Pass, please won the placenta plate


    Well, hello, adok and alternative medicine. Once we went to the voice of Tom Cruise, which, according to the tables, was one of the first representatives of the American showbiz, sighing the Cathie Holmes placenta. It was 2006, all smoked and forgotten. But it was not there.

    By 2017, we have a full-fledged concept - placentophagia and massive "plazidopoclonance", heated by the news that the Kardashyan itself does.

    Supporters of placentophagia without any evidence base argue that the use of it inward prevents postnatal depression, improves lactation, increases the content of iron in the blood, and, of course, strengthens the immune system. Opponents are armed with scientific news and common sense. Well, who in mind and memory will give a bunch of money, so that he was dried and touched this rubbish?

    First, no one speaks about sterilization and disinfection of the placenta before use and encapsulation. And in vain. HIV, herpes, syphilis and rubella and streptococcus group B (GBS), causing infections in newborns, is transmitted through it.

    Messages about the beneficial properties of the placenta are more like rumors and are greatly exaggerated. No scientific and medical evidence that the use of placenta has a beneficial effect on the state of women during postnatal depression simply does not exist. There is an old study of 1954, in which it is stated that the placenta enhances the lactation. Subsequently, this effect was challenged after an experiment with placebo. The patients were given a capsule with dried beef and their milk generation increased.

    The same with an anesthetic effect. Supporters of placentophagia argue that it gives an effect similar to the action of opiates. It's hard to imagine how much you need to eat placenta to anesthetize the patient with a strong painful syndrome.

    Source of iron? Mix, again, how much you need to choke to remove the anemia. Old good hematogen and it is more useful. And tastier.

    In the journal "Placenta" (o, gods, there is also such) for 2016, articles were published in which it was described that the placenta contains hormones and useful nutrients. Brr. As in any other human tissue. Another argument from the eating defenders of human placenta is the batteries of the film levels on Animal Planet and Discovery Channel. Yes, mammals of females donate the placenta after the birth of kids. But this is wildlife. And it is done to fill the actual lack of nutrition in wildlife conditions and that predators did not find a newborn baby trail.

    And if you blindly believe the presented evidence of "utility" and "nutritionality, then very close to cannibalism. So go through the streets and expanses of the Internet is more careful. Playpetophagi already among us.

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