Typology of the inhabitants of the parent meeting


For September, two terrifying revelations are characteristic: a) Suddenly, summer ends without a declaration of war; b) You have to go to the parent meetings. And the second item is much worse than the first - summer will return through some nine months, and with these people you have to live ten years in a row. Let's remember their name:

Mom ordinary

This type includes, approximately fifty percent of parents. As a rule, Mom, the usual behaves at the parent meeting, as hostage in captivity of very drunk gangsters: It tries not to remove, hide your horror and escape, as soon as these dangerous idiots will take it to shoot each other.

Mom Easteroid

Mama Isheroid is a very excitable mother. It is critical to experience strong emotion at the parent meeting, and it does not matter - a positive or vice versa. "Hurray, we will repair a class, children will breathe fresh air in the frame of beautiful wallpaper, I love you all!" Or "You are crazy, the third renovation for the month, we are changing money, I hate you all!".


She arrived at the parent meeting on a car, worth a hundred, approximately, thousands of killed raccots, in a fur coat from the killed raccoon (very rare) and with the expression of the dead raccoon on the face. Skillfully tinted eyebrows disintegrate in a case: "Where did I get?" Mama-snob does not understand how her flower will be friends with children of these terribly dressed people. Therefore, Mama Snob gives a lot of money for a gift to a teacher, immediately starting to despise her, and quickly leaves, forgetting, of course, turn on the turn signal.

Mom Dwachnik

She sits on the last desk, and no one wants to be friends with her. Any other mother, looking at her, is experiencing a sharp mental lift and greatly improves its own self-esteem.

Mom Excellent

She is wonderful. It can always be contacted for any help regarding the schedule, tactical and technical characteristics of teachers, school development, class development, planned and festive events. She always Mila, always friendly and always glad to give detailed advice. But it, of course, they still hate.

Mother Member of the Parent Committee

In the past life was a bull terrier. She will not deliver the jaw until you surrender money on the flowers, on the table, on a chair, on a rag and to help the starving children of Somalia. Mother member of the Parent Committee is afraid even Mama-Snob - she makes a thick wallet with a plaintive purse in rumbling crops and hides the face in new fox.

Mama-in Kamork, what the actual hall

This mom is still a schoolgirl. At least she feels like that. The parent meeting came only because grandparents, mother, dad, husband, older sister and neighbor became ill at the same time. I had to go. For the parent meeting, she plant pumpkins in a fun farm, and the rest of moms are concerned about - they say, who is it at all?

Mama Madonna

She comes to a meeting with a baby. Or pregnant. And she has now right now the second parent meeting is in the class of her graduate. Mama Madonna all strongly sympathize, but why did she still not pass money on a tour of the planetarium? Let him give like everyone else!

Mama Nazing Staff, Jast Business

She listens very carefully to the meeting. Especially when experts on behavior are transferred to the grand planners beginning with words: "And let's buy children ...". And then she goes to the forefront with joyful: "Same T-shirts with a class logo? Oh, I know where to order them! No, quite inexpensive! ".


A rare bird that arrives to school to the middle of the parent meeting. Lobo looks around, trying to understand, he went to that class. All moms, regardless of the species category, are happily turning and no less joyfully silent, not trying to help. Everyone is wondering how it will turn out. Dad in despair rushes through the eyes of moms and, if you see a cute, then goes away and sit down. Even if not the class - FIG with it.

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