The story of the very miserable Picker USA


The story of the very miserable Picker USA 37384_1

This person can be said, a professional woman-naughty. And thousands of people are actively despised. Coincidence? Do not think!

When you do not have a normal personal life and you begin to feverishly throw on everything that moves - you're just a loser. When you start collecting everyone who rushed to, and proudly tell you how to do this right Makar - you are already a pickup. When you write a book in the most unclosed and a contemptuous tone that "Baba pecks on the caress and two bucks" and your congratulations are equal in misfortune - you are a guru pickup. But when it is frowning and closed in front of you the borders - you are already Dariouch Valis. The king of this case and an unforgettable Herostrat. Tempting perspective, eh? We can share the secrets of formation!

How to compensate for wretched


One day a boy was born in America. His parents, as he himself tells in an interview, were "Middle Eastern emigrants, so by nationality I am half an Armenian, half an Iranian, although I don't know the languages. Probably, the lack of national consciousness explains why I can astrate any culture, not boring in my own ... I don't think that it was the origin that influenced my aspirations: any man with a normal level of testosterone has a strong desire to copulate. "

Having a strong desire, but not having suitable opportunities, the young microbiologist poured his intimate failures in an anonymous blog. At the same time, according to his confession, paranoil, that the chief will get acquainted with this creativity and will fire him. Osmeliev, relaxing, repenting that on the Internet, any Falee can be turned into a victory, and taking the pseudonym Roosh V.

Dariusch found himself in the literature and invented "Neomasculin". The first work with the simple name "Fuck" was "allowance for how to shoot girls and sleep with them." And then the guy went to attach to different cultures. Will go to South America - he picks up "dead mouse in Paraguay". Flows to Poland - gives "Fuck Poland". In the same uncomplicated spirit, the hero managed to walk in Iceland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Ukraine, Norway, England, Australia ... And all this, "to prove the true significance of a man on our planet."

How to find a sense


What is it, the true significance of the wandering rabbit of the real Masculist? Here are some of the proud Credo Rusha vi.

  • "A man will refuse to monogamy and childbear, if not forced it."
  • "The biological basis of masculinity is testosterone. These are all changes in the environment, due to which the concentration of hormone decreases, make a man weak and feminine. "
  • "By default, each girl I meet, a useless slut, until she proves the opposite."
  • "The value of a woman largely depends on its ability to childbear and beauty. The value of a man largely depends on its resources, intelligence and character. "
  • "The destruction of traditional gender roles and the promotion of the idea that women may have an unlimited number of partners leads to the fact that they become leaning, and other negative consequences that interfere with the construction of the family."
  • "Socialism, feminism, the culture of Marxism and fighters for social justice contribute to the destruction of the family cell, a decrease in fertility and depletion of the state due to social benefits."

But the most sands of the crown of masculinity in the execution of the Rus - there is no idea of ​​the legalization of sexual violence! He boldly spoke in order for it not to be considered as if it happened in a private area. That is, if the girl went into someone's house - it already automatically means that it arrived there solely for sex, and there is nothing to complain. Rate what is called, the beauty of the game ...

How to achieve universal hate


The neo-Masculist began to feel in his skins that he made serious inflection. Ligalize violence is not the number of genital acts to compete. He tried to tell the world that it was actually such a metaphor, hyperbole and general satire, but the world was already read and diagnosed: the misogony as it is.

Demonstrations against the preaching of hatred for women and Rushe see personally went to Glasgow and Berlin, and there were a lot of men. Publications and telecasts with the appropriate assessment of creativity unrecognized Guru multiplied. On the network, petitions shattered, calling out from the sale of his books and requiring it for him to enter into self-respecting countries. Australian signed more than 100,000 people, Canadian collected more than 42,500 signatures.

Heiter himself got a lot of heita: the hackers merged his home address, he was frankly promised to express the masculine unshaven person, and the female boxing club from Toronto was fully watched him at all romantic rendezvous at the nearest meeting of his fans. As a result, a meeting of the "returning kings" meetings are scheduled in 43 countries, as Rushfils themselves clicure, I had to cancel. The ideological leader mumbled something like "We are not afraid of anyone, but we are proudly leaving underground."

How to become a famous laughing


However, the criticism or promise to cause bodily damage - it can still be proud of it. But when you start loudly and infectiously laughing, it's not entirely funny ...

The British Parliamentarian Chi Onuvura passed through the singer Testosterone, explaining what and how he tries to compensate for its turbulent activities. Hmm, to achieve a discussion of their male parameters Azh in the British Parliament - it must be tried.

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After the frightened Mascistics officer asked against persecution, a photo report was a Daily Mail photo report that the world mega macho, it turns out to live in the basement of the mother's house. Here, too, who could only mowed over the unfortunate poor man by a courageous hero of the conqueror.

Well, the magazine The Daily Dot simply called the self-disconnected "love tourist" - "the most shameful misogiine in the network." Well, a loud title, there is something to be proud! We believe life was no longer in vain ...

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