How the brain can steer the brain: 10 glitches in the same place



Sometimes listen to yourself and they are afraid of a joke: it seems that the roof is already going to the distant edges, and it is time to give up to the Sanitary Sanitation and pension a psyche. And in fact you can be completely normal - and at the same time see or hear what is really no!

Scientists of comrades from the Queensland Institute of the Brain conducted a large-scale study (examined exclusively mentally healthy people) - and they calculated that there are no hotucinations from any of the twentieth. And if you look at and think about it, we are clearly much more. And people with alive and rich imagination are especially exposed to this effect. And to stimulate the brain to the demonstration of "funny pictures" are capable of different factors.

You did not sleep

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Defencing (that is, deprivation) sleep is actually a non-mesmer, but drug. After the second sleepless night, the usual fatigue and decline in concentration begin to replace stronger changes in consciousness. Paul gradually leaves from under his feet, as if the deck, dust start in his eyes, then they grow up to "cats" or "houses". Further - more: please do not love, but to complain auditory and visual hallucinations. So even if you have a diplomas in your nose, in which the horse did not roll, do not try to push it in a few nights. Remember that the deprivation of sleep people were tortured. Successful, yeah.

You are falling asleep

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The dreams at night come a variety of, sometimes very bright and extremely reliable. And it happens another state, when you still do not sleep, but no longer awake. An intermediate state when moving from wakefulness to sleep, you do not always be fixed, often as if you skip it and quickly "cut off." If this happens smoothly, sometimes you notice how light such delusional fler is imposed on understandable thoughts - and they flow into some elusive game of the absurd. This phenomenon is called complex thermal hypnotic hallucinations and pathology is not.

You wake up

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And there are hypopic hallucinations - it is the opposite when you wake up. And on the border between wakefulness and sleep sometimes there are even more curious things. Sometimes there is some parallel reality. You are at the same time in our room, and flow into some bizarre neighboring worlds. Everything around is very detailed, and often very scary, and you can move, as if it is impossible ... The norm also passes without consequences.

You are just tired

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If you are very tired very much, exhausted greek can give you the so-called simple, or elementary, hallucinations. Well, for example, you hear a knock or see the flash outbreak. Nothing even interesting, one extra concern. Exhale, beaver, rest!

You have passed away

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When injecting (for example, from allergies or from excessive excitement), the brain lacks oxygen - and it begins to give you the pictures of something non-existent. More often, unfortunately, they are frightening. It is understandable: the body is bad - and he prefers, no matter what it comes to, interpret to every firefighter as something dumb and dangerous.

You have

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There is a psychedelic side of the vegal dystonia, such as Derealization, that is, the change in the normal perception of objective reality. Change sounds and colors. The surrounding world seems strange, alien, ghostly, unreal. He may look like a flat, lost meaning, is infinitely distant from you a picture. Sometimes, when the vessels are sauced, the good old familiar soul hose can see the snake for a couple of seconds. Or the wallpaper pattern along the wall crawls, or the light bulb will float.

You have a heat

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A well-known case, hallucinations can visit us at high temperatures. Many talk about similar sensations. For example, as if you first small, and then suddenly grow up - and become big-big. Or rolls something on you, rolling through you, turns over - and, like a wave, rolls again. Some of these are pursued in childhood, and then passes.

You have the flu

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Influenza is able to give complications, including in the form of hallucinations. The virus "mines" the microbes that turn into unreasonable toxic substances. Which, in turn, can cause violations of perception. Crowding, intoxication leaves - and glitches are flying out.

Something seemed to you

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This phenomenon is known as Paredolia (we somehow told about it in detail) - this is when you in the figures and patterns you see images, mostly human faces. This phenomenon has several options for explanation, but the most flattering is that you are creative with a bright imagination.

You lacked sensations

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Hallucinations may be caused by the lack of impressions and feelings. If a long time spent in silence - the brain will start independently to give you autonomous sounds, if there are visual images in the dark.

In the middle of the twentieth century, scientists from the American Institute McAlla conducted an experiment on this topic. Volunteers needed simply to fall as long as possible in a special chamber, where nothing was visible and audible. For this simple, it would seem, the activity was relied on a non-free fee. But almost no one withstood more than three days. People began to hallucinate, panic and ask for this torture. We hope that your plans are not included in the dark and silent room - so this knowledge will remain purely theoretical for you!

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