I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards


Any girl loves purity, but hates messing with rags. He loves a cake, but hates belly. And this is normal, yes! Well, in small things: there is still a bunch of things that are not given to the Middle Men. We just need to remember. Humbly incline head and repeat: "Yes, dear, you are unrecognizable as space and inexhaustible as an atom. Drink red wine, eat a chocolate! "

Make beautifully!

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_1

Here is your husband and children, obviously a troggal tribe. If you do not carve out of them, though the spark of the manner, there will be a pitiful pshik. Well, what does it prevent them from feeding decently, and not as a cant of piglets? And here you chase them in the tail and in the mane, so that all the trapes are beautiful. "Yes, you don't have enough of this tomato from the bank! Cut, put, and better make a salad. " And it would be nice to wait for Mitenka, and it is very good - put all the same plates, and in the middle of the table of napkins in the tone of the plates. And what are you doing, staying on the day alone (female happiness - husband on a business trip, hamster and kids in breeding)? Salad, decorated with greenery and lime sliced? Ha ha twice. You sharpen cold meat from the pan, leaving for the door jamb. Yes, with your fingers, so tastier! In the second hand at the same time holding a book (and who spoke "Mitya, put! Will!"?), And in the third remote. Lepota-A! Nothing, we can, the exception confirms the rule, Marivanna could not lie.

Accuracy - our all

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_2

The battle is holy and right, the fight is not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life in the apartment. Slightly you will slow the speed, the chairs (which for him - wardrobes) tauchered on the ceiling and no longer see them freedom. Door handles (they are hangers for socks) will not be available forever. The lingerie basket coorates from loneliness ... Do not give up, girlfriend! Save Feng Shui! ... But it would be fun to take and remove myself with a hidden camera when you return from a party to my bachelor's bakery. In which corner do you have a handbag? On what light bulb tights? Nothing, we can, tights, with a light bulb combined in style and patterns! So Feng Shui is on the spot.

Poor weak cat

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_3

Well, this is for a karmic punishment - a man who freezes the computer instead of helping the poor weak quota (I, yes!) Open this German fascist bank. Is I in high school in the works embroidered that napkin with Minnie Mouse? In order to chose a manicure with the inspiration of Botticelli? To now, like the last Amazon, to open these enemy flasks-tin? No, go here and take this tool in your hands, I need you as a man right now. But if, for example, not a can and not cucumbers, but at all the bottle and red, ... Yes, this manicure is already uninteresting, it's time for something more fun to portray! Nothing, we can, you need the exhausted soul discharge from chronic stress.

Circle loafers!

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_4

They are lazy, they are vegetables, they are procrastators. Bunny, as you can already sit behind these tanks, Carrot to them in a blow, Dichlofos to the caterpillar. Or here - and you tried not to jealous a man to football? If he is he every day with tenderness and passion, and not everyone is a personal life - and far from such? He is ready to spend time and energy for all garbage, besides me - I am a less important garbage for him, give me dichlorofosu, I will shoot him out, and then shoot him. And what have the phone here? What is the phone? Here is this, red? No, it is not clear. An hour and a half, say, Marinka? And three and three and a half hours on the forum in the topic "I am a girl, and I want Fyr Fyr Fyri"? Then you missed the wrong! And in general, we can, in the end, we have more fengshuyne and delicate Fyr Fyr Fyr Fyri.

I'm not greedy, I am a house

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_5

Yes, it does not turn off the light in the toilet. Yes, he does not look at the price tag when he takes 400 grams from the shelf 300 rubles, when the same is the same, but only a slightly less bright package in which 600 grams of 250 rubles. Yes, but without this sauce could generally do. And even more so - without this case. Let the first kick in us the stone who says that without tough savings can be flown on vacation or save the planet. No, well, here it is immediately "impulsive purchases, impulsive purchases", "Two handbags with salaries and the third with an advance"! We can, this shopping therapy is called, ask psychologists.

We were a little carried away

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_6

And do not argue, he has some strange hobbies, if not to say stupid. Well, that's what it is for Mania - spend the best years of your life (no longer that Gaidar with all the shelves, the Newton has already opened all the laws!) On, ridiculous, say the collection of models? Dust assemble, wallet vacuuming. And then they are the same, the modelings of these, nor in the farm to use, nor Feng Shui improve, nor even to separate, in the end. And do not be here, please remember a separate bike! Very nice it turned out, by the way. And he does not collect dust re-sequented chest, because it covers a special embroidered napkin. And in general, we can, we have hobbies are highly artistic, and not bad.

How to make decisions

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_7

Listen, well, who among us is a strong macho and the leader of Praid? You must make a decision. Who will accept him, Pushkin? I have a PMS, manicure wondering, the dissertation was not allowed and the forum was deranged. So, what did you choose it at all?! In a gray-green strip, you can not kill, it was impossible to find anything more dying? But why didn't you consult with me? I said to express the initiative? Well, yes, said. Is it really the highest mathematics: you have to take the initiative and make a choice, but everything should work out as I wanted in the depths of my soul. Although I myself may have not yet realized this at that time. I did not learn the tendencies to your beloved - well, myself an evil cormorant. And in general, we can. Because in the depths of the soul you understand it yourself. Do not understand? Well, the cormide is the same thing to take.

Bad good boy

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_8

Well, yes, I wanted you to be gentle and cute with me. Yes, I asked floweries and chocolates. Well, yes, one day, I suddenly realized that for some reason I love bad boys very much. Here are interesting they. And you are too good, you have no charismatic flaws, and in general, some kind of bups and chocolates are already somehow not excited. Sorry. In general, we can, we have a biological program to make opposite things: and such that everyone has broken around, we gave off the offspring with super-genes and rode into the sunset - and so that I sit on the nest, the warm fluffy tail is frightened. Who would not want to be strange? Evolution ... You know who is heartless.

Who is the lieutenant Rzhevsky?

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_9

I know, I'm your "just came earrings, we have worked a little." When you are going with these troglodites, all the surrounding young ladies from Mariny to Kim Kardashyan are playing in chorus. Do you even know how to discuss anything about your boyfriends? Well, there is a singularity, I don't know, the sunshine, Gaidar with Newton ... The world is great and diverse, and you like that king - all one we will drive on the women. And the fact that we are told about the girls about nyashny police, or about John our snow in furs - this is, please do not trick. It is impossible to holy, in fact, right here are so unwashed hands. We can. It also tried to us, holy in fur and uniforms.

Be honest with me!

I can. You are not allowed! Our double standards 37401_10

Sweet lie - this calorie nastiness is not for us. We are strong, bold (no, it's not necessary to remember this anecdote here!) And advanced. Well, tell me, dear, just like in spirit: True, then then on the first date I struck you with knowledge of Jung? And not at all flying off the blouse at the level of solar plexus buttons? What? And a chest in Kumpolu? I wish you didn't say that! Why did you ask? Hopefully fool! No, well, tell me, only on honestly: when I was two months later on courses, you didn't have anything with Mariny, I thought it seemed to me? What?! And dichlorofosu in cucumbers? Why did you ask? Then, that I had to hear "no"! I will not say anything now. I can. You lose. And ignorance of rules does not frees from losing. Go, boy, teach feminine psychology, relieve another!

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