10 most ridiculous epic failing zood


Salvation of nature is a noble thing. But sometimes it leaves sideways. Sometimes nature, sometimes saviors, sometimes completely unauthorized people.


Let's start with the Fale of the offensive, however, harmless. In 2014, a group of activists from Direct Action Everywhere led by a charming girl named Kelly Atlas bypassed several fashionable california restaurants. When entering the institution, Kelly told a tragic story with some kind of snow. Snow was doomed to death, like her sisters, but Kelly managed to save the poor man. Visitors to restaurants listened to Kelly surprised, which with tears in his eyes told how they thought about some girl. But the story ended like this: "Sisters Snow you have on plates! Do not eat meat and eggs! This is violence! Remember Snow! " It was what you understand about the chicken. The idea of ​​the performance was not bad, but gave a completely opposite effect. People began to laugh and continued to have what they ordered.

Save Keiko

Katiko Katsoyca Caiko caught in 1979 near the shores of Iceland and sent to the local aquarium. After three years, China was sold to Canadians. In 1993, the film "Free Willy", in which Keiko played a major role. The public penetrated Kosykaya with warm feelings and began to demand her liberation, which began to collect money. After disputes, treatment, transportation and training in conditions approximate to natural, Caiko in 2002. Finally, they released swimming in native fjords. The poor fellow could not adapt to the will after 20 with more than a person's work per person, and in 2003 he died of pneumonia.


In 2014, the front of the liberation of animals decided to save the foxes with a small fur farm in Iowa. A total of 30 animals contained on the farm. The wrestlers were gently acted into the farm, the cells opened and ... nothing happened. Only two foxes decided to escape, and even then they were later found and returned back. The rest preferred not to risk, and did not come out of the cells. The fox born in captivity domesticated and simply did not want to go into this dubious wildlife. Activists were condemned for illegal entry into private territory.

External mice

In 2013, Fermare Green Hill is attacked by the University of Milan. Animal defenders decided to save experimental rabbits and mice. They opened some of the cells, and on others they changed plates on the places so that scientists could not figure out where which party is a beast. In total, the laboratory contained about 800 specially derived individuals. It would not be possible to survive on the wheels - in such animals is reduced immunity. In the morning, scientists almost cried in a crushed room: the fruits of three years of work disappeared. The experiments that were put on animals were associated with the study of mental and nervous diseases, including schizophrenia and autism.

Doomed dogs

The organization of Peta is known for its aggressive advertising campaigns calling for meat, fur and the like. It is less known that the homeless and stray animals, which PET activists are selected, are not contained in shelters for longer than 24 hours. They are sleeping. In total, as expected, the organization whipped about 31 thousand animal companions. Periodically, home dogs or cats and cats are in the network, which the owners have been released on the street without identification signs, and the next scandal flares up. In general, Russian Doghanthers could envy the effectiveness of American zoo protection in the purification of streets from stray animals.

Bears Childfrey

In 2009, in the French Pyrenees, there was a lot of lack of bears. It was decided to transport new Medveditz to the mountains, and the three things needed for this business were found in Slovenia. However, the case of continuing the kind took only one misstitution. The second fell immediately from the cliff and crashed. It turned out worse with the third. The 17-year-old Majer is already due to the age of age did not have a special interest in the reproduction process. But she hunted perfectly on sheep. Farmers argued that in just a year she destroyed one and a half hundred animals. The peasants arranged a rally under the windows of the local administration, threw the corpses of torn sheep on the road, but they were not listened to them. Then they began to hunt the bear themselves. They fused the forest with guns and rockets, put on the forest paths honey, mixed with a broken glass ... The Medvedian went on the roadway and inadvertently fell under the car.

Breakless heritage

On the eve of the UN Summit, Greenpeace activists in Peru decided to make a wide gesture - to write a giant message to the participants: "Time of change: the future is renewable." Alas, they posted it on the territory of the casual inscriptions of Naska, a protected historical monument, where and in socks on tiptoeing it was impossible to walk. And a tent of the activists protrotal in the sands a marked track. The President of the country is still in rabies and refuses to apologize to the Greenpeace leadership.

Scary minks

In 1998, the British advocates of animal rights issued 6500 miles to freedom in the English suburb. Cute little animals arranged a real massacre in the vicinity. They began to hunt cats, even the dogs were frightened, ran around the local drinks in the bar, climbed into the house and attacked the hamsters and guinea pigs and dismissed several valuable and rare birds in the nearest reserve. Local residents pushed mink by cars and shot from guns, sending curses of kinds. The scandal was such that no one even decided to take responsibility for this face off. The example did not go to the future. Later, such shares were conducted in Finland, the United States and Russia - everything with the same wonderful result.

Battle with clowns

Most recently, in San Bernardino (California), kinds tried to save animals from the circus-shapito: camels, horses and llamas. Initially, a peaceful picket was planned, calling for exemption of animals from the circus and in general to humane animal handling. Who first started the fight, is already unknown, the parties will be all over each other. Cincachi say that they were trying to overlook the megaphone, activists - that they were pushed and sulfate. In general, the idea turned out to be interesting: hundreds of viewers poured out to see what was happening. As a result, two activists were arrested, and two Circus workers went for greenflaws and bandages. The fate of Lam and camels is unknown.

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