Confession of a married woman: 8 things taught me novels with other women


I am married for almost 6 years and is very happy in marriage. But before getting married, I met for several years exclusively with women. No, I was not a lesbian - it's stupid to assume that it is possible to be her, and then stopped - but at that time a man practically did not interest me.


I am very grateful to my former girls for what they taught me. I remember each of them with tenderness and love, and with some of them we still have friends. Here are 8 things with which the relationship with women taught me.

Women are not men

Surprise! Only trying relationships and men, and with women, you understand the whole scale of the difference between them. Where a man will be silent, a woman will raise the scandal, where the woman will show patience and wisdom, a man is psychannet and leaves to drink bitter. Some obvious things men need to be explained and triggering as small children, and women understand them from a semi-touch. This is not about the difference between the gender, but rather about the deep essence of attitudes towards the world.



There is such an anecdote: "What is the difference between a lesbian from an ordinary woman? Lesbian on the second date comes with a suitcase! ". When we met with V., they began to live together three months after the start of the relationship, with T. - in a month (she just moved to me), and to N. I moved myself a week after the acquaintance. I tried to take a maximum of relationships here and now, because it was not limited to an imposed stereotype of their development: sex on the third date, in six months you can go on, then the wedding, then children, and that's all this. I felt delicious freedom and used it as I could. I learned to be decisive and not to postpone something, which I want, in a long box.

Refusal of labels

I was surprised to questions about whether the lesbians are with my girlfriend. First, yes what the hell do you all the difference? And secondly, we did not feel like lesbians. We were just two girls who loved each other, lived together, quarreled, put up, went on vacation. I felt what it was like to live when my parents, friends, and outsider people were constantly trying to hang on you, and realized that attempts to shove out other people in your world framework - the occupation is meaningless and useless.


Awareness of the diversity of the world

The world is much more than it seems, much more than we can imagine. If something does not fit into your picture of the world, then this is not a reason to think that it is not entitled to existence. I met so the number of incredible people, thanks to my relationship with women, I learned so much new about the world and about myself that I would not exchange this knowledge of anything.

Own sexuality

Oh yeah! You have sex with a woman - it means to disclose such verge of one's own sexuality and depravity, which you do not even suspect. And you do not need to ask who I like more, is so different things as you can imagine. In general, the realization that another woman can start you, already greatly shakes what to say about the moment when you are in bed and you can caress each other indefinitely. And no, we never wanted to invite any men.


View from the outside

Meeting with a woman as if you look at yourself from the side and celebrate your weaknesses. So she arranged a hysteria on an even place, so eating the brain of a large aluminum spoon, here I have PMS, and she hates all the living, so she continues to talk when it's time to close your mouth and silenced. Well, yes: I really became a pity of the men. Of course, they themselves are not gifts, but women sometimes are truly unbearable.

Ready to compromise

This, probably, study in any way, but in a relationship with a woman especially. Especially, damn it, if you wear clothes of the same size! Especially if you match the time of PMS! Especially if you find out who to wash the dishes or remove from the table! In short, imagine a relationship with myself, and then multiply two. Is impressive?

Skill forgive


The lesbian dusovka is quite closed and not a few. Every friend know each other, they got it with each other and pulled out, and now all together fish catch (c). Therefore, the ability to forgive another person and let him go with the world for all four sides, perhaps one of the most important. Of course, when I was 22 and we broke up with A., it was hell on earth, we shared friends, companies and panties, just that they were constantly met on common parties. Now we are friends with families, and that's fine.

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