How to answer annoying questions, staying in a white coat?


The society seeks to drive women into some kind of slave framework. Grandmothers at the entrance, colleagues, friends of parents, and just random passers-by consider themselves carriers of sacred knowledge about life, which allows them to interfere in your life with their own, as they seem to be extremely necessary and important questions and advice, in order to meet them immediately Mythical ideas about what should be.

Uncontrolled curiosity seizures, all these terribly annoying questions "When will you marry?", "When you give birth?", "What does your tattoo mean?", "I got a job?", "How much do you get?", "What a guy Digid? ", Each of us heard more than once and not two. I tried to embarrassfully stuck, get silent, but these people are similar to the damn asphalt pavers - until they achieve - do not reassure.

Enough tolerating this! PICS.RU knows how to leave the inflexible advisers! You can of course immediately send the interlocutor where it was born, but we believe that in life there should always be a little fun!

Method 1

How to answer annoying questions, staying in a white coat? 37388_2
Incorrect questions are complete sucks, because they make you feel awkward and forced to justify in your life. Do not go on the negative, repay the interlocutor of the same coin! When the meticulous colleague once again hesitate, why do you look tired and did not fail with a guy, sit down opposite her, seriously look into her eyes, scrubby a squeezed tear and start my sad story.

Tell me that I have long been waiting for the case to share it, I've been waiting for it 15 years ago, when everything just started ... Do not pay attention if the break for lunch will end, and the colleague will nervously look at the clock, persistently keep talking! Asked? We answer! Let the man bitterly regrets that he began to talk with you !! Shocking frankness will definitely take a hunt to talk to your personal topics and will allow in the future to avoid any questions.

Method 2.

How to answer annoying questions, staying in a white coat? 37388_3
Another effective way is to distraction. Suitable for unfamiliar people. No, show your finger behind the back of the interlocutor and shouting "Fire!", Not worth it. Simply, hearing an uncomfortable question, rapidly translating the topic. Preferably in the absurd. You will ask you about when you get a child, and you answer: "Yesterday the neighbors flooded that they had a cat in a saucepan ...". And here at once what space to continue the conversation! You can discuss housing and communal services, high prices for a new parquet, family neighbors, injustice of management companies, future overhaul - in general, all on the topic.

However, you can divert attention with anything, whether it is a hairstyle of the head, a new melodrama or breeding goats at home - plunging into a lively discussion of every garbage, the interlocutor will forget that he asked.

Method 3.

How to answer annoying questions, staying in a white coat? 37388_4
It is believed to answer the question to the question ugly, but when they are overly long nose in your case, there is no politeness of speech. So feel free to ask the response questions! "And did you get a job?", "You will ask you, and you answer:" What did you give up your diet? " So recovered! " So you ignore the unpleasant topic, and your curious familiar will begin anxious inner monologue.

At this point, it will not be disturbed by your job, it will be worried about the borsch eaten at night, fallen sides, panic plans for instant weight loss, frequent husband's business trips and a slim neighbor. But the desire to continue with you the conversation will not be right away, and you are glad!

Method 4.

How to answer annoying questions, staying in a white coat? 37388_5
One of the reasons for the increased interest of others to your personal life is love for gossip. New boots, frequent rations, good mood, work until night - Be sure all this is discussed and condemned regularly. So, asking you some kind of blatantly incorrect question, often the interlocutor wants to get one thing - the soil for gossip and crosses! Do not allow it! Better - immediately give him the final product. To the question "Do you have, problems in the family?" You will answer: "Well, here, but Jolie with Pitt is generally bred!"

Wragge on how hard you have to be adopted children, no matter how much you comforted Brad, what Jolie is a strong woman - in general, giving priceless food for reflection and managed, leaving the gossip, in fact, with nothing.

Method 5.

How to answer annoying questions, staying in a white coat? 37388_6
When, on a Christmas dinner, Bridget Jones asked why she was not yet married, she replied that after 30 women were covered with scales, so no one takes them. This is perhaps not the best example of a sparkling humor, but he worked as it should - beat off every desire to talk to her personal topics. If you are still able to be friendly to confront attacks of tactlessness, thinking in advance of witty answers to all the most unpleasant questions. "Why are you a vegetarian?", "Because I hate plants", "When you head the child?", "Maybe right now!" . No specifics from you will not achieve a person, so, the chance that he will no longer dismiss you, there is.

Method 6. Most effective

How to answer annoying questions, staying in a white coat? 37388_7
If all the above options did not work and the flow of tactless issues did not stop, act boldly and uncompromisingly! If the interlocutor persistently interested in intimate details of your life, look carefully to him right in the eyes and checkan in response: "It does not concern you." Do not be afraid to seem coarse. If you tell them everything that you actually think with the use of an extensive stock of obscene vocabulary, then it will be really rude, and so - pah!

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