7 reasons to draw, even if silver will not come out of you


Do you remember how you liked to draw? Sometimes and now the hands will cush out to open some video tutorial and take watercolor in the hands. But at the first attempt, you understand that mom (dad, grandmother) was right: Serebryakaya Zina will not come out.

So, there is nothing to start ... or wait, perhaps, the reasons to take and start drawing again!


Drawing is invented not in order for someone to become famous

And not even so that they can only be engaged in artists. Drawing is art, and, like any art, it was invented from the need to express their feelings, thoughts, hopes, memories.

In any art there is a part "for the people" - for example, it was always normal to dance on holidays or sing under mood during work, and there is a corner of professionals.

With drawing, everything is just like with dancing and singing. To draw, only the mood is needed.

No need to learn long to rejoice in your drawings

When you really want to draw a person exactly academia, with lightness on the muscles and joints, of course, long and stubborn workouts can not be avoided.

But academic painting and drawing are not the only directions. Humanity has invented many other ways to draw. Stylized drawing, drawing by stains (robust), primitivism, ornaments, abstractionism, in the end.

They will define your hand and the feeling of line and colors, but the beautiful, the result you will see you faster.

Drawing develops visual memory and spatial imagination

Everything is studying in Japan, it is considered an important step in the development of the child, and not just a hobby. After all, then he remembers thousands of hieroglyphs, and without good visual memory it will be difficult.

Drawing stimulates parts of the brain that are associated with vision. The drawing person is easier to submit something to the description and easier to memorize images. He improves the coloration, so that the willingness and freshness of many products can understand simply by their shade. A painting person faster notes a change in skin shade, which is accompanied by diseases.

Drawing relieves stress, allows you to recycle your alarms and aggression

You can, of course, selflessly save everything in yourself and growl on loved ones, just destroying your body with a cortisol in a hormone. But it is better not, no one will appreciate your heroism.

Scientists have established that 45 minutes of drawing with paints is enough to ensure that the indicators of stress go strong down. We cannot say exactly whether drawing with pencils and handles, but we think that yes.

Drawing helps to memorize heard

That's why it was quite unclean, say? But restless scientists found that people, automatically or semi-masted sketches on lectures, remember 29% more.

Drawing helps to achieve a state similar to meditative trance

A person who is passionately draws not for the sake of the ultimate goal, but for the sake of fun to draw, flows into a state similar to those who are searched with meditation. Regular drawing, like regular successful meditation, makes people calmer and happier. And who does not want to be happier?

Illustration: shutterstock

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