15 of the most relevant rules of modern communication from a professional psychologist


The psychologist Julia Rubleva brought fifteen communication rules, following which will help very help in the modern world.



If you intelligently despise "all these messengers" such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, taking advantage of the oldest sample, calls and elegant competent letters in the mail, please think about what everyone communicate with each other instantly and free, and only Do you force your acquaintances to pay for contact with you - whether the time, whether, whether the alarm.

# 2.

If you have anyone to anyone - write your phone number like this: 910 567 89 12, then this person is forced, fucking, copy this number, put it in the phone book, put 8 or +7 in front of him, and only then you Pick up. All this time, he curses you finely. If you write your number +7 910 567 89 12, then from any smartphone, it will be enough to push the finger to this number to call. At this time, the fingerholder feels fine, but the tide of heat and gratitude to you for facilitating his life. Send a single line to send a bank card number so that it can be copied immediately for a mobile bank.

# 3.

If you are the owner of the client business and on your site it is impossible to just take and call you by clicking on the room, and the number you are not a reference to the site, but the picture, the majority of your customers will go to another business, where you can call simple clicking.



If you are a tutor, a psychologist, an online store owner, a weddedding organizer and other customer-dependent customer's flow, and at the same time we are going to sell "yourself, then in most cases it looks like this: there is no service, but there is no access to the service. If you propose to write you only in the mail, then you will not write those who painfully wait for the answer and who does not know what to write. If, on the contrary, only the phone and no mail, they will not write introverts for which it is cozy to write a short letter and not call. In any case, they will not write shy, disturbing and impatient.

Many of my customers said that they wanted to someone else, but came to me only because the other was not so available as I, on all communication channels, or did not answer them for missed a call or a letter, and they sent They were afraid to insist. Look at your inaccessibility through the eyes of the client. You are not a modest professional for him, in advertising is not in need, but inaccessible, too ever-employed and supervised pros, which, probably, will not even fall down to him, since he is cool and in demand. That's how your unavailability is phonite, and not my mother's "we are not tracked at all."

By the way, do you watch filtered messages in PM Facebook? There are not only Turkish-Pakistani Mahmuda with mobias, and a dozen three good people, including customers. And your silence is most likely as painful ignoring.


If you are only available through the "Girl-Manager", then I have a story, as I almost a year I can not get to the good needed person, although he spun in his comments several times "I didn't answer the letters" and wrote He is in a personal, receiving "all the entry through Lusy Pupkin". And only once he received a stricker letter from his manager "Lucy" in style - well, what publicly shout so much, you wrote you wrong from that address, or not there - I did not understand, but check the ability of your manager to "grasp customer. " Proposals to decide the question that was not understandable to me in the letter was not there, and there was a proposal again to write something on the established pattern. I was attempting to leave and decided that I would do. And I am a stable client, bringing income, and it is interesting to work with me in this area (philology) and so in sight and is available for communication that we assign consultation to me - to spit.

# 6.

If you answer anything to SMS or the letters of the organizational order, instead of briefly replied in style: Ok, I will not come, I'm glad, everything got everything, everything is clear, - then you forced the organizers to guess, did you get What they wrote to you and somewhere in the depths of the soul to you will treat you with greater caution than those who are immune, predict and understand, and gives a short feedback

# 7.


If a person writes in social networks: I so love white bells / Petersburg / my friends / Sitz dresses, then you need to be quite stupid to come, fuck it all and in response to pinks under the ass surprised to ask "And what did you expect, you same publicly write here, so get any shit from me. " Once I came to some kind of fitness club for some kind of food additive. Uncle, the seller additives and coach. I say, my friends advised me to buy Flopoten (invented). "What do your friends understand there, they are in this idiots, they don't understand this at all, listen to me, buy better Makophin (invented)," said Uncle and I sincerely asked him - uncle, I love my friends for a long time, and I love I see you for the first time. What fright do you scold them? I don't care what they know that there is no, I love them. Do you want me to suddenly sobbed and loved you? Or what did you believe that they idiots?

And left. And it could buy both, if he just said - "Your friends have advised you great. Flapoten is excellent. But there is still macophin, new, try. " But Uncle was stupid.

If you scold that a person is expensive, then you really should be quite stupid to expect any other reaction, except for indignation.


Write your name in the message when you write in a wagon or telegram. At the time of arrival, your name is seen, but a second later - no. Only the phone number is visible. If you do not sign, then you assume that the recipient of the message is sitting, do not bring eye from the phone? No, it can not be that you assumed it. Most likely, you didn't think about it.


If you are very comfortable comfortable if you have a comfortable bed and a chair and a desk, if you are planning a special time for food, if you do not tolerate a long time when you want to the toilet if you have a pleasant sound background and you are pouring, then these are those Comfort points that provide performance. If at least one point is something violated, then you will avoid situations in which it is manifested. If you are unpleasant to sleep in your bed (or you have a terrible sofa, which still meets), you will delay sleep time. If you have an uncomfortable chair at work, you will try to leave all the time. If around yells, screamed, flour, throw or swear, you will be cleaned with the mood at one thought that it is necessary to go there (the psyche reads any high noise level as a security threat). If you are too hot or too cold, if you are hungry or smoke, then you will postpone any process that requires concentration. Respect the body, body and basic needs. Sometimes our favorite procrastination grows from here.



If you leave for tea to waiters in rubles, do not leave the iron trifle. If you have not seen the word "in rubles", read again, please.


If you fell into a difficult situation of uncertainty, powerlessness and lack of money, do what you are available. I was always removed at these moments and transplanted flowers. Dying from panic and anxiety with clean floor and fresh smell more pleasant than with dirty. At the same time, through the motor activity, the voltage will work out.


If you had a service that could not be rendered, made a favor, send flowers to a person (if available). This is incredibly nice.



Do not write people to work at the weekend. You know how to relax and what are all tired. And if you write, add that you do not wait for the answer before Monday. If you are the boss and write a subordinate always on Saturday or Sunday morning, although under the contract he has a weekend, then one day your moronic SMS in the morning on Saturday "Galya, urgently need to remake the contract, can you come to remake today?" Caught him sitting on my training "How to put the borders of the stupid boss." In this training, Guli will be taught to merge firmly and without conflict, and then she will quit at all. Because it is not about the contract, but about your nerves, hysterics, bad management and inability to regulate the alarm, and all this you pour on Gali.


If the communication initiative comes from you (for example, you ask for a common acquaintance to present you to someone or ask if a person can meet with you) - the conditions dictate the one who wants, and not who wants. In my childhood, it was expressed by the proverb "Bread for a belly does not go." It is appropriate: ask where it is comfortable and when it is convenient, and adapt to it. Inappropriate: Assign the time and place convenient to you. I am that I am from different sides of this barricade. And when someone breaks through to you through 33 kackers, and you dome down for him, and then you have to go to him, in him a convenient time, then it looks like this. "Hello, Julia. I am Vasya Pupkin. I really need to communicate with you. It is convenient for me on Thursday at 11 am, could you drive up into a sports bar in Cheryomushki? " Well, what is born inside, what do you think? Yes, you would not go, Vasya. And the feeling is born that you need to serve.


In 2017, we should not talk about what you in the theater and cinema forgot to disable the phone. Speech should go about what you can forget to include the sound. If all are busy with the same, concentrately watch a movie or a performance, work in a group, dine together and chatting, then the owners of the everlasting, caller, vibrating phones are disliked at these moments. With all respects to them. Ringtone has already anachronism except when you can not miss the call. If your life consists entirely of moments when you can not miss the call, then you must have a world-class surgeon.

Source: Blog Julia Rubleva

Illustrations: shutterstock

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