Mom, I love a man-spider! What do our children teach their favorite heroes


Why did the children loved the red hat and the boy and Kibalchish, and now - a man-spiderman and half-or-win Winx witch? What will the domination of foreign cartoons and foreign heroes? What does the child teach Anime, what will he take from Batman and Harley Queen?

Many of the parents who are generally noticed, what the characters and stories are their children, takes this question. He is discussed on the forums and school parent meetings, even individual sites are dedicated to him.

How are our old, good heroes to compete with new ones, brightly dressed as our films and cartoons compete with stuffed special effects of film production of American and Japanese manufacturers? Will the child be valued only Western? What does it absorbs, what makes it necessary when looking for a favorite series?


We, adults we, even give ready-made answers. After all, we were also children who collided once with a foreign film industry and fascinated to her. We remember that Rambo and the Terminator were miles to us what could all be "told", and cosmetics, aobility, sexy suites fascinated in actresses. We don't want the child to consider the measure of the "coolness" of a person's ability to fight and kill, and we are afraid that he will not be disappointed with time in his idiot - after all, films and cartoons are becoming more sophisticated.

But what, if you ask children yourself - why do they have other people's parents of heroes? We interviewed several pairs of children - parents to understand how far the heroes of our family generations are far from each other.

Tim, 11 years old:

"My favorite hero is Harry Potter. I read about it all. Sometimes I play it, I will teach spells from the book, I have a magic wand, and I want to buy a pendant to a portfolio in the form of a Volan de Mort. In the magical world, Harry Potter appreciates that he was the only one who survived after the instant death spell, but I like his character, we are similar in character - I also have an explosive. And we both wearing glasses. My mother Harry Potter also likes. "

Olga, Mama Tima, 34 years old, housewife, Large mother:

"I can say for myself that in 11 years a certain hero I did not have. There was Freddie Kruger, who was horror as a dad, when I was about 4 years old. And so as not to be afraid, I "made" his friend. Yes, it is like a villain and all that, but for some reason he does not harm, and sometimes helps. So, with a grill, reluctant, such a hand flying down the ball with a grumble "Stupil, watch where you go" ... but always somewhere nearby.

If I was afraid to go to bed, it also imagined himself and sort of like him not scary. But it is probably not exactly that ...

I really loved reading fairy tales. Different. But never fond of heroes of fairy tales .. it soon went later. In 14 years I was enthusiaved by the cartoon series "Sailormun." I suspect, most of all I liked that five such different girls became girlfriends, hold on with each other, communicate, walk .. Well, at the same time the world is saved! And I really wanted to believe that there is the same strength in all, it only needs to find. And even the most plaxes and a coward can do what you need to save your friends. "

That's what's interesting! Almost all of us, restless parents, of that age, which means that we were looking at the Saturdays and Sundays of Disney cartoons - and adored, who had a black raincoat, restlessly ducklings Billy, Willie, Dilly, who in general the animal named was broken. Little by whom of us passed Sailormun - the Japanese analogue of modern Winx, and the Witch Sally - in some way Harry Potter in the skirt. But many of us believe that they rose only in domestic cartoons and films, on Pinocchio, elusive avengers and cat Matroskin.

Vita, 13 years old:

"My favorite heroine - Sophie Hatter from the book Diana W. Jones" Walking Castle ". She is stubborn and achieves his. She does not lose, although most of the book turned into an old woman. My favorite moment - when Sophie wanted to cook breakfast on a lively magic fire and persuaded him to obey. We have from Sophie similar moms, she also had no evil, but exploited her. And both we love to seek our goals. I also love cooking too. I bought my mother's book, I like Sophie too. "

Nick, Mom Vita, 42 years old, writer:

"When I was 13, I tried my best to imitate your favorite heroes - Zorro and D'Artagnan, painted them and fence on sticks. My favorite hero was Sasha Yanovskaya from "The Road goes to Dal", but I felt it rather as a girlfriend than as a sample to follow. "


Sometimes we are trying to lead the tastes of the child. We insist that he watched with us a favorite film of childhood, we buy our own - in childhood - your favorite books. Success inspires! But many parents complain: boring, not interesting, ridicule. And in general, the daughter or son only cinema and special effects are submitted, you will not make you get, on the scenes that we were captured, yawns ...

Oh, this is a feeling of impotence, when a child is near, but he is already so no continuation!

I wonder how it was our parents. Previously there was no Internet, and almost everything that looked - looked together, on TV, with video tapes. Here with books, it seems there was some problem. They spoke a lot about her on the same TV and wrote in magazines.

Louis Philipp, 14 years old:

"I am a spiderman fan. When was small, loved to play it, I had even a suit. Now only collecting figures, draw ... Spiderman - a super hero, he helps people, saves them. My favorite moment in the film - When he saves his favorite girl. But I don't want to imitate him seriously, I mean, just in everyday life. Because every person is personality. My mother and Pope Spiderman Like. "

Igor, Pope Louis Philippa, 48 years old, businessman:

"The boy was a big fan of Chapaev. The hero of war, fought against the "white" for ours, died for the idea! He played in him, running around the courtyard with a stick instead of sabers and in the dodge instead of dad. In the film on the moment, where he in the river sinks, wounded, the heart stuck. "

If you listen to children yourself, they like them in heroes the same qualities that chased in the Soviet childhood: the desire to help people, perseverance in achieving the goal. You can pickily ask: and the ability to be friends? And devious? And immediately answer: the same Winx Watches - Friend. In many anime - friendship decides. Superheroes are very difficult to call mercenary, they are hidden even from glory and especially for the sake of money help people.

But something still scratches. It's hard to take and agree. Yet it is someone else's. Truth?


Nastya, 15 years old:

"I really like Nikki Greenwich from the book" Astrovyanka "Nika Gorka. She is very clever, purposeful, never give up, she is altruist and she really manage to change the world for the better. I have two favorite episodes - when Nikki saves the observatory on Oberone, without obeying his supercomputer Robbie and spending his own calculations, and when she creates a network of "Greenwich clubs", which were called to teach young people. All my life gripped this looting on her (not physical), even entered a similar school, but I miss the diligence and spirit. "

Inna, Mom Nastya, 39 years old, Translator:

"I was fond of fistine by D'Artagnan, specifically, at that time on life and behavior, it was influenced little, since the period was chibically strained for many reasons - somehow behaved absolutely no time. Unless early in the morning gathering at the next exam, I thought that some of the day on duels were going - and it was slightly facilitated by my existence. "

Rita, 11 years old:

"My favorite character is Margot's blue ears from the book, which is called. I draw it, and I have one figurine. Margo was intelligent and funny, especially its blue ears, but also character too. And her character is funny. We are with her the same name. Mom she also likes, and dad never heard her. "

Arkady, Pope Rita, 52 years old, doctor:

"At the rhythine age I liked Mowgli, Geclberry Finn, Chingachguk. For their adventures. "


Margo Blue Ears and Nikki Greenwich - Characters of domestic authors. Do they cause less voltage? In fact, the parents and from modern Russian characters few people like. In addition to those who are familiar from our childhood - like Aleshi Popovich or Masha with a bear. And the rest ... Yes, ours. Yes, children value in them responsiveness, resourcefulness, courage and perseverance.

But they are strangers. Not our mentality, but personally to us.

We are frightened by the characters of books that our children are read. Not heroes of films with a bunch of special effects. Not cartoons as such. We are afraid of the abyss, which seems to be expanded between our children.

We have fewer points of contact. In school, they learn not as well as we studied - this before the universal overall experience of adults and children no longer connects the generation of family. And we cannot do nothing with it, we do not manage schools.

We knew the Soviet songs of the forties and sixties - those that were in our parents in fashion. In our fashion, they were not, but still knew. Our children, most of them - no, and many of the current parents shake their past in the heads of children instead of just share it. If not that anything did not penetrate there, if only there was only a common with us.

All that is from there, which can give experience other than our - crammed monster, taking our children.

More precisely ... We will create it yourself without knowing how to cope with our parental fear and grief otherwise. Is it possible at all?

Yes. You can still try to share movies and books. You can talk about your childhood - about a strange for a modern child to be, refusing the full edge of the story in favor of traveling in time, to the country of strange things. From there, the bridge to the conversation about the values ​​is lightened easier and it will come tight.

You can create a new overall experience. Read with a child, look with a child, go hiking or sign up for one circle.

You can not be lazy to join and its experience. Psychologists are no wonder: Speak with children! Not only read the notations, not only check the lessons and shape of clothing, not only let's instructors - listen than he liked the new cartoon with funny animals, what grants in fashion, what he dreams to learn how to try to do (and God Again to the school and edification).

And yes, of course. We do not necessarily love a person-spider and even just know the plot of the film with his participation. It is more important for us to understand why a child loves him. This is where you can find that you still have a lot in common.

Liana Natroshvili, Children's psychologist:

"The fears of parents are understandable, but fortunately, they do not have soils. Of course, the heroes of modern children differ from the heroes of our childhood, however, if they look more closely, it becomes clear that they possess positive qualities and a child, looking at them, learns to help weak, protect their loved ones, to make good deeds.

Some children sympathize with anti-peers and there is nothing terrible in this. It is easy and interested in asking the child about what he likes it in this hero. Sometimes children are difficult to protect themselves prefer strong and aggressive characters, children who suffer from fears in can choose terrible plots and bold heroes. Any story can be turned into a resource for discussion and communication.

The choice of favorite heroes is due or important for the child with positive qualities, or those whom he is sharply lacking.

Of course, our favorite films and fairy tales affect our formation, but even more affects relationships in the family and examples that are served close people. "

Illustrations: shutterstock

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