7 ways to help the child survive rainy summer


Russia is the country is large, somewhere the sun is fried with might and, and somewhere summer as if it did not begin at all. Rain, shower and thunderstorms in the songs - the phenomenon is romantic, but in life they bring to the children of longing.

We invented several ways to brighten up our children rainy summer.


Teach him to cook Mulled wine

Of course, non-alcoholic. Drink is not only warming and spicy, but also interesting in appearance. Moreover, its preparation is a bit like a potion. You can play Hogwarts at the same time. Some children per month experiment with Mulled wine in the company of friends.

Buy Rubber Dream Boots

Such in which the puddle is more interesting to twice. And you can generally transparent! Then they will look like in a new way every time, it is worth changing socks.

Teaching to put ship

Surprisingly, most modern children do not know how, and after the thunderstorms there are amazingly stormy streams and deep puddles. We declare them by rivers and seas, and begin the game and pirates.

Read together "mumi-trolls"

And other books of Scandinavian authors. They are remarkably harmonized with cold weather in the summer. Tuva Jansson, Anna-Katarina Westley, Astrid Lindgren and Selma La Carlief not only that he was stern northern nature, also wrote very exciting. And read them in turns out loud in the evening, under a lamp of a lonely lamp - a separate pleasure.

Tell him to build a castle

From dirt and pebbles, it turns out no worse than from sand and sticks. Mud would grab! True, the child will be glad, but it can detect non-served talents to modeling, design and architecture.

Build a water mill!

The mechanism is not so complicated. And instead of the stream of the melted wheel blade should rotate rain. The main thing is good, because all the savage is that she really is Molla (or mixed) something inside. It is not necessary to fit the millstone, you can attach inside the usual coffee grinder, the main thing is that the rain makes it work. If there is no one with the family with a good design vendor, you can view bright funny turntables, like windy, only rain.

Put together experiments

If you sing, the voice sounds louder before the rain, during or after? A homemade umbrella from which fabric gets to get faster or not get intoxins at all? If you build houses on the shores, which will be during the rain, how much water will rise, as it affects the streets of the streets - in short, consider the problem of flooding on the scale of one hundred to one. And then you can also arrange tsunami.

Illustrations: shutterstock

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