5 things that you should know about dates


And there are general people who directly adore first dates? Strongly doubt. The first dates are solid nerves, awkward pauses and attempts to make a diagnosis of userpics - will it fit or not?

Therefore, we will never be tired of cooking you to this test. Forewarned is forearmed!

Not necessarily go to them

Even if you are the only unpaired girl among your friends, even if you spend the evening, looking through cat shelters, even if in response to the question "I finally found someone?" You get the Mauser and shit in the questioning - it does not mean that you are obliged to take any invitation from each clown. Or register at all neighboring dating sites. Watching time on the people's uninteresting to you only because "Well, at least try to try," you gradually lose all hope for the happy outcome of the enterprise.

Both sides are equally nervous

When it comes to flirt and dates, all such experts that doctorate to protect. But this only until it comes to themselves. Once on one with a person who we like, we all turn into assholes. Everything. Any normal person to hell is afraid to climb before Byzavi, otherwise he is not a man, but a tea mushroom. The result is hysterical giggle, tetanus and questions like "Do you love bread?". Everyone hides embarrassment, as can, but almost no one does. Remember this - everything is nervous. And he is no less than you.

The best in you is not what you think

What do you take - a sense of humor? Intellect? Fifth size? The ability to juggle tequila skotes? Yes, nothing like that. Well, maybe. But not necessarily. We estimate yourself at all like those surrounding. And it often floods only after a long year of living together, when you suddenly lay out that she has conquered a heart with no subtle sharpness, but how on the first date in the cinema was nicely smelted popcorn from the teeth.

It is not necessary to be Miss Solnyk

If you don't like something on the first date - well, for example, his jokes about women's brains or what he threw you half an hour on a bench to chat with the buddy passing by passing. No need to think that this is the first date and wound stock. If a date is the first and last, it will still not make the situation much worse. If something from this story happens, it is better to immediately place all the points over "I".

Dates never stop

Even when your grandchildren will grow up and start smoking for garages, you will go on dates. Because "Date is one of the forms of social interaction, aimed at assessing each other for fitness as a partner for intimate relations or the marriage union," Wikipedia is affectionately. And we are engaged in such inspections daily - otherwise there would be no people who could not withstand and ran away before the appearance of grandchildren. Hike to the store, the usual Sunday walk or chatter in Facebook is the same date, only in the profile. These are the smallest things that cement any connection.

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