9 positive heroes of children's cartoons that behave like assholes


Modern children's cartoons are trying to make sex equality broadcasting. Many girls are the main characters. Girls are often smart and concerned not only with their appearance. But from stereotypes, the creators of cartoons still fail to leave.


We will never know, especially or involuntarily happens, but they bring the gallery of the boys and male images in which all or almost everything is ridiculous and inadequate, which is inherent to the male image ...

Fixipap and other "fixes"

Worked once Papus on the cosmodrome. And when they launched the rocket, Papus was a day off, and he did not fly into space. Since then, he can not tolerate the weekend.

Poor Papa, to the psychotherapist you would. Because how many work, but in space you still did not fly, it's time to take it. And in general, you have a wife and children, and they need your attention and in family weekends.

And once Papus became boring. All equipment in the house works properly, nothing breaks. There is almost no work. What to do?

The bored dumping could not come up with anything better than to move to another house - wherever the smallest owners and there are no fixists.

I don't care that children have a school here, friends and that the house is covered and safe. This is not taken into account at all. Papika is boring! This is the main thing.

Family in panic. Fiximamama-Masya in hysterics packs things, children are moving and crying.

Say words through the mouth that we will not go, the family can not. Just because Papus does not hear. He said "moving", everyone should be built.

Fixidty find a way out - break household appliances. Papus has a job again. Everyone laughs, everyone is satisfied, no one goes anywhere.

The easiest option is business trips to another apartment, where there are no fixists and technology is not well-groomed, Papusa no way. Going to work in the Laboratory of Professor Chudakov (which is still the inquiry itself), too. Just relaxing, too, in any way (well, how, Papus in youth did not fly into space and therefore resting afraid and does not like). Only hardcore, just tear the family from the place and transport where the life is not so sweet.

Well, not an asshole?

Boy Mitka and "Magic Lantern"

The boy of Mitka is a child who is not interested, except for the game in the prefix.

But everything is not so simple. His older sister Katya understands that Mitka can still be enthusiastic, and about a miracle, her efforts are crowned with success - she managed to force Mitka (the authorities given to her parents, she behaves with Mita, like a mother) to watch together with She is diameters - legends, myths, epics and other folk wisdom. And about the miracle, Mitka every time looks with interest, the little mammy-Katya law, if trying, a lazy and rude boy can be attached to a reasonable, kind, eternal. And it doesn't matter, Mitka cannot live without rolling, do not specify, do not wield - not to devalue - what makes and says sister.

Honestly, sometimes it's a hunt to give this Mitke to the forehead, he keeps himself so disgusting.

And Katya is a pity.

Sasha and "Arkady locomotives"

The boy Sasha and the girl Masha constantly fall into dangerous situations, of which arkadium locomotives save them. Sasha gets more likely, because he loves heroge, "it proves that he knows how to repair outlets, it claims that he is champion and he does not need a helmet to ride on a skate.

And after a huge number of stories with a threat to life, he continues to be terribly boastful and makes the appeal. Why is he not learning anything?! Infuriates.

And Arkady steam locomotives itself is also the same ... Slim tricky little man, who is put on the right costume, increasing torso and biceps, - makes Macho without long extinguishing workouts and anabolics. Solid altogether.

And even though the omnipresent, but there is no teacher - always at the end of the series gives well-tired children comforting sweets. Who cares for children?

Norman Price and Fireman Sam

Same. The boy Norman will always suit some cataclysm and put the entire fire part on the ears (read all the emergency services of the city). He is saved, and nothing for it does not happen. And he continues to see, including after having even fires.

Sometimes it seems that he does not teach anything precisely because everything is destroyed, and it is possible to continue the naughty to treat their own and someone else's security. A sense of responsibility outside the system of the worldview of this Norman Price, but the impunity taxes.

Sam, well, talk to this arrogant and lifelong boys at least once a male, entitled to him brains, in fact!

"Parovosik Thomas"

Always something asking such that everyone has to rake the consequences. So I want to shoot him into the TV: "They also talked to you !!! What a horseman! "

But he is at least in the deed. And he himself also participates in the elimination of the consequences of his thought. Unlike Norman Price. So for Thomas Nadezhda is.

Kesha and Mimmicky

Fear of Kesha may have thought as smart. He is to invent and build anything - it is reminders and machines making honey to a gaming machine and a spacecraft.

That's just incomprehensible, from whatever Kesha's mind, then the "lowers" reasonable and good chanterelle, refers to the nonsense, to everything that comes from it. But pies that fox bake eats! Will not forgive.

Krosh and "Smeshariki"

Krosh, too, the matter is doing something without thinking. Offends friends, bobes them on "bad" things. If you look at this crumble every day, you start to doubt that he knows how to think. And so - just a mischievous child, a boy ... in the worst sense of this expression.

Dad Pipa, Dad Fay, as well as "Pepper Pepper" and "Little Kingdom of Ben and Holly"

Where Miley is good family cartoons. But in them adult men show themselves far from both adults and not as men (decent imitation, examples for small boys).

They have a very painful pride (old wise elf and dad pigs). They are intrusive and stick to women (elf pirate). They often behave like capricious children (king thistle). What can they teach children?! And what opinion about the fathers they create children who look at their TV. And then you ask why modern girls do not respect men?

Natalia Kalashnikova

Illustration: shutterstock

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