What dreams of making every mother's mother: 11 secret desires (in gifs)


Let's be honest with each other: sometimes it seems to you that while you didn't have this scraper in diapers, it lived much easier! We collected 11 secret desires that every mother dreams to carry out how only her baby grows. Check yourself!

Sleep over

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Sleep out - it means to sleep without a break of hours 10, and even better 12. And so that no one woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning and did not require the chest. And so that no one at 5 in the morning screames under the door. And so that no one comes to eat his cookie in your bed while you are desperately trying to attain. And did not cut the damn cartoons to the entire coil. Only you and sleep.

Get drunk

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Of course, you can afford a couple of wine glasses or beer. But sometimes it wanted to overturn the stack of tequila, cheerfully drinking it champagne, to secure it with a cocktail and go to dance on the bar counter. Well, or just to drink normally, not counting the glasses and not thinking that tomorrow you will keep your baby in kindergarten, frightening educators with heavy amber.

To have sex

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Not those 15 10 miserable minutes under the slogan "Let's soon, until she woke up!" When under the ass in the most unexpected moment, you deserve a peptic peptic or new transformer, but normally so, with feeling, really, and arrange. With candles, toys, long prelude, beautiful linen, then together in the shower and there, too, do not bother.

Normally eating

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First, I really want to do it with two hands. Secondly, it is desirable that no 10 kg of live weight on you does not hang out. Third, so that no one climbs into your plate, because you all want to eat myself. And, fourth, normal food. Enough already these soup and broccoli for a couple.

Go travel

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Without thinking about whether a child's pebble beach is suitable, whether your baby will withstand a 5-hour moving by car, without collecting with him a hundred million things from diapers to the beloved Plush Guern, without which the baby's infant is not sweet. And as in the good old days: gathered a passport, money, panties and a toothbrush and went!

Spend all the money on yourself

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Buy a bunch of beautiful clothes, not afraid that they will soon be devoted to porridge, infant belching, berry puree or someone poorly disgraced rubbish. Heel shoes - and forget about the damn stroller! Make a manicure, pedicure, hair removal, and all that your heart, not thinking how much you could buy native monitoring useful.

Return everything back

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This is the most treacherous idea in the world that every mother thinks thinks. Very rare, but thinks. What was cool when the child was not. As she was free and belonged only to himself. How could anything do without this goded sense of responsibility. And how it would be cool at least briefly go back.

To be one

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It must be said that this secret desire is difficult, but is realized, especially if you have babulls-nyanyushki on your pickup, and then you can get to wander around the house in shorts, eat exclusively by dumplings and sandwiches, watch movies, not to collect endless toys Internet and drink wine into their pleasure.

Lie down in the bath

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Each mother, which by the end of the first year of the baby knows how to take a shower for 20 seconds, dreams of it. So that no one can be caught under the door, push the foam into the bath, take a book, player or stay in a blissful silence at least for 30 minutes. And if it works out, the bath will come at all for a full-fledged SPA procedure.

Forget all baby songs

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You will wake you at night - you will sing the song of the Smurfiki and list the name of all sneakers. And once, by the way, solved the equations with logarithms and without a knocking quoted Shakespeare in the original. But do not worry. Soon the kid will grow and you can forget these arid melodies as a terrible dream.

Do not worry

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He is dressed? Wound? What is he doing? Owl? Or maybe hungry? Legs not knocked? Did not catch a cold? Made lessons? I drove to home? That's what the maiden is? Well, I spoke! Of course, I want to get rid of this, but, frankly, it is unlikely to succeed. Children are for life. And you never stop worrying, do not even dream.

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