"I give the installation!" Who and how scared us from the TV screens in the distant childhood.


The fact that something is wrong with these people - we, the children of Soviet times, learned much later. And then with a serious look imitated with adults and uncle and to the TETICS from the TV screens. Some of us believed, some were not understood. And some - scared us to trembling in the knees. And still remains a mystery, why these madmen collected millions in front of the screens and including on their sessions in cultural homes.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky, and know-who

Telemeans Anatoly Mikhailovich - the first horror of our childhood. Remember, yes, as Lyuto, he saved on us from the screen, like bloodthirsty, mercilessly and crumpled his famous "I give installation"?

I give installation!

Brrr. It is not surprising that we did not listen, tremble. But if you think that this symbol of restructuring has long been covered with dust and not terrible, then tremble again. Ouuu, now you will work out! Kashpirovsky over the years is not a change in general! That is, he is seventy looking smoothly as well as fifty, and thirty and twenty-five. Some kind of mystic, honest word.

Allan Chumak. Our answer is Santa Barbara!

Allan Vladimirovich won a glory, charged water, creams, ointments from the TV screen and maybe even borscht. But we love him not for it. And for a well-supplied speaker voice, for a noble gray, for a clever and good look over the glasses. Cute, cute! The nasty older Sisi him and at the notes did not fit, despite all his millions.

Yuri Longo. ZombiaPocalypse is coming!

This is the most saturated citizen in Balahon. Remember how he levitized, brying chains and waving bath brooms? Very terrible sorcerer! And here's what you probably do not remember - so this is the fact that the Grand Magister knew how to revive the dead. Because you have been prohibited to watch it. No, although there is a live broadcast from the morgue, the bodies move, the young ladies. And, although this myth quickly promoted the pathologists, Longo continued to continue to confine that zombies roam among us. Check if your new acquaintance is not dead, very simple: poke it into the neck needle. If I won't notice anything and turns out - please Mil Yovovich.

Maria Davy Christ is almost a woman, almost astronaut

The fragile woman was hard to withstand competition with men, especially in times, which are now called "Lidi Ninety." Therefore, Maria Davy Christ decided not to be exchanged for trifles, but declared himself an embodiment and the Virgin Mary, and Christ at once. Two in one, so to speak. And you know, worked! Maybe because we just just found out that there is a "shampoo and air conditioning in one bottle." And in general - well, who else be this girl with the staff? She has such an unearthly face ... Even in the photo in a partbile.

Gregory Grabova, Man and Epic Fail

Grigory Petrovich, so that you know, the second embodiment of Jesus Christ. This striking person (immobally conditional, by the way) was going to become president and the first decree cancel death. That is, to legally prohibit us to die - you feel, what is the power? Alas, instead of the presidential chair, Grabova sat on Naryas - for "carrying out activities related to the offer of services, including the resurrection of the dead" (c). But the most interesting thing is that shortly before being in prison, Grabova announced that he knows how to teleport. What, asks, sat for almost five years and spent on lawyers, yes?

Vladimir Megre - "You, Bate, Kedrozon!"

This comrade began to broadcast not from his own person, but on behalf of his character. It is understandable - from the Virgin Anastasia bribes of the smooth, because she lives in a taiga and in general insensitive. The covenants of the taiga laminy are: to live in an environmentally friendly generic estate (with an area of ​​at least hectare), from children need to raise the universe owners, and after death will only be reborn on Alpha Centaur - and Voila.

Evdokia Marchenko, "Radostea" - the genius of the Para of the eight-dimensional levala

Here, let's say, you are a writer and poet. Member of the Russian Writers Union even. And you still do not read, because your verses, sorry, do not go anywhere. And what - to betray the Kalline insidiously? Remove hopes, work to go? Ha! Evdokia was not confused and created a new science - rhythmology. If you read her poems, then you can - quote - "take extra time and introduce it to your brain." And try, try!

Follicle fixes the duration formatting fusion fraction

Passed? The same.

Zhanna Tsaregadskaya and her Most Holy Sisya

If you want to become a guru, not much straining, then you follow those who have already passed pre-processing. For example, young mothers - they have prolactin shrinkles, which is why the criticalness of thinking is disastrously reduced. So if you are also a young mother - do not read further. For the rest of the nervous explain: it is necessary to give birth without doctors - to them, murdes, just give the will, the vitality will break the prenatal matrix. With the newborn, it is necessary to bounce - lie on the bed and lie down a month and a half, without getting up, and then the mental umbilical cord is bumping. It is necessary to feed the breast before self-denial, which happens at eight about eight, and if earlier - this is a false failure, take a chicken leg in a child! All this, Jeanne teaches at the on-site seminars - while young moms, tied by babies with rags behind their back, cultivate the family garden of the Tsaregs.

Olga Valyaev and alternative anatomy

And those who have not yet born the child, because not from whom, it is not necessary to despair either. Olga Valyaeva will teach you to seduce men. Do not rush your eyes, it is not for you manuals of a female gloss with their tips like "Look in an angle, on the nose, on the subject," there is heavy artillery. In order to make a prince on a white horse in your life, you just need to wink to him by the uterus. If the prince is stupid and does not understand the first time - it can be rejected by it. How? Very simple - never wear pants. And do not wear panties. Wear long skirts - they accumulate the energy of the Mother Earth. And everyone is, you are in a small pelvis perpetuum mobile. Simply, right?

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