Internet maniacs: from hooliganism to murder. Real stories


Stoking, that is, the obsessive persecution, known to the world a long time ago. But thanks to the Internet, he had a new and very comfortable form - cyberstalking.

PICS.RU collected a dozen of the most interesting and frightening cases of network persecution.

First stalker behind bars


The first person who was condemned in the United States for Cybestalking, became Gary Dalpänt.

In 1998, a 50-year-old man worked as a security guard in the church and he liked one of the young fever named Randy Barber. At first, the man backed up to the girl in the traditional way, and he was fired. Then he turned to new technologies.

Gary came to sex chats, rendeted Randy and started talking with men. On behalf of the Girl, Dallapent reported that she was dreaming about rape and shared with everyone who liked this idea, "his" phone and address, as well as advice, how to circumvent the guard in the Barber House.

The Randy itself did not even have a computer. You can imagine her horror when men began to come to her, seriously intend to perform a sexy fantasy of Dalpants. For five months he arrived six.

In search of Dallapents, the police, the FBI, the prosecutor's office, even Father Barber answered one of the ads to catch the stalker. Fortunately, in 1999, in the United States, the law on countering CieberTalking, and Dallapen received six years in prison.

Opera passion


Leandra Ramm is an American opera singer, mezzo-soprano. In 2005, a resident of Singapore saw a 20-year-old beauty in a CNN television show and decided to undergo confidence over the Internet, pretending to the director of the Singapore concert hall and offering a girl a job.

When Leandron realized that Colin Mak Lung was a fraudster, he began to throw it by angry messages. In just five years, Colin sent about 4 thousand letters, messages and comments with confessions of love, threats of murder and insults. He led under the name of Leandras a few sites, wrote her relatives, friends, colleagues and bosses.

Stalker really did not hide, but nothing was able to do with him. The American police did not want to climb international affairs, and Singapore did not worry the problems of the American. Only when the case was interested in exploration in the United States, Singapurts arrested Colin and gave him three years in prison.

By the way, during the investigation it turned out that Leandra was not his only "love." He pursued at least three women.

Punishment for self-defense

Karl Franklin - Cyberstalker Victim

Karl Franklin met Sean Moss while studying at the university. I converging for a couple of dates with him in 2006, she decided that the guy was too aggressive and politely offered him to part. He replied to her that she was "full of shit" and since then did not leave 4 years alone.

Sean then reported her details of his personal life, he insulted her, then sacing for a while. When Franklin changed the phone number, he switched to email. From time to time he appeared among her acquaintances or at corporate parties and silently looked at the girl.

One day, one of the former teachers of Karlah unexpectedly sent her a photo in the wops and Sombrero. To the question that this, damages, it, he replied that frequent messages came from the old telephone number Chall, so he decided to answer reciprocity. It turned out that many other familiar men received an alleged offers from Chala. Say, break into her house, tie it and rape. As it became possible, then I could not figure out.

Finally, in 2009, having scored his name in Google, Charles found that Sean clinged offending collages with her photographs. Then she went to the police and began to gain from the provider IP address of Stalker.

The story fell into the newspaper, and Karl ... fired, for the fact that the hype rose around her name. She worked as an economist.

Lawyers said together to the girl that she spends their time in vain and could not achieve anything. In spite of everything, Franklin still managed to prove that for all of the listed, including for sending from her number, stood by Moss. At the moment, he received a ban to approach Franklin, and the confrontation continues in court.

Stoking as advertising


The peculiarity of cyber stores, unlike ordinary persecution, is that the reasons for it can be much more diverse than the banal "did not give" (and maybe there is no one at all).

In 2010, the online store trading with branded sunglasses has developed a bad reputation. Consumer websites have been filled with angry reviews. If the client was dissatisfied with the Decormyeyes service, threats began to come. The owner of the site, of course, knew the address of buyers, and promised them to come, kill, rape, submit to court, ruin and so on. In addition, he also sold the fake glasses, and the money did not return.

Journalists managed to take a comment by the owner of the store, Russian by origin, Vitaly Borker. He stated that he had his buyers for the sake of Piara, because links raise the address of his site to first place in the search results. Google representatives came terror from such abuse and even changed their algorithm so that people like Borker could not use them more.

And in 2012, Borker finally darkened. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison and a fine of 100 thousand dollars for fraud and Stoking. In addition, for three years after entering freedom, it will be impossible to use the computer.

Dental revenge


In 2001, 42-year-old James Campbell quit and sat down at home. He began to take revenge. James Amestil to everyone who was once offended by him, regardless of how small the insidual and if His people remembered. For example, among the victims turned out to be a colleague, who once swirl over the British accent of Cambell. James Amestil even children and grandfathers of their offenders.

For the first seven months, he was so carried away by the overthrow, which did not leave home at all. Total managed to find 38 Campbell Victims, and these were residents of three countries: Canada, USA and Great Britain. James carefully studied their lives in the network, and then created fake accounts and email under their names and wrote that they were engaged in prostitution, pimp and pedophilia ... At that time, they were not employed by the congresses of the Nazi party or the dances from the pole.

From the names of his victims, he sent letters with invitations to orgy to their friends, colleagues, classmates. People who, who fell under his arm, lived in constant fear for themselves and children. Some had to quit or move.

Campbell was very careful, wrote exceptionally anonymously, so he could not find it soon. The court still continues. Stalker faces from 3 to 8 years in prison.

I am tormented and save himself


Ruth Jeffrey and Shane Webber were friends with a school bench. They met for 10 years and planned to marry and start children. But some anonymous scoundrel began to pursue the root on the net. Stalker created email under her name and sent intimate photos of girls to friends and parents. He also acquainted on the Internet with men and offered them sex on behalf of Ruth, one man eventually came to her home for the promised.

Pursuit continued three and a half years. The girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, she could not eat, took antidepressants. During these years, Ruth became pregnant from Shane and made an abortion, believing that he would not be able to endure a child in such an environment. Shane, of course, consoled her beloved.

But at some point she had questions about it: Stalker began to distribute photos and videos that could only take from Shane. The guy piled the guilt on a friend who allegedly hacked his mail. Friend arrested and interrogated, but he was innocent.

In the end, Father Ruth conducted his own investigation and found out that Shane was an anonymous persecutor! The British court put a webber for 4 months, but the conclusion was not corrected. 8 days after entering freedom, he already pester on the Internet to two 15-year-old girls, including sending them sex video from Ruth. Here, however, the police have no longer spidelled: Shane has quickly tied up, and this time he sat down for 3 years.

Women's revenge


Not only men are capable of Stoking. When the 51-year-old Joe Gud broke up with a 41-year-old Taunu, she immediately changed the password on his email and promised him that he would destroy him. And she managed to turn the life of Hood into a nightmare with the help of Internet stalking.

With his anonymals, she achieved the dismissal of a hood from the insurance company, where he worked for 24 years, and three times sought his arrest on various suspicions. Tauni was so fascinated by the revenge of the former, which was also attacked by his colleagues, neighbors and even the landlord of his new girlfriend, who threatened to burn the house, if he does not evaluate the "opponent".

Tauni pursued 16 people in Florida, Chicago and California, accusing them in creating a network of minors, the spread of child pornography and domestic violence. The last drop was a letter with threats to a 17-year-old girl, daughters girlfriend Hood.

The consequence was able to tie an IP anonym to Tauni address and get a search warrant. At home, Tauni had 7 diaries with detailed revenge plans. Avenger received 9 years.

Nobody noticed


In 2002, twenty-year-old Amy Boyer came out of the office and sat in his car in the parking lot. A young man approached the car window and called Amy by name. When she looked at him, the guy shot it in the emphasis. After a few seconds, he shot himself.

The police established the personality of the killer, his name was Liam Younce, he was 21 years old, he did not work and lived with her mother. But the liam with the killed did not work until his computer was studied.

It turned out that the guy led the site dedicated to the girl. On the site in the smallest detail, it was told about how he was driving an Amy and how was going to kill her. Liam wrote that they fell in love with Amy in grade 8, but she did not notice him, and the boy decided that she had to die.

The Liama ​​website has checked on the Internet for two and a half years not seen. If someone seen him, he did not turn to the police. Online Liam gathered a full dossier for his sacrifice, including her social insurance number and employer's address. The provider to a request from the police replied that such sites are obliged, of course, delete, but see all people write, just do not have time.

Double sacrifice


Woman whose name the investigation retained in secret, turned out to be a victim of cybercriminals twice. In zero years, an unknown hacker hacked her email and stole a photo. Later, he betrayed himself on the Internet for an attractive girl. Among the deceived was Brian Curtis Hail. Two years continued his virtual novel with a sharp from South Africa.

When Hyl learned that he was brutally deceived, he decided to take revenge. But South Africa is far from Michigan. As a result of the patient, the logic of High decided that he would reject that woman whose photos he liked so much.

Haylu managed to find a real mistress photo and thanks to social networks, he collected a detailed file for her. With this information, he picked up a new password to the mail of a woman, where he found out all the missing details. In 2011, Khail went to San Diego to kill a woman and her lover. With he, he had a telephone, the address of the victim, scotch, the list of purchases (cloak, knife and chloroform) and the action plan.

Fortunately, the alarm raised his own relatives. They warned the police, and Hyla detained a mile from the house of potential victims. In 2013, he was sentenced to 5 years of conclusion.

Children and stalkers


The younger than the Internet users become, the greater the likelihood that children will be exposed to cyberstalking. Recently, Florida is considered the case of 18-year-old Wenty Robert Yagid, who pursued a 13-year-old boy from the summer children's camp on the Internet. During the year, he fell asleep the child by pornographic pictures, sexual offers and threats, which the boy was afraid to tell parents.

When Yagid was caught and asked what the hell did he do it, Robert replied that he was just boring. On the other hand, children themselves sometimes speak well to the means of Internet persecution.

At the same time, in Washington, a 12-year-old girl was awarded public works for the cyber stores of their 11-year-old classmates in Facebook. The motive of the crime was the same as the stalkers older: it was the evening, there was nothing to do.

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