21 Epic family skeleton in the closet


Do not be surprised if, after you read everything, it will seem to you that your family is the most boring family in the world. Although, perhaps it is for the better!

My grandmother married mom's former

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Mom broke up with his boyfriend, when it seemed to her that they had Shura-Mura with Granule. So what happened: now its former - her own stepfather.

My aunt got pregnant from the priest

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Aunt all selected that in fact a child from her husband. The truth knew only me and my mother. Now her son 15, he met several times with the priest, however, does not suspect that this is his father.

I thought that I live with my brother with stepfather by court decision in 1990. In 2015, I found out that in fact he kidnapped us

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He died in 2005, when I was 24, so I avoided the punishment, and we never really understood and did not know what happened to us. Our mother tried to find us for 6 years, just recently we finally met.

My great-grandmother raised his grandfather as his own son after he pushed his true mother from the window

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She crashed to death.

My parents once went to cruise

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Much later I found a brochure advertising this journey, and found out that in fact it was a huge swingers party.

When my uncle died, we learned that he had the second legitimate wife

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With her, he spent most of his free time. For 25 years, no one guessed it about it. And he bought wives the same houses, the same furniture, made the situation identical. Apparently not to sleep.

Relatives from my mother - Right Satanists

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They were even attracted to the investigation: as if they brought human sacrifices in the very home where they lived. But as a result, nothing was found on them. Now almost everyone died, and those who stayed are sitting quietly.

The real father of my father threw him in early childhood

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For a long time, we did not know anything about him, even the name, until I accidentally saw it on TV. It turned out that he is the head of Polish Mafia and is wanted for the commission of more than 70 murders.

My right-pra-pra-grandfather had sexual relationship with Lincoln

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A few years ago, we learned that my father had a mistress and a child from her

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He recently admitted that I am not the only child. And the one that the mistress is not the last. In short, he has 5 children from different women, two of whom are close friends of the family. For a week, the number of brothers and sisters increased from 2 to 7.

When my grandmother was 12, she was kidnapped for a couple of days

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And then it was returned, and everyone pretended that nothing happened, even her mother. She herself never told about what happened to her, and we were forbidden to discuss it.

My father's parents - cousins ​​and sisters

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Damn it.

My right-great-great-grandfather is an eight-round widow

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I must say that she made a good condition on this.

Grandma of my husband, Jewish, being a teenager during World War II, got into a concentration camp

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There she fell in love with the Nazi guard, took food and clothes and helped to survive. After the end of the war, she left the country and began a new life. And this mystery told the family a few days before death.

My father is a sinker

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He created a financial pyramid, saying that invented the way to turn water into energy. I deceived hundreds, if not thousands of people. I never knew why we were rich, until he was arrested, but we thought it was a mistake!

My real mother died from an overdose heroin immediately after my birth

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Father married a stepmother, and they told me that she was my real mother.

My great-grandfather was a killer

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Since he was wanted for crimes in their hometown, he moved there, where we live now, and changed the name. Since then, our family has been living under this "new" surname.

My uncle killed his partner while serving in a "hot spot"

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Uncle stood in Karaul, was very tense and strongly nervous. So when the partner came to change it, uncle was frightened and hit him to death with a knife.

When my uncle was 18, he went to jail for a long time

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His parents told everyone that he went to serve in the Navy and no one had guess for many years about the prison sentence.

I met my cousin at Santa's funeral. It was very pleasant and charming. And then I found out that he is a fraudster.

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Once I watched the news, and there shown his face close-up. It turned out, he stole millions!

This is the last item, but please read it to the end

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When my great-grandmother was already in death, she was asked how many children had. Her sister, knowing that the great-grandmother had one stillborn child, and then my grandfather, replied that two. What a great-grandmother shook her head and said that one. It turned out that she gave birth to a child who did not survive, but could not leave the hospital without a kid. So she stole the first child who came to be my grandfather.

A source

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