Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU



Modern civilization not only taught the brothers of our bearded to wear tight pants in a red cage with an orange scarf. She taught them to whine them at the same time. And to whine is, by the way, our field. And we, by the way, hurt. Therefore, we are typical men who are typical, and now we will sit on the banks of the river and wait until they resort to the comments offended to yell "the fool itself".

It's Complicated

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_2

This is a large subgroup, numbering a dozen types from "and love you, and I love" before "I would move, there is a good job, but". These types are combined into a plurality of "everything is difficult" and masterfully owning the art to throw into the tongue so that the Visavi bursts and removed the panties (gave money, did not dismiss, lagged behind, let him play tanks, picked up pods - needed to emphasize).

They are all stupid

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_3

Customers are stupid, clients are stupid, the bosses are stupid, colleagues, too, I'm already silent about subordinates. Although this sufferer subordinates, as a rule, is not. And all because the stupid boss does not increase. Around me alone morons, I will soon go with them in peace, feed me and spare.

Always people can always be near

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_4

This is a separate appearance of romantic sufferers, forever unhappy in his personal life. After a time, they fall in love with the princess living in the thirtieth kingdom. To have to fly through the oceans for one kiss. Or you can fall in love with the princess nearby, but then it should be happy with the other. Women who are in accessibility, this man is not interested, because they deprive the love of meaning. Where are the tears? Where is the pain? Where is the sweat, blood and torn shirts? Where in the night teeth pillow? Where is it all?

So as not to smooth out

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_5

This is such a progressing sufferer. He is all bad, even if well. New machine? Oh, yes stop, with it so much hemorrhoids - and rubber change, and pour oil, and gasoline it is surprising, eats. Apartment new in the center? Oh, yes stop, I live in traffic, everywhere smoke and no ecology. Country house? Yes, stop, I broke on septic. Everything is shorter, bad and nothing pleases. Or smoothed afraid, or a feet. Most likely, of course, the feet.

I hurt so much, I probably die

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_6

He is the most sick man in the world. When he is covered, he shouts, which will certainly be a tetanus. And when he has tingles the liver from Badun - yells that it is cancer. But his head never hurts. He is always split off his head. Personally, I know, yes.

I'm tired

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_7

He is always tired. Even on Sunday. Especially on Sunday - he worked for a whole week. Which garbage throw out, are you kidding? My quarterly report was on Friday, and you with your garbage. No, I, of course, I can endure, you never feel sorry for me, you care at me at all, for my feelings, for my strength, I only need you for the sake of dough, you use me ... (continue the logical row).

Business sausage

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_8

This is a person with a hypertrophied sense of responsibility. He takes over all that can be taken. And the fact that it is impossible - pulls the wolf. He even has no strength to complain out loud. He just falls and moans. At first glance it seems that this is a wonderful friend and satellite of life. It does not yet find out that he has a set of God, and you, nothingness, do not even do the boot.

Student of sincere

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_9

This suffers really without any rear thought. Having drove into the bus tour of Europe, this sufferment will only remember that the bus is unimaginably stuffy, it's inconvenient to sleep, the guides were idiots, the weather is premorse, Pierce prices, and fed little and poison. Psychologists, in principle, can explain this hundreds of different ways. But we are not psychologists. We just say - yes sneaker him and not steam.

I am to blame for everything, I'm bad

Typology of sufferers' men from PICS.RU 37362_10

This is the most tricky bastard. He absolutely sincerely recognizes that he deserved all the boomerangs who flew in him exclusively in the case. Therefore, it lies like this - the ball in the blood, the Bomerrang brakes, on the floor - the bloody second boomerang. And the sufferer of a weak voice says is nothing, I deserved it. And he, shit such, all forgive everyone. Because he realized! And you do not hear how he left with him alone, happily laughs, tinting the bruise from the boomeranga by your shadows for the eyelids.

Alexandra Smilaanskaya

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