Stories for the night: Creepy predictions that came true


We somehow treat predictors with irony. Mostly because the advice is vague, and they can be interpreted as you like. Then, when something happens, they begin to attract the statements of famous clairvoyants of the past.

But there are such cases when not global wars predicted, but quite specific problems for specific people. It turns out Alexander II predicted death in red boots.

John Kennedy

One of the loudest political killings of the last century was not without warfare. Jin Dickson, the famous American astrologer, in 1956 wrote in his column in the magazine "Parade", which in four years the president will be the democrat, which will eventually kill, or he will die with his death in the workplace. In 1960, the election defeated the young representative of the Democratic Party John Kennedy, the life and political career of which broke in Dallas three years later. Richard Nixon carefully followed the predictions of Jin Dixon and, becoming president, met with her again. Moreover, he listened to her. When Jin wrote that in 1972 in the United States, the terrorist attack will be committed, Nixon created a committee to combat terrorism.

Mark Twain

The writer Samyel Clemens, who became a story as Mark Twain, predicted his own death and death of his brother. Mark did not differ in any extrasensory abilities, he made only these two predictions. He saw the funeral of Brother in a dream, and after three weeks he learned that the brother died during an explosion on a steamer. When Samuel entered the funeral hall to say goodbye to his brother, he saw that the whole decor was exactly as in his dream. The writer predicted his own death. He was born in 1835, when Comet Halley appeared in the sky. Mark has always said that he will leave this world when the comet will again appear on the sky. It happened in 1910. Maybe he arrived on comet, and then just flew home like Elvis?

Emperor Tiberius

Tiberius was fond of astronomy, when the Roman emperor was not yet. He ordered to build a observatory on top of the cliff, to which a narrow pathway was led along the cliff. Tiberius did not particularly believe the predictors and for entertainment was often invited to the astrologers so that they would have told his future. Since he considered their charlatans, such invitations ended in that the astrologers fell to the bottom of the gorge. But one day, Tiberius called to himself the famous ancient astrologer trazium and asked what fate was prepared for him? Trazier replied that Tiberius would become Emperor Rome. What Tiberius grinned and asked: "Maybe you know and your destiny? How do you die? " Trazali made some calculations, turned pale and said: "You want to kill me now. But you will not do it. " The impressed Tyrant let the trazic released, and, becoming the emperor, then he often consulted with him.

Alexander II.

Emperor Alexander II was born in Moscow in 1818. His mother's empress Alexander Fedorovna ordered to ask the famous metropolitan oorodive Fedor, which is waiting for the monarch of child. Fedor said that the emperor would be mighty, Slary and Silen. Many great cases will make, but die in red boots. No one then did not understand what he wanted to say the wilderness. The meaning of strange words was understood only after 63, when the bomb of the sprouting terrorist exploded Alexander II carriage. The emperor took away both legs, and he died from the Russian Academy of Sciences. Another prosecution was 14 years before the terrorist attack. One novice in the Sergievsky monastery was crazy, burst into the celle of the abbot and burned his legs in the portrait of Alexander II hot choser. Then he ran to the monastery courtyard and shouted that now everything could do with him. The monk was placed in the house for mentally ill, and the strange case was remembered only when sad news about the emperor came from the capital.

Countess Agnes Lancoronskaya

It was rather not the prediction, but a persistent premonition of the Council itself. Countess of Agnes Lancoronskaya lived in the last century in the Neequest Castle in Galicia. Children's rooms were in one part of the castle, and adults where the graph lived with the Countess, to another. To go from one part of the castle to another, it was necessary to cross the huge hall. Young Agnes always cried and fought in hysterics when she had to go through this big room. Adults could not understand what the girl was afraid. When she graduated, he was able to explain that the source of fear is a completely harmless picture of the "Kum Sibilla" of the work of Titian, hanging over the doors. To calm the child, the picture was removed, but fear did not go. When Agnes was eighteen years old, nobles were gathered for Christmas celebration from all over the county. Young guests decided to have fun in the Big Hall and called young countess. Before entering the hall, she again experienced the attack of fear and panic. Noticing it, the guests began to laugh and tear over her. Some clever broke up to the point that Agnessu pushed into the hall and closed the door behind her so that she could not go out. Agnes was hammered in hysterics, he was told on the door, screamed that she would die now. Then there was a loud knock and everything was amended. Opening the doors, the guests saw Agnes and Lancoronskaya lying on the floor. Before the holiday, the ill-fated picture of Titian was returned to a historic place, right above the door. In the classroom, she was broken, and the angle of a massive baguette broke the head of the unfortunate decanter, which all his life lived in the premonition of this moment.

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