Do not lose weight: 6 unexpected facts about metabolism


Everyone wants to "accelerate metabolism", as if it is a magic gas pedal. But the metabolism works much more difficult and precisely what we think.

Most of all energy is spent at rest

When we are talking about "burning fats", we mean the sweating in the gym and many hours of marathons. But the main part of the energy we get from food is spent on the fact that the body continue to function in a state of rest - the lungs breathed, the cells were divided, the blood ran through the veins and so on. This routine takes 60-70% of all calories - the exact figure depends on growth, age, gender and physique. Even professional athletes on physical activity takes only about 30% of all energy.

Metabolism slows down with age

And it does not depend on whether you are in good shape. Even if every morning cut circles in the park and feed on a solid sprouted by lentils, in 70 years, metabolism will be much slower than 30. Moreover, its speed begins to decline very early - it is growing up to about 18-20 years, and then it is steadily going down.

Metabolism can not be accelerated by eating

Pepper, coffee and other "metabolism accelerators" - not that the myth, but great exaggeration. Indeed, a plate of a kind chilli Kon Karna will unwind the fire in the mouth and for a while will accelerate the metabolism. But very briefly and very little. So this will not have a special effect on slightness. Acute pepper can accelerate the metabolism as much as the open window in the car increases gasoline consumption - well, yes, you will spend an excess teaspoon of fuel, but the difference is too insignificant to take her into account.

Metabolism can be accelerated by increasing the muscles

Indeed, the muscles, being an energy-intensive thing, require a large amount of energy even at rest. But here you will have another danger - accelerated metabolism means both an increase in feeling of hunger. That is, you will spend more - but also consume more. Most cannot withstand a strict and scant bodybilder diet and just begins to eat more - that is why the athletes who have departed from affairs quickly swim with a fat.

Diet slow down the metabolism

This phenomenon is called adaptive thermogenesis. When weight drops on strict diets at the same time, the speed of basic metabolism is sharply reduced - that is, the metabolism of rest. And it decreases somehow disproportionally - the body of a strongly lost man burns on average by 500 calories less than the human body of the same parameters that did not torment themselves with strict diets. Most lovers diets along with weight decreases the level of leptin - hormone, which is responsible for the sense of saturation. And the more impressive there was weight loss, the less chances that Leptin's level would ever be restored to the previous indicators. If it's easier: diet lovers always go hungry, even when they do not sit on a diet.

Walking - the most effective method of acceleration of metabolism

In the US National Weight Control Register, more than 10,000 people trying to lose weight are registered. Researchers regularly conduct polls, trying to find out what actually helps people lose weight. Most of those who managed to get rid of the extra 13 kg (or more), regularly arrange long walks. Walking beats all records of popularity and, apparently, is indeed the most efficient exercise for a stable weight loss.

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