6 habits that turn you from the pros in the pumpkin (in the eyes of the boss)


To spoil opinion about yourself very simple. Especially at work. Even if your resume looks like a list of the best universities of the country and companies from the Forbes list, you still can make the boss think - was you worth it?

You are Vesnay

You will rather swallow your keyboard, not chewing than you say "I do not understand anything in it." You have an opinion on any reason, you can easily distribute valuable advice to the marketer, Eicharp and a cleaner. These experts are looking at such collaborators university graduates with restrained sadness, and the authorities puts himself a mental tick - you can not trust this employee, you never know whether he is a petrit in the topic or simply turns out.

You are distracted

Especially on your phone. Even on a date constantly staring on the screen - Nomomilfo, and even more so at the working assembly.

You disappear with radar

You do not take the phone, do not answer letters and ignore messages in the messenger. Especially if the work suggests that you remain in touch and after you leave the office. If you can't talk - come into touch and warn about it.

You are afraid of mistakes like nuclear attack

Error - ok. Redoing and correcting your shoals - too. It is not normalized to spend time, staring at the office and publicly suffering because of his mistakes. Even worse - distract others from affairs, demanding to regret yourself, explaining why the mistakes it was impossible to avoid or accusing the boss in stuffiness.

You do not criticize

Especially if the boss asks your opinion. It's great to be a cute bunny that does not want to hurt drawn feelings. But it is still a job, and if it seems to you that this is garbage, and it was already - do not hold in yourself. Otherwise, the boss will seem that you either spit on the result, or you do not understand the question.

You take too much

Bad head will even be happy. Good remember that multitasking is a myth and a straight track to burnout. And thinks - and do you qualitatively do the job that I poured on yourself, or simply imitate a rapid activity? In addition, the professional appreciates his time and will not be enough for everything that sails past.

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