15 real terrible and amazing family stories


If you think that there are families without a skeleton in the closet, then you probably did not talk about your family history of relatives.

And we asked those readers who told, share stories and with us.


The grandfather had the best friend when a friend died, grandfather at the table recalled, what he was fun: they say, once he returned from duty from duty, and hena from Katya (my grandmother, grand wife) sleeps in bed. Katya in horror covered with a blanket, and the gene jumped and says: did we play you cool? I saw you go, overtake you and here! Cool draw? And what did you think?

Here is such a cheerful gene

It was a pity to the grandmother. All at the table also went through through the plates. Such was an uncle of a cheerful, what.


For ten years I discovered the documents for which I had that my mother had a husband to dad. Soon, in the heat of a quarrel, Mom reported that the dad also had a family and somewhere there are two children. Later I learned my mother, and then I, that when I was born, dad went on joy and made a child with some aunt. Recognized, gave his last name - it was discovered all by chance in the card file of the city music library.

And still the mystery, not opened to the end ... Pope was, it seems, a brother, which is not known about. Somehow on old pictures, he showed his mother with a boy. I asked: "Is that you?". He replied strange and embarrassed: "Almost I". I caught his embarrassment for ten years and did not get into the question, but I did not give me an answer, and I still remember my indignation inner, how can it be ... Almost me! Either you or not. Why it hid it, I know her ...


My dad between the case, explaining why the girl does not need to dress so and linger in the company, told how they were with friends in youth raped the girl of fourteen years (younger than me!) I have always been an ordinary dad! Which for walking I bought ice cream! I locked in the bathroom and sobbed, and he only muttered behind the door, that it was a long time ...


A secondary sister of Pope at the age of 50 found out that she was confused in the hospital with a girl from another family. Because that was found a genetic disease, which was no longer any of the loved ones.


Papine Mom hinted before his death, and Mom confirmed that his father was born at all from her husband's grandmother, because he was not like him - high, skinny, light. It turned out - a neighbor Latvian. The similar story was also my brother, who is not at all from his father and also half Latvian!


My grandfather in the heat of the quarrel killed his own sister, and the family issued everything for an accident. He was eleven, she was eight. I broke her head in my porridge a head, beat and beat, she did not die from the first blow, and at the end there was no longer anything. It's hard for me to communicate with him. He was always irritable in life in general, but the character himself did not confuse me ...


I learned only in 15 years that grandfather, father's father, during the war (he fought in the Soviet army) came to the environment, and when he went to his, so as not to get to the camp, changed the documents with the dead like a boy (those parts In the environment were not). It turns out, we are all, his grandchildren, we carry someone else's surname. And it was supposed to be completely different. But I would not change.


In 10 years she accidentally heard (Mom told in the next room, thinking that I was sleeping), the story, as she was strongly pregnant (8 months), changed his mind and giving a bribe to the doctor made artificial childbirth. The child was born alive and dying crying in her bag.

Years later, heard from aunt that this particularly wanted to do with me, also on the 8th month of pregnancy. Aunt dissuaded by saying that he would like. And I thought all my childhood why my mom is not my favorite aunt.


I did not recognize, but compared. Mom has always been in the position of "I am the most honest rules." Type "was married, her husband drank - divorced, left, met your father, got married, you appeared." Only was my older brother who deceased before birth, and he had a mummia, not a surname of her husband.

Well, about thirteen years, I realized that it was so - divorced, gave birth to a child from some other person out of marriage, the child died, she left, met my father, got pregnant and married on the ninth month only (wedding date on April 15, I was born on May 2). And then the father insisted in the end.

And then the whole tower in the spirit "The children are born in marriage of two loving people, and the extramarital children are only unhappy or frivolous people," collapsed in my head.


Mother and father divorced at all because they did not compare the characters. It turned out that the young and bitch grandmother first gave mother to marry her lover, and when they still divorced the battle, the grandmother decided to try his happiness and seduce the second husband had already chosen by his mother. But he got a turn and stupidly survived him. And judging by the peculiar sexual behavior of the third husband, he was also a grandmother's lover.


My older fucking before the war still graduated from a medical school, and there he got the best for her life with a girlfriend. Suppose the name was yana. Tuunka walked early married and did not work in the specialty, and Yana went to learn further - to the doctor. And in 1941, having mischief, went to the front - to work in a field hospital. There was married - for a colleague. Suppose he was called Boris. And in 1944 it was hardly injured. In the stomach. I saw that there was left of the abdomen - it's strange that she survived at all, one solid terrible scar - Messa. Collected her husband. Collected, but the birth of own children was excluded. In 1945, they adopted a semi-annual sirotom boy (Jews - German, for a minute). And returned home with a child.

Nobody told anything - "in the topic" there were two people: my father and sister Boris. Well, of course, colleagues are all as a selection of Muscovites who have witnessed this story "from and to". Even parents did not know: Boris with Yana decided that "many knowledge is a lot of sadness."

But just in case, we left Moscow to another city - so as not to cross with the former colleagues. The boy was grew by his own son, and it was decided to say anything to him.

Years passed, Yana became a surgeon, head. Department in the city hospital. The husband, who remained a military physician, became a general. The son, named after the Father, became a doctor, and he was externally very similar to both parents. There was no doubt for 50 years - native, and grandchildren - a copy of his grandfather and grandmother!

And then Yana died. And almost immediately for her - Boris. And the sister of Boris, not at all so lucky, the first thing was said to Boris Jr., that he was not her parents to his parents. And it should give everything left from parents to her - the legitimate heiress of his brother. And quite convincingly explained to him why he could not be the son of his mother. The man had shock.


The great-grandmother was quite young when her first husband practically kidnapped. She still studied in the gymnasium. He invited her expensive teachers, he taught a good manner ...

But when the daughter was born, and the great-grandmother had grown up, she escaped to another person, working high qualifications. With daughter together.


When my grandmother was a young girl and worked as a saleswoman in a rural store, the store director ordered her to go to take goods through the forest. The locked store robbed, grandmother gave a real time, and she was already pregnant and gave birth to her first daughter right on the zone.

The second episode occurred when she with two daughters 16 and 5 years lived in Kuban. One of her familiar 35-year-old buddy came to her home when there were only girls. He raped senior. She did not resist especially, because he was afraid that then he would take for the younger.

When their mother returned, he tried to make her buddy marry a raped girl. He refused, did not declare the police.

TEE it very spoiled life and self-esteem. As a result, she went out for the first Uhager's first awesome hours after the acquaintance, which was a drunkard (like his whole family) and all his life joined his wife malfunction.


Mother's cousin, Alkash. By drunk with drinking companions killed a local bliss and fried it on a fire. And devoured. Sits for cannibalism. I have some kind of primitive horror from this story, I saw him in childhood, and spoke with him. Sergey his name is. Normal like ...


Since childhood, he knew that my great-grandfather hanged himself when the grandmother was small, but he was not particularly deepened in this topic. They said, they say, you want to ask the great-grandmother, as they met, she loves to talk about it, only about his death do not ask, she doesn't like to talk about it. He knew only that after his death, his relatives from Poland wanted to support contact with the great-grandmother, writing letters wrote, but for some reason she did not want. We all all the time complained that the great-grandmother broke to our relatives abroad.

Already after the death of the great-grandmother, her grandmother said that a man died at work at work. After that he hanged himself. However, the great-grandmother refused to communicate with his relatives, fearing that she would blame her, why - it is not known. On the day of his death, as it turned out, he took with him another little my grandmother, but the great-grandmother asked where you were, they say, she led her. As a result, he went alone, as it turned out after, to hang.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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