What is this generation suitable for? We were not so


Why is this not what divecha? Parents always know the correct answer!

And you will be explained.

2017 year:

Nowadays, children are rough, do not like to walk and play, nothing is interesting for them, because they have a tablet and social networks. In the tablet, cartoons and games, and in social networks - memes and pedophiles, so stick to all day. No, in order to talk with friends, so they are in the park with comrades - with a smartphone in her hand, in the cafe will go - selfie make together! Previously, this was not, just attack with this generation. It seems we lost it.


Nowadays, children beat off, they don't need anything from life, everyone is ready to give, and speak in some kind of inhuman language: "Nya! Kawai! Desu! " All because they have forums, anime and subculture. I will smear your eyes by eyeliner and nyaky the forums over your Chinese porn trenches. No, in order to get out of friends somewhere, except for these idiotic forum gatherings in the parks and anime parties on the cafes! With conscience it is not clear, and they have no mind. Just generation-end. It seems we lost it.


Today, children - tear and emissions, and what are not interested, nothing to do with them from life and hair end. And all because they have a look, rock bands and hair polish. We will arrange on the head of the dickery and let's be a rock and hoarse. No, in order to take a walk with comrades, in the sense, not with a radio tape recorder on the shoulder, and there are still crowds who are on the entrances who are in Hatam with the villa. Watch erotica and horror strokes, brains racing. There is no conscience, but it hurts smart. It is terrible to think that they are attended by the same dictates. Lost generation perfectly. Previously, this did not happen.


Children now went - they recognize our own, immediately disgrace. Lochmas boys to the ears grow, the girls pants hoped. On the mind some disco and hiking. We know why they go to these trips and what they do on disco! The girls then do not bring in the Pole only because the hem is not, the dress briefs does not close. Scramble under your plates and all brains jump out, and then directly without brains went to a guitar to brack at the tents. Previously, this was not, earlier you had a serious youth.


This is what, youth, is that, the Komsomol members? Girls lipstick will watch and ran with the boys in the cinema. At their age, we stood at the machine, and these to forty-five children will be, where to give birth to their children. So there is no, after the movie for two hours, Ahmadullin is read to each other, and it is won as, by the way, they dragged in Komsomolskaya Pravda, well, at least Nekrasov read and Mayakovsky. Nothing in life is not needed, everyone strives from home to throw out: meshness, they say. On the mind only Breeches, Julakhupes and Foreign Marks. Previously, this was not, before the Komsomol members were that it was necessary and after school did not run to the registry office, raised the country!


Children stand at the machine.


Children crazy everything, neither shame, nor conscience, run around the fields in shorts, tear parents, they themselves all the days are somewhere, they sing songs, they jump with parachutes. Do not understand what, the poems are reading such that the ears are bursting, the girls have rolled hair, in the pants ride or in skirts knees show, guys of fathers of life are taught. You can imagine what generation is growing, what it will go, what children do you think? Previously, this was not, before the youth behaved decently!


Young people beat off his hands. For all day, the novels are read in which they shoot, they are shooting, then neither Chort is unclear, one wait. Maiden is mastering the bike! Others in the harenar, like wild Muslims! Yunshas drench, read insane verses, chasing a car. And everything is crazy about the cinema, the halls are packed, and on the screens all the same rubbish, that in the books: they shoot, they shoot and roll their eyes all the time. No, it is not suitable for this generation, too life from them, can be seen, the deceased. The rest of him and thwarts, disappear and the trace will not leave. Previously, this was not ... Remember, what was the youth in patriotic, military 1812!

1812, Spring:

What are our girls dressed? This is not a dress, it is a sheet. What in the head of our young men? On my head, clear case, the hair is noticled. One thing on the mind of the youth: on the bala to dance yes Romanov read. Romanov are read and run into the pond to dry, here in their sheets, as it is, and run. And whoever is not treated, those without parental blessing to marry! Because the youth of the book and Mazurki corrupt. Nowadays, it happened, not every maiden and read something, but guys would have kept the guys to any respect and kept. And no patriotism, all of them are French any, all foreign file. What it will be born, such a generation - consider that both non-Russian. Disappearing, in one word. No, there was no such thing before.

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