Do you think contraception works? Think again


Any method of contraception has two types of efficiency - perfect and real. Usually, appreciating the effectiveness of the method, they speak of perfect reliability. In practice, this means that a certain percentage of reliability is guaranteed only if everything goes, as in the textbook - you do not forget to take a tablet, the condom does not slip and does not break, the plaster does not fall apart.

But the cruel reality constantly sends us a force majeure. And if you live in the Etor world, and not in a fabulous parallel reality, it is not necessary to navigate the ideal, but on the real reliability of protection methods - and this is already a completely different digit.

Determining the effectiveness of the method of contraception, the percentage of women applied during the year and after all the pregnant were calculated. That is, if from hundreds of women began to buy booties and cape only one - it means the efficiency of the method is 99%.

Immediately, the 100%-value of the prevention method does not exist. No, it's all here. The complete abstinence into account does not take - although it is not a guarantee: I remember, there was one case about 2 thousand years ago. The remaining methods and worse.

Lack of contraception

As the use of contraception does not guarantee the absence of pregnancy, and the complete carelessness does not guarantee two strips on the test. On average of 100 women who are not protected, only 85 will be prevented per year, so the effectiveness of this prevention method is 15%. If this is enough for you, do not read further - go better choose the stroller.

Calendar method

Ideal efficiency - 95%

Real Efficiency - 76%

It is assumed that there are safe days when the egg sits in the follicle and there is nothing to fertilize, and dangerous when it goes to his long path from the ovary to the will. On average, dangerous days continue from 8 to 19 days of the cycle, and everything else can be sinned out. But the method will work only if the cycle is accurate as "Rolex", and never gives failures, and you have a doctoral in mathematics. Yes, and that is not a fact.

So if you are generally for all the natural and natural, it is better to wear the canvas and eat a shell, but we have some more reliable method of contraception.


Ideal efficiency - 94%

Real Efficiency - 88%

The diaphragm is a small elastic hemisphere, which is put on the cervix a few hours before the night of love. Everything, the border on the castle, no one will pass. It takes out this thing 6-8 hours after sex. For longer than 30 hours in a row, it is not recommended to wear it. In theory, it sounds good, in practice, everything is not so good. The size of the diaphragm picks up a gynecologist, but if you drop a few kilograms, it can become great to you. There is a risk of incorrectly installing it or damage when installing or removing. If you add spermicide to the diaphragm, the reliability of the method will increase - as well as the risk of irritation and allergies.

Interrupted sexual act

Ideal efficiency - 75%

Real Efficiency - 15%

According to the degree of risk, we compare with the Russian Roulette. Will not shoot? And if it fits, then where? In fact, this is not so important - some brave spermatozoa fall into the vagina even before ejaculation, others can linger after the previous shot on the dick itself and to be in you during the second docking. Practice shows that not everyone can stop on time. And since the spermatozoa still fell, where it is necessary, the real reliability of this method can be equated to the absence of contraception.


Ideal efficiency - 98%

Real Efficiency - 82%

Great thing, cheap and affordable, well-protecting against infections, but not the most reliable. As they are neither by electronics, but they still rush and slide (especially if they are not suitable). They are quite simple to damage the sharp nails, it's even easier - to wear wrong or inadvertently (we remind: if no one strives to become a parent, no contact of the member and vagina without a condom should not be).

Combined and Progestin Contraceptives (Tablets, Plockers and Vaginal Rings)

Ideal efficiency - 99.7%

Real effectiveness - 91%

What is the trick of such funds? They act immediately in several fronts - do not give an egg to break out to the will of the follicle, do not allow it (if it comes out) to climb to the endometry of the uterus and thicken the mucus around the cervix, making it unsuitable for the progress of spermatozoa, in addition, such tools reduce the abundance of menstruation It is almost half and adjust the cycle. Yes, you just superennia!

However, all these bonuses will go to you only if the contraceptives picked up a conscientious doctor who forced you to pass the hill of the tests, you take pills, I don't miss any one, the ring does not slide, and the plaster keeps like a nailed.

Injection contraceptives

Ideal efficiency - 99.8%

Real Efficiency - 94%

They do the same thing as Kok, but you do not need to take anything daily and control. One injection in a soft place or in hand - and three months free and careless. But there are also subtleties - for example, if you contribute to the next injection for two weeks or more, first a week after the injection is better to care. The same rule works at the first injection after childbirth or if it was done later than 7 days of the cycle. In short, all the surprises associated with this method are the result of inability to count to 7.

Intrauterine device

Ideal efficiency - 99,4

Real effectiveness - 99.2

Yes, it is not particularly pleasant to install and little pleasure to remove. Yes, without a doctor can not do. Yes, periods can become rich and painful (not necessarily, however). Yes, the risk of developing infections at first will be slightly higher than usual. And the risk of the injury of the uterus wall too. And the spiral can move. But this is one of the most reliable and long-term (from 3 years!) Reversible ways of contraception. Even if you are the most irresponsible person on the planet.

Contraceptive implant

Ideal efficiency - 99.95

Real Efficiency - 99.95

Welcome to the future. The implant is such a small flexible wand of about 4 cm long and a diameter of 2 mm. Looks like a rod chip for ballpoint handles, only much thinner. Its with the help of a special needle and under local anesthesia will push under the skin (usually - in the shoulder) and leave there for 3 years. Implants contain etonegestrel and work in the same way as oral contraceptives. And, like them, it is less effective in the first week after installation, so for this period it is worth choosing additional ways of contraception. If everything was done, the effectiveness of implants would be 100%. But no.

Sterilization (male and female)

Ideal efficiency - 99.5%

Real Efficiency - 99.5%

Sterilization is the road one way. The surgeon under general anesthesia bandages the uterine pipes or seed-eyed ducts. I woke up, but everything, everything, until the end of my days, you can not worry about contraception. However, if it can become pregnant with Eco. No other way. Therefore, in Russia, sterilization is carried out only to those who lived up to 35 years old or norodial two children - well, or by medical clubs. The method is almost one hundred percent, but we will put 0.5% on the fact that the surgeon caught cruise or something has grown out there as it was assumed - well, or for extoreporal fertilization.

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