10 ways to scare potential son-in-law


Each mother of the charming baby is sooner or later faced with the situation when the babies have completely unexpectedly grow legs, chest and heels, and babe baby, obviously, be stopped. But these are still half.

The worst thing that she begins to led into the parent house of some completely unsuitable for the family life of the Juncs. Then a drug addict, then the sales manager - we have not raised our flower for this. We drip out applicants competently!

Family values

As requisite, you need an ancient and very dusty (this is important) a family album. For the seed of the first photo there may be "this Masha two months, she lies naked and eats a big finger of her legs," but on this Masha should end. Only cousins ​​from the trading, only hardcore. To the tenth page, the placing chosen one Masha must have to distinguish the aunt from Yaroslavl and Natasha's aunt from Novorossiysk. If confused - we return to the first page and repeat the exercise.

Future plans

Demonstrate the seriousness of intentions. The guy from the threshold should learn how much the children will have, as he will build a cottage and where it will put the chest. Plan all, including plans for wedding money - the chief of his daughter should know that the father-in-law will not give the children to the gulf in the whirlpool of our harsh reality.

Lost past

With a deaf longing, remember all the former daughter guys. Here Maksimka was the fondar director of agroholding. And Aleshenka - Dr. Science at twenty-seven years. What's your job? Merchant? Merchandiser ... A.

Basement Lubyanki

Take off the potential son-in-law on a private conversation. Save the uncomfortable chair. Direct him in the eye lamp. Turn on the voice recorder. And on items: was there? Sitting? Did you get? Is there relatives abroad? Who do parents work? How much money do you make? And so on, one and a half hours. And it was divorced by fraudsters of all sorts, and Mashenka we have one. And, by the way, you will not swallow an apartment, let him not roll off the lip.

Personal space

Be sure to go to the daughter's room when she and this chmar have sex. Focus coin. Like - oh, sorry, what prevented, you just shouted so - I thought someone hurt ...

Heard heredity

Observe (ideally - at the table) all the contents of your medical card. You are an honest person - the potential son-in-law should know what to expect from a sub-seal genetics. It is absolutely optionally to be limited to only its own medical card - genetics can avenge people through generations. Therefore, information that Mashanekina Prababook had increased acidity, it is unlikely to be superfluous.

Very severe heredity

You need to wear four shapeless sweaters one to another and draw yourself a double chin. Suggest on the topic: "Ah, youth, youth, I, too, like a Mashka, who was a tasteine, but children went - and now ...".

Skay, scum!

The method requires preparation and good acting, but pays off with more than. It is necessary to pre-thwart the basics of any of the most sad religious sect and demand the daughter in his chosen one in his heart. By the way, the chosen one must approve your pastor, conductor and land of the chosen demiurge. The role of pastor, ideally, is given to a well-drinking neighbor, preferably in the phase of abstinence.

Mom Fiffler

We need black lacquers above the knee and red latex dress. The daughter's embarrassed chosen one needs to be patronically tremble for different parts of the body and sneak into the ass. Demand to give a potential mother-in-law ... how it is not smoking? And do not drink? And Cocaine did not bring? Horror, here youth went ...

Batyang Combat

If nothing of the above has worked, it's time for heavy artillery. The father of the bride with the expression of the face enters the battle: "Not served - not a man." Unfit? Not sys, the boy, I will call Kuzmich, he works in the military registration and enlistment office, they all sore everything, next week - in school. You will serve, you will become a man, and she will wait for you - I'll have a trace. All recipes, especially in aggregate, work with a guarantee (if it did not work - write to the PICS editor, and better - draw). True, there is a chance that the failed son-in-law will play in the Romeo who took place: will poison the deadly poison and, for loyalty, the dagger herself in his head. And you burn in hell, like all the parents who interfere with their children's life. But these are the details. Frames from films were used: "Mamma Mia!", "Acquaintance with parents", "Familiarity with Factors", "American Pie"

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