Salted: 6 signs that the time came to part


It is not easy for parting to decide. Even if the door begins to seem the best way out of the situation, we begin to doubt - maybe everything is fine, but I just found some kind of fault at me? People live together for years, laugh with flaws, and nothing. If you can't make a decision, then here are 6 obvious signs that it's time to change the status in social networks on "free."

You can't forgive betrayal

This is not necessarily treason, although most often - it is she. But a betrayal may be any situation when he, in all the concepts, had to stand on your side, but moved to the enemy. Signed and did not redden. Promised and did not. If you said "drove" - ​​and really drove, then nothing terrible. But if you continue to be angry even after many months, or even years, and you feel that this betrayal is always worth between you, do not pull rubber. Resentment and disappointment will be poisoned every day and everything will end with massive neurosis.

You won't know ourselves

Where is the person you saw in the mirror before it got into this relationship? Where are your friends, for why what pleased, no longer causes any emotions, how did you turn out of a calm and balanced girl in the tantrum - or from the energy fountain into the sofa biomass? What is more in you now - what do you like, or what do you like your partner? The answer to all these questions will help you to take the right decision - and perhaps start packing a suitcase.

Your problems are insoluble

You can not always find a compromise that will arrange both sides. If he wants children, and a lot and immediately, and you already understand what the Child-free - alas ul. If he lives in St. Petersburg, and you are in Moscow, and no one intends to move - Alas again. Or he takes drugs and does not see any problem in this, and for you in this situation everything is a solid problem - alas again. Look at your disagreement soberly and count - Is it possible to find a way out acceptable to both, and not just for you or for him?

Your quarrels are always on the same topic.

It is quite obvious that since you scandalide about money, jealousy or bad habits again and again, the situation does not change and no one takes the steps towards. Are you ready to ride the same rails for another 10 years?

You do not think about the future

More precisely, so: you do not think about the best future. You pretend to be: I will go in the summer of internship in Barcelona and make a job there. Where at the same time the partner goes, you are not particularly interested. Maybe because you already understand - by next year it will not be next. Or you want it to not.

You are brutally treated

Violence can be sexual, and emotional. Beatings are violence. Rape is violence, and do not try to justify it by the fact that you kind of like a couple, and therefore sex against your will is not considered violence. Systematic insults or restriction of freedom - the same violence, only in the profile. In a word, violence is considered absolutely everything that the partner does with you besides your will. And this is not an alarming bell - it is a roar of air defense sirens. Run, and immediately.

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