7 irregular issues that need to set before the wedding


Does he love mojito, how do you love him? Did he watched all the films of Jarmusch? Was he in Bali? All these questions, of course, are very important - especially during the first dates. But you have come for so long ago that you know everything about him.

However, if you started to think about printing in your passport, it makes sense to think - and whether all questions are asked or still important, but unclear moments?

Whose career is more valuable?

It may be very possible that one day some of you have to abandon work for the sake of parental care or children. Or he will be offered a job in another city - who will have to abandon the prospects, or to you? This is a question that is better to discuss in words through the mouth and still on the shore, and not when it is loaded. Because very often one of the couple believes that this is his career, and the partner is so, the pellery, which he can change the wash plate at any time on the washing of plates or alignment of cans in the supermarket.

What are we going to do if the family need money?

Not your proud young cell of society, namely the family - his uncle or brother, your mom or a second cousin? In some families, it is accepted, just, to sell apartments and kidneys, just to help the blood relatives. Others are limited to the issuance of the business card of the microcredit organization. Who and in what volume are you ready to help?

How will they bring up children?

Let us leave Montessori alone with Makarenko, we will define at least with basic concepts: can I beat children or is Paleolithic and game? What is more correct - hang the schoolchildren's key on the neck or attach a nurse, governess and bodyguard? Children are only a muming fun or still daddy? As far as his ideas coincide with your, you can see, looking at his mother and dad and his attitude towards them. If in the family it is customary to figure out the evil on any occasion, and nice believes that he was greatly brought up, then it became, and he will yell on children - it exactly suits you?

And beauty is important?

Because priests, in general, right - material beauty is transient and fragility. So definitely that in 20 years, there will be little from it. It is clear that today it seems to you that you will never change, and he will remain a handsome, but look at the photo of celebrities that shone in the 1970s. At Harrison Ford look. Or on Pamela Anderson. And if you love each other for the tightened belly and chubby lips, give yourself a report that all this is not long and already will disappear without a trace.

And sex?

There are a lot of couples who try to make love as much as possible, even through "I can not" - and all because frequent sex seems to be the indicator of their success as a family. At the same time, both can literally force themselves. Not for all sex is the meaning of life and marriage. And here quarms the quarrel: one can believe that once a week is the beginning of the end, and the other may not see the problems at all.

What are we never agreeing about?

The compromise is not possible everywhere. But optimists tend to think that "no" expressed by a solid tone, it is still not "no", but "maybe someday then." And if you have such "no," in which you are not ready to give up any inches, nor now, in no 5 years - express it. You will not leave the country for anything - or you will not stay here until the end of life. You will not quit work. You will not move to the village to milk cows. Do not forget to learn and all of its categorical "no". And then decide whether you can live with them.

How do we survive treason?

This is also a fundamental question, and you need to answer honestly. Innocent prank for one often happens to the edges of the world for another. You can think that the most honest is to tell everything, and he is that it is better to know anything about it. Whatever your thoughts about treason, express them, not Lugowa (and first of all).

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