Worst ways to raise yourself mood (in gifs)


We went here on the Internet on the Internet, how to cure Handra. And found. No tips and enemies do not need. We tell why.

Listen to classic

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Yeah, Wagner. Or there Rakhmaninova. Works, as we write the wiki, saturated with complex symbolism and motifs of medieval chorals, designed to cause a premonition of the catastrophe, the end of the world and divine retaliation at the listener. Here you had a banal bad mood, and there will be a professionally induced universal sorrow. Congratulations.

Join contact with nature

Not in the sense of giving a hamster to contact your finger, but in the sense - go on fresh air, madam! In the garden, in Square, in the forest park. See what, in the spring, I didn't know from the snow from under the snow. Listen as birds sing: "kill, reptile, if you climb to my babe" (so, approximately, spring birds are translated). Look at how the bloody sunset dies above the dark lake. In general, as Nekrasov wrote: "Easy to you, maiden, the forest of century! From each tree to rush down his head. " (Tip "Read the Classic" We are therefore immediately thrown out how much funny).

See comedia

Everything is simple here. If you have a strength and a good mood, you look comedy. If not - then you just don't force yourself to include something cheerful and stupid, better put "Constantine" or "Dancing in the dark" to make sure. Well, if you do not have a way out, for example, you fly in the plane or your friends dragged into a cinema, then you will suddenly open the true meaning of the film. And you will break out in the social network extremely convincing post on why, in fact, "Bridget Jones Diary" is a story about the victim of violence, which has already died, but still does not know. Let the world boil with you.

Dressed beautiful

Stand on the heels, stretch stockings, choose the best dress, make styling, makeup, manicure ... and lie like this beautiful, slim, pale (tears, stand, tears!) On the bed, remove, no one completely in the whole light. Everything, here you can cry.

Take care of creativity

Painting or poems. Very well obtained at such moments of drawings with black inlet or black gel handle. Picture "Death on the threshold." Piercing poems on the imperfection of the world are also good. If you have a sense of humor, then you write with a mat, if not, then with blood-love. Or another story can be written, about one person who was in the monster's soul, so he threw his beloved, and he also sore the last pies from the refrigerator, and when he walked home such a happy and ate the very last pie, then there was a poison (She planned to commit suicide) - and he died in terrible torment! A ha ha ha !!!

Count yourself with happy people

These vile positive ugly. Here are these who are forever sitting on the knees and she keeps him with the whole palm for an index finger? Who tell bearded jokes? Who are a thousand photographs from vacation in Tenerife? And kitty home funny? And at work such funny jokes in the corporate chat? And let's all here, I have just poisoned pies in the refrigerator remained.

Remember joyful moments

I had one joyful moment here, when I thought in the evening that not all the ice cream cranberries ended in the freezer, and if mixed with sugar, it would be nothing. And then looked - and there is only a package of a grated carrot, and she still crumbled, and on top of the ice, and now the refrigerator is not closed, and the puddle on the floor, and the mops broke the handle, and I hit the corner of the table, Lord, Well I'm so bad?

Do some sports


They say endorphine from him. And they can be engaged right at home! Here are straight to lie down in this dust, in this Tlen, and raise these terrible legs to reduce this press, that is, someone calls it a press, but I call it that you need to cover it from a human gaze, and on the right there is a sofa And from under the sofa, the abyss looks at you.

Children's child

We just leave it here. We will not talk about this advice, good?

Do not stop smile!

Also, like sports, council with scientific background. Say, the body affects the mind, he honors that you give Lybu and really make you imagine. But who will make you stretch the corners of the mouth and so especially sue the eyelids so that wrinkles are in the corners, like with a sincere smile, then this science has not yet found out.

Look at the world positive!

I call it a "crutch rule." Let's say you for the birthday of the birthday of a teddy fakir from the underground transition. When he is pressing on his leg, plush cobra jumps out of the box in front of him, and swinging, sings the maniac's voice "in the field there was a birch." Sad? Of course not. After all, you could give crutches !!!

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