What was worn in the 90s


The man's uninimal and immature, examining the photos of that time, will exhale only: "the madhouse" Sunshine "!" He understands a lot in sausage trimming - we must say that we will say that we are nostalgically sigh over a family photo album.

Well, yes, well, you think. But the most recalled, chumova and cool madhouse on the planet! You, citizens are descendants, on these photographs will still build themselves high-armed prebiffs in a decade. So a reverend and remember how it should look like a really cool dude (chuvich), icon of style and king (queen) of the area.


Sports suit like clothing for the gym - it is stupid and not original. Poland-weekend "ABIBAS" or "Adiads" (and do not cling to spelling on the labe: so it is written - it means so it is necessary!) It puts on a date, in a cafe, at a concert and diskar. "Olympica", that is, the upper part of the costume, is sprinkled at a time with a white blouse with circulars and with shoes on heels, with massive decorations, with a school form - and what will tell fantasy.


Fashion history says that the first leather jacket with a fastener Sico-nozzles was sewn in a platoon of America back in 1928. And we have this thing - fit, biting with zippers, with a belt and a bunch of pockets and pockets - was the most piscancy just in the nineties. For complete disappearance, you should jump the cutting metal and / or decorate the fringe.


Leather knee tops? Suitable for countryside. But the most correct boots of that era are suede, and should begin with about the ears. Unfortunately, it was technically difficult to achieve such perfection - and therefore they started from the place where the legs are split. Not! They were not shouted, they were captured, wedged, seeded. What you just can not do in order to look sexy.

"Yeah" jackets and seeds

Very comfortable clothing - it is not only necessary to iron it, but even with an accuracy to the opposite: when washing and stored twisting and mise more accurately. The more wished to look, the better! Color spectrum? Of course, neon-acid - and what, it makes sense to wear something else?!

Large colored rubber bands and laces

The best decoration of the girl's hairstyles (except, of course, bangs "I fell from the dump truck" and the lacquer "charm") is a hefty fluffy gum of a poorer color. And even better - so that the gum is overflowing with all possible colors. Alternatively, it was allowed to tie the tail with a thick cord - of course, a shrill-salad or desperate-pink.

Panties "week"

As follows from the name, this fashionable set of linen consisted of seven cowards, and the name of the day of the week was conquered. Clear red, to achieve strict calendar compliance and urban in practical life was mad. But not to have "weeks" at all - it was somehow stupid.


Looking mysterious and harshly, like Vanya Demidov in "Muzoboz", tried with rectangular glasses with glasses. For some time, the most fashionable accessory was a narrow dark strip. Part of the trendy population wore round glasses in a thin metal frame or without it. Type like in Egor Letov or Cat Basilio.

Checked shirts

Broken-wide up to the shapelessness of the shirt in the cell (predominantly red-black) worn and lady, and gentlemen. One option was a persecution - and for fungusing flirting, the beauty could, not buttoning the lower buttons, tie the knot on the rumble. The second option was relevant - and frozen in such a armor or the printed it was extremely problematic.


This decoration should answer two principles: "Live to see!" And "Yes, I'm the smartest here, and Cho." Therefore, the entire outer surface of the jacket and a backpack is taken by round plastic icons. From there, they look at Tsoi and Bruce Lee, calls "do not learn me to live" and "take care of nature, your mother!". If the cabbage to "cooperative" badges are missing, not trouble! We are happily stuck to the remnants of the children's collection: all sorts of Cheburashi, the "drummers of communist labor" and the "society struggle for sobriety".


The main species are two: small leather (that is, from the skins of a young dermatina) from the bazaar - and stitched from old jeans on their own. Decorated with icons (see above), pins and bright shoelaces, as well as artistically samples with ballpoint handles.

"Firms" sneakers

They must be high. Or white. Ideally, white and high. A large inscription type "Reebokc" is desirable (it is said: do not cheat into shape, see the root, the company brokers does not knit) in a prominent place. Well, or "korando". Laces to this magnificence are relying raspberry or acid-salad.


Long white T-shirts, they are short dresses, are worn with colored leggings. The bouquer shows Mickey Mouse or some other bourgeois superhero. If you suspect that what you proudly put for a campaign video galleon is conceived as a nightie (and the probability is large), do not worry. There are such as you, half will be. If the courtyard of the 1997th and Titanic has already come out, then without a T-shirt with DiCaprio, the road is unless that the most fashionable life.


Miracle of the chemical industry, plastic killer slippers, with openwork design and inhuman sliding coefficient. Meaningless and merciless, but beauty requires victims. Perhaps these polymer monsters were intended purely for the pool. But noble girls lived in this shoe full of life - cultural, spiritual, secular, and so on.

Denim jacket, Lambad skirt

The jacket is dense to full woodenness, the bullets are bouncing, and you move in it with the grace of the biorobot. Buttons are easier forever forget than at least once - but it is not required. This jacket is suitable both the boy and the girl, of any age. The girl has the right to put on it anything, preferably a skirt "Lambad" on a rubber band and a lace from above, with circular and embroidery from below.

Baseball cap

The design here was regulated, it was rigidly as a dress code at royal receptions. Color - black or blue (on an extreme - camouflage), the inscription "USA California" is burning on the forehead, over the inscription proudly, the eagle wings are proudly. Oh, sorry, not on the forehead, but on the back of the head: wearing this coolness followed exclusively a visor back.

Spots on the platform

"On the CPSU platform", how I joked some clever. In such a shoe, which raised the owner at once half a meter over the surrounding reality, was not terrible there were no off-road of our endless Motherland. Patency - like a middle jeep! The main thing was not to be soldered, having got dizziness from success: to fly with the nozzles was long.


Pipe from purple or Pink Angoret, in which the maiden's head is being built ... and try now to catch your girlfriend among the sea such exactly the heads. In the room for consuming chic, he should have torn a headdress from the head and leave hanging around the neck. Despite the fact that the Pooh ruthlessly lez, where he could. So what? About the beauty and sacrifice already it was said.


She is a bowl. She is the same Patsan accessory. Judge about pressed seeds? Well, joke, joke. First, it's you from envy, you and the pager, I suppose, no. And secondly, you are not yet in the courses, to whom the Baton bread here - but when you meet Tozhana from six hundred and second and his bustting, let's see how you mood.


For a while, 99% of the high school students of both sexes were cut out with these heavy fools, leatherette and plastic. For solidity - with codes locks, for beauty - with stickers. They were not allowed when it was necessary to ride a slide along the way or deserves to argue with the opponent in Campol.

Plastic bag

With apples, flowers, stripes or advertising of some "mentep" - what you have, all pull out. We are heading to the institute - deftly wrap a notebook and pen in it (and you will not need anything else there). Dried a gem package in a crowded trolleybus - wrapping, dry and reiterate proudly. And if the package cut the blade of the envious - gently glue the sufferer and continue to carry.

Clock "Montana"

All the luxury of this accessory passed the anecdote, in which fashionable person repeats everything: "Nishtyak!", On the question: "Do you know any other words?" - Nodes: "Yeah, I know. Montana! ", And on clarification:" What is it? " - Replies: "Oh, Nishtyak!" Vaur resist, backlight, date, stopwatch, 13 melodies, "Electronics" rests!

Rubber skirt

No, grandma is not a wide belt. This is an independent element of clothing, from which legs start at once. Well, it is not necessary to start this: "Briefs are visible, the briefs are visible"! .. Nothing is visible, if only go not very quickly and not lean. Support the skirt can be lowered if necessary. Well, or vice versa. Cases are different.

Jeans "Varenki"

It began this tetry - to turn in Linal - we still have in the eighties, and "they" and before. That's just "they" did not have such a smelter and a bleach called "White"! This poorest chemical was poured into a saucepan-welded, the pants were lowered there - and sausaged there until completely modified, acquiring picturesque chlorine divorces.

Sweater "Boys"

What a light mind invented these dirty and green stripes, what deft pens embroidered this proud inscription? Then the great task for the historians of the future. For anyone, this great and mighty lord of the sweater world shines in dozens of copies from each group photo of any company. Flower - Rose, Poet - Pushkin, Sweater - Boys! Although they wore Herls with the same success.


Just-black should be each (here is all every) self-respecting young ladies. The chicks are not simple, and the fashionable they should be the colors of the outlook! To wear them relies with t-shirts (see above), elastic skirts and jeans skirts (see above), soapboxes or sneakers (see above) ... In general, the principle you caught. Packed thus legs shine brighter stars and stuck right in the heart.

Jeans "Malvina"

If anyone has two inscriptions "Mawin" in the priest - one black in white, the second green and red threads on the pocket - then the Maine does not look like. And on Vauman, too (in case you - it is, as an option, a short straight skirt from the same fabric with the same leiba) is allowed). Sits in easeless baggy, along the length of frequently "confined" (because it was measured on the attacker in the fog of ecstasy) ... but cool by definition. So they attacked like people! The alcohol was left with the "Jupi" for courage, the "Turbo" chewachku in the teeth, the Cassette Player "Sony Volkman" in the ears - and go ahead!

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