Women against Trump: What happened in America and the world really? Feminik's opinion


On January 21, women's march against Trump were held in the USA and other countries of the world, one of the first signed decrees of which was paper on the abolition of government financing of abortions, and some of the first appointments to important posts are several prolaifers. In Washington alone, half a million women gathered on the protest procession.

Madonna, Angela Davis, Scarlet Johansson and other stars took part in the protests. The march was very excited about the Russian press and Russian Internet, and approximately half of the discussion of this event drove into the viewing of carnival vagin, which brought some participants to the march. We decided to go a little further and ask several feminists, famous and not very much that they think about the past march.


Natasha Bitten, founder of the premium "Sexist of the Year"

Women's march to Washington is impressive scale. The ability of the Americans to make a united front in defense of their rights and international support cause admiration.

It is difficult to submit Russians, massively published on the streets with protests for the same reasons. This is the difference between us: in the US women are more politically active, better know how to defend their interests.

Nevertheless, there is something that is alarming me. This is a march symbolism, Pussyhat hats ("Pink pussy").

Pink - the color of a peculiar gender ghettos, the traditional female role in society. Location to female genitals is a sign of sexual objectification.

All this does not fit with the spirit of the female liberation movement. I admit that, as often happens, a female protest wave used for their own purposes, far from the ideas of equality.

And yet, I hope the female march to Washington will be the beginning of a new phase of the struggle of the Americans for their rights. They showed the world that they are ready to mobilize and unite in the face of a common threat.


Sofya Egorova, Administrator Publication "Bodiposive"

I sincerely support any act of solidarization (association, cohesion) of women in order to protect their rights. People are clearly clearly aware that Trump is not a "female" president. This is a president who will not protect the interests of at least fifty percent of the US population. And this is the case when a huge group of people says - no, we do not agree with this.

"We disagree with the fact that we take our rights conquered with such difficulty when the power is given to a man who despises women."

It seems to be quite a postmodern act - funny pink caps, irony over gender stereotypes and the saying of the Trump about "pussy", images of a film erode (for example, the princesses of Lei), such a march-parade ... and at the same time - this is a wave of the most powerful female will - perhaps , unprecedented strength and significance over the past few years.

But the main thing - women, as a rule, are very hard to unite for the statement of their opinion. Women interferes with inner squeezing, and fear of violence, which is understandable, and depressed by the existing order, and fear seem "crazy feminists." And every case of the female association - the shares of the soul fusion, strike March 8, "Black protest" in Poland is a new step towards the beautiful world of equality and non-violence.

When we learn to unite when "No, we disagree" "says a multi-million chorus of female votes - perhaps a lot will change in the world.


Maria Bast, Chairman of the Russian Lawyers Association for Human Rights, Lawyer

The march of women in the United States is an event, the significance of which is difficult to overestimate. The march in the United States is a reaction to the previously voiced sexist statements of Donald Trump and his flirting with religious-dogmatic forces, calling for the infringement of women's rights.

Wanted by women of their rights was concentrated in three centers - territorial and historical.

The Soviet Union and the Great October Revolution of 1917, which in turn influenced the United States and France. Thus, in the world three bastions struggle for women's rights, struggle for respecting women's rights. The same bastions became the basis for improving the situation of women around the world.

The collapse of the USSR led to the fact that the position of the woman seriously worsened in the post-Soviet space and adjacent territories, caused regressive phenomena around the world. We see an offensive for women's rights in Poland, the strengthening of religious dogmatism in the world, discriminatory policies regarding women's rights everywhere, it is obvious that it is aimed at the destruction of the second bastion of the observance of women's rights - the United States. The world first encountered over the past few centuries with a consistent targeted attack on women's rights.

That is why women all over the world have reached the support of the march of women in the United States. The fears of women are quite substantiated, as appeals, legislative changes, the arguments are similar to that preceded the onset of the dark times of the Middle Ages in front of the crash of the Roman Empire: the same religious groups, the same methodology, the same pseudo-alignment claims for the inferiority and the secondaryness of women, references to Religious dogmas 3-4 centuries.n.E., the power method is a similar method of parabalanes of 4-5 centuries AD, respectively, the popularization of the same techniques, etc.

The nature of human psychology has not changed, absolutely the same characters, the same situation, only other role performers.

If we talk about the rights of women in Russia, then women understand that if there are conversations about discrimination against women's rights, then in Russia these rights will be simply eliminated due to its peripherals in relation to the United States after the collapse of the USSR.

It can be said that this is the challenge of civilization, in fact, an attempt to eliminate civilization and an attempt to return it to 6,000 years BC, as it was after the crash of Rome. It should be noted that in such a context of the hats of the march participants, the symbol, the flag of this is this march, are ineffective as a method of struggle, since for the first time in many years women are opposed not to dictatorship, but an attempt to destroy civilization and an epochal historical rollback back.


Tatyana Sukhareva, radical feminist, human rights activist

Trump at the moment is a kind of personification of smearing, such a self-male (although Alpha-male solely for money, since there is reason to believe that a 70-year-old man is hardly an alpha male in the physical sense).

He publicly declares that his money allow him to buy any woman, he suggests that women are a sexy object, including his own daughter.

And Trump became a symbol of such a revenge of patriarchal men, including because his rival was a woman - Hillary Clinton, and now the patriarchal men who have depicted gentlemen with the feeding of a coat and opening the door and the duty phrase "We love you" fully resolved and Openly indicate women in their place. And Trump became a certain banner for them.

Also, the Trump threatens to denounce all the credited rights, including the rights of a woman, speaking against the right of women at ordining their own body.

I personally consider the election of Trump as a factor in strengthening the ROC reaction policy against Russian women. Because the restraining factor of the reaction in the form of another superpower, where human rights are higher value, no more. At least for the next 4 years. That is why Russian feminists maintain a march against Trump.

I note that Russian feminists are devoid of opportunities as naturally to protest against the decriminalization of beatings (which I call the law of rapists), as our American sisters did. In the holding of a rally on the Swamp area on January 28, we were refused. Now the organizers will have to apply for a later date and in Sokolniki Park.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Illustrations: MikeledRay / Shutterstock, Inc.,

Slawomir.GawryLuk / Shutterstock, Inc.,

Diego G Diaz / Shutterstock, Inc.,

Betto Rodrigues / Shutterstock, Inc.

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