Mary Ellen Wilson - a girl with whom the protection of children began


We argue about bad parents. About those with whom to live worse than in an orphanage. Surprisingly, the ability to legally save the child, if his close was monsters, appeared thanks to human pity ... to animals! And how it happened, will tell you now.

Mary Ellen Wilson was born in 1864 in New York. Her poor parents lived in the most terrible and poor area of ​​the city, the so-called hellish cuisine. Father soon died in war. The widow could not earn money on the content of the girl, so she, in the end, got into the shelter, and then in the family of Francis and Mary Connel.

The neighbors of the Connel family noticed that something bad was going on behind the wall. The cries of the girls, the sounds of the beatings were heard, the child always went to the cliffs. Finally, one of them complained to the lady named Etta Angel Willer.

Ette was a passionate and non-empty man, she had passed the streets of hellish cuisine, helping the disadvantaged on behalf of the Methodist Church. Under the pretext of the help of a sick neighbor, Etta met the adoptive mother Mary Ellen. That's what she wrote in his memoirs about this meeting:

"I saw a pale, thin girl, barefoot, in a thin, pathetic dress, that was trying, that I saw, under it only one shirt. December stood, the frost leaned the skin ... There was a whip from the intertwined skin strips, and traces of their repeated use were noticeable on skinny children and legs. "

Mary Ellen Wilson.

Etta Willer began to look for ways to help the girl. She appealed to the church, charitable societies, the police, but everyone answered the same thing: the law does not allow the child to take the child from his parents, relatives or receptions.

Finally, the niece suggested Ettay to turn to the kind rich, Henry Berg. Henry Berg in 1863 visited President Lincoln in St. Petersburg, in the American Embassy. In Russia, he, a person far from the prose of life, first saw how cruelly peasants handle horses. The spectacle struck him so much that he threw a diplomatic post.

Little he was the problems of our animals, so in Spain, Berg was shown Borda. In general, returning home, Henry immediately founded the American Society for the prevention of animal cruelty (second in the world, the first was created in England).

Etta tried to collect testimony from the neighbors of Connel. The story of the girl and the truth was Perekala Berg. She reminded him of their scored and drunk horses who saved his society. Therefore, he hired the famous and also a non-heedled lawyer, Thomas Garry, who was able to achieve the Supreme Court of New York to punish Mary's Guard, and the girl ordered to withdraw from the family.

That's what Ten-year-old Mary told in court:

"She beat me whip. Knut always left black and blue traces on my body. I have black and blue heads on the head, which caused me a mother, and cut on the left side of the forehead, which is applied by scissors ... "

The New York Times wrote about the process:

"The baby is very smart, her features are talking about the mind, but her gaze is a frantic, clamped and prematurely matured child. Its current state of health, like its meager wardrobe, clearly show that the change in its position is not able to turn her life for the worst. "

As a result, in 1874, Mrs. Connelli sentenced to a prison year. Further Fate Mary has developed happily. Etta Viller has achieved that the daughter returned his mother's mother, and when the woman died, took the girl to himself. At the age of 24, Mary married a widow with three children and gave birth to two girls, and the older named Etta. She overturned one more girl, as if wishing to continue the good deed of his Savior.

Severe childhood could not undermine her health: Mary Ellen lived a lot of 92 years and died in 1956. Her native daughters became teachers, and an adopted girl - a businessman. They remembered Mary silent, kind and not too strict woman.

And Berg and Garry immediately after the trial, other witnesses bullying children were poured. So in 1874, the patrons founded the New York Society for the prevention of cruelty against children. It is considered the first institution in the world to protect children.

The idea was picked up by compassionate people in other states, then the states were also attached, and today, it seems, nowhere in the civilized world do not believe that he is hunger to beat and starve children, and the cold is the blood right of the family.

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