erased in high-temperature mode. And ideally - stroke.

A source

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